After Zhen Zu and others stayed here for a few more days, the Demon Suppressing Monument was finally rebuilt. It can be said that at this time, the demons will never attack aggressively unless their brains are pumped.

After discussing with the ancestors and other god kings, it was decided that god-level forces would leave [-] soldiers here, giant-level forces would leave [-] soldiers here, and power-level forces would leave [-] soldiers here. The powerful forces left a hundred soldiers here.

This number is their deliberation.

Originally there were 80 soldiers stationed here, but after this battle, nearly 30 soldiers were lost in this battle.

In this way, there will be more than 120 million monks staying here.

This level of strength has at least doubled from before.

Furthermore, after this battle, all the clans value this place even more, and each clan will mobilize a lot of resources according to the level of the sect.

Zhao Yang saw that the dust had settled and decided to leave.

"Do you want to go back to Dan Pavilion?" Concubine Jin asked with some reluctance.

"No, I established a sect." Zhao Yang said frankly after thinking about it.

"You established a sect?" Concubine Jin said with bright eyes, "Can you take me to see it?"

"It's inconvenient." Concubine Jin didn't expect Zhao Yang to say such words.

"Why is it inconvenient?" Concubine Jin muttered.

She looked a little lost.

"I don't know how to explain it to you.

In short, it is not appropriate for you to go. " Zhao Yang said softly.

"Are you planning something?"


"Then what are you planning? Maybe I can help?" Jin Fei asked with a smile.

Zhao Yang was able to tell her this, and she felt that Zhao Yang still regarded her as one of his own.

"My opponent is not the demon race." Zhao Yang said after a while.

"Then who is your opponent?" Concubine Jin asked with a thought.

"I'm leaving." Zhao Yang said softly.

Concubine Jin's mood suddenly became low, "Then can I go to you in the future?"

"If it's convenient."

"Then we have a deal."

Zhao Yang then drove the battleship towards Yanhuangzong.

After driving tens of thousands of kilometers, Zhao Yang came to the bow of the ship.

He summoned a battleship.

This battleship is at the peak of the Life God Realm, since it was photographed by the energy multiplier mirror, Zhao Yang still doesn't know its limit?

After Zhao Yang boarded the battleship, he ordered the battleship to push forward with all its strength.


The battleship disappeared into the sky in an instant.

And after various parameters entered Zhao Yang's sea of ​​consciousness, Zhao Yang was shocked to find that the strength of this battleship had more than doubled than before.

"This battleship can already threaten the giants of the Son of God level." Zhao Yang murmured.

"Comprehensive data analysis

It can threaten ordinary gods. "The central control system said at this time, "Three ships can seriously injure or kill ordinary Shenzi. "

Zhao Yang is well aware of how difficult it is to further improve after reaching a giant.

But now the battleship has the ability to threaten the Son of God in his own hands.

"The energy multiplier is indeed something against the sky." Zhao Yang said with emotion.

After the test, the high-level warships of the living gods will be promoted to the peak of the living gods, that is to say, as long as Zhao Yang is given some time, the warships in his treasury will not have the level of the high-level living gods.

In addition, there are too many things that can be upgraded.

Whether it is a magic weapon or a battle armor, it can be upgraded.

However, after testing, the king-level ones cannot be used.

"It seems that the energy multiplier mirror is also limited." After some tests, Zhao Yang said with a sigh.

As a result, Zhao Yang didn't know why his words provoked that tear, and that tear sucked Zhao Yang's consciousness into it.

There is a universe in the tears, which turned into a huge vortex.

Zhao Yang's consciousness was sent out after he was sent to Xuandi.


Zhao Yang vomited violently, and his face became extremely pale.

"Hmph, I'm not good enough to blame the things I gave you." A delicate voice rang in his ears.

Zhao Yang felt that his eardrums were going to explode.

He rubbed his ears and said helplessly,

"Senior, you don't have any explanation, how do I know what the energy multiplier can do?"

"Your current cultivation base is in the Living God Realm, so the energy multiplier can only be used in the Living God Realm, you know?"

Hearing this, Zhao Yang's complexion suddenly changed.

Is the energy multiplier so against the sky?

"Senior, what realm are you in?"

no respond.

"Senior, where are you now?"

Still no response.

But at this time Zhao Yang was already very excited, even though he was being spun around.

Because he knew that the energy multiplier mirror was also useful for those in the God King Realm.

Yan Huangzong!

Zhao Yang established various strength-enhancing formations for tens of thousands of Yanhuangzong disciples.

These formations have disciples suitable for each period.

With Zhao Yang's attainments in formation, no one at the same level can establish the formation he established.

However, under the illumination of the energy multiplier of the array he established, the power can be further improved.

Therefore, the improvement speed of Yanhuangzong disciples is several times the normal speed.

A year has passed.

Two years have passed.

Three years have passed.

Fast forward ten years.

Tens of thousands of disciples of Yanhuangzong have been promoted to the middle stage of Death God Realm, but the senior officials of Yanhuangzong have all been promoted to the high level of Death God Realm.

The reason why they were able to ascend to this realm was because they used time fragments.


If so, how can you make the disciples of Yanhuangzong submit to you?

As for a large number of middle-level people, they are on the verge of breaking through.

Zhao Yang was very pleased to see this result.

"Who would have thought that it would take ten years to reach this point." Lin Caihan said with emotion.

Lin Caihan's cultivation is already at the early stage of the God Realm.

Of course she was able to reach this point, she spent a lot of time power.

After all, she has so much to learn.

God-emperor-level exercises, god-king-level exercises, and Qi Dao.

"The emergence of the demon clan ten years ago made all clans dare not act rashly, but I don't know how long this situation can last." Zhao Yang murmured while looking into the distance.

He always felt that the appearance of the demons was not accidental.

"Unless the middle level of Yanhuangzong reaches the level of giants, it is simply unrealistic for us to build warships on a large scale." Lin Caihan continued.

There are only four high-ranking Yanhuangzong practitioners practicing Qi Dao.

But there are hundreds of middle-level practitioners of Qi Dao.

"How many disciples of Yanhuangzong practice Qi Dao?"

"There are about [-] disciples of Qi Dao."

"Warships can only be built on a large scale after this group of disciples grow up. When the middle class grows up, it can only be said that those old warships can be repaired." Zhao Yang thought about it.

"That's true." Lin Caihan agreed, "I just don't know whether to give us this time."

(End of this chapter)

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