Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1699 Victory is in sight

The cultivator of the Mozu showed sorrow!

Because when Zhao Yang appeared, the ending was doomed.

One after another, the demon soldiers fell into a dream.

One hundred thousand!


Ten million!

At this time, Zhao Yang was running the Eternal Art of Immortality, so the power of the Great Dream Heart Sutra became stronger.

500 million!

800 million!

2000 million!

Following Zhao Yang is the elite of the 800 million alliance.

These elites easily killed the 2000 million demon soldiers.

The remaining demon soldiers fled desperately.

Can't escape.

Didn't you see Zhao Yang chasing after them?

Zhao Yang is indeed chasing after him.

At this time, more than two minutes had passed, and he wanted to put the soldiers of the Demon Race into a comatose state as much as possible at the last time.

Twenty one million!

2000 two million!

When the alliance army killed 300 million people, Zhao Yang said loudly, "Retreat."

The alliance army retreated in an orderly manner towards the rear.

The demon army watched from a distance, but none of them dared to act rashly.

After the army retreated to the defense line, they looked at Zhao Yang like gods, and they even shouted long live.

Several leaders of the alliance also expressed their gratitude to Zhao Yang.

"It's all for the alliance, just say thank you." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice, "I am also a member of the alliance, so naturally I have to contribute to the alliance."

The several great commanders immediately stood up in awe.

Fighting until now, the major god-king forces have dispatched many masters, but the Son of God has not gone deep into the battlefield like Zhao Yang.

"Repair the line of defense."

"Treat the wounded."

"Get ready for battle."

When the major commanders issued orders, the millions of soldiers on the second line of defense suddenly became busy.

Zhao Yang was not idle either, he came to the wounded area.

Some of these wounded had broken arms, some had broken legs, some even had no lower half, and some even cried out in pain from being infected by demonic energy.

He closed his eyes involuntarily, and the next moment his body exuded an earth-shattering white light.

He seemed to have turned into a round of scorching sun, so exuberant that people couldn't keep their eyes open.

"My wounds are healing."

"The demon energy in me is dissipating."

"The whole body is very comfortable."

"The haze in my heart has also been swept away."

"Suddenly felt that victory was in sight."

"Is this the legendary healing technique?"

"Yes, this is Dange's taboo healing technique."

The wounded soldiers present were grateful to Zhao Yang, and those who were not injured also felt that their hearts had been sublimated.

They are no longer afraid of war, they feel that victory is ahead, and they think that is the case with the demons.

It can be said that Zhao Yang's healing technique wiped out the slump present.

It is nonsense to say that there is no pressure in the face, even if

A veteran of many battles.

"A hero among men."

"It's the pride of the league."

"Zhao Yang saved the alliance three times back and forth."

"We all owe him." The leader of the alliance looked at Zhao Yang and said from the bottom of his heart.

Let's talk about Zhao Yang.

After casting the healing technique, he went to repair the damaged formation.

His recovery speed is faster than that of the old array masters.

"Master Zhao, we just do these jobs."

"That's right, Mr. Zhao, you just performed the healing technique, you should rest."

"Master Zhao, don't get tired."

Those formation masters really feel sorry for Zhao Yang, they don't want Zhao Yang to work so hard.

But Zhao Yang turned a deaf ear to it.

About half an hour later, the demon army attacked again in a dense manner.

Zhao Yang stopped.

He really wants to make a move, but he also knows that if he makes a move, he will be the focus of attention, and besides, he doesn't have the ability to sweep all directions.

"If the purpose of good fortune can be used several times a day, how can the demon army dare to invade so recklessly?" Zhao Yang thought to himself.

As he was thinking like this, he suddenly heard the sound of water droplets falling.

His consciousness quickly fell on the drop of tears, through which he saw the reflection of a mirror.

Power Multiplier!

"What does it want to remind itself?" Zhao Yang was startled.

Then he realized something.

Do you mean energy multiplier

Can the mirror also enhance the effect of good fortune?

After realizing this, Zhao Yang's figure disappeared immediately, and he entered his own small world.

His left hand summoned the purpose of good fortune, and his right hand summoned the energy multiplier mirror.

When he took the energy multiplier mirror to illuminate the purpose of good fortune, the purpose of good fortune suddenly became brighter.

It took a long time for the luster of Good Fortune to restrain itself.

At the same time, Zhao Yang realized that the number of uses of the purpose of good fortune had changed from once a day before to three times a day now.

"I don't know if this is useful for battleships?" Zhao Yang's mind suddenly became active.

Zhao Yang used to think that the energy multiplier was only effective for medicinal materials and spiritual liquids, but now he realized that his thinking was narrow.

However, the energy multiplier is limited in use and can only be used once a day.

Zhao Yang decided to try it tomorrow.

He left the small world to watch the battle.

Even if the demons lost so much, their fighting style is still fearless. The alliance relies on the line of defense to be able to compete with the demons.

Zhao Yang didn't act hastily, he could only use the purpose of good fortune three times a day, and he had already used it once.

He has to wait until the situation is relatively critical before taking action.

An hour has passed.

Two hours passed.

Three hours passed.

The Alliance lost more than 20 soldiers within three hours.

This is more than 20 fresh lives.

good luck

The line is still running in an orderly manner.

Zhao Yang didn't make any more moves until the next day, because it was unnecessary.

Zhao Yang noticed that the demon clan's offensive had slowed down, and the effect of the demon-suppressing tablet was getting stronger as time went by. It can be said that the demon clan is now dying and struggling.

When the time came to noon, Zhao Yang shot again.

With his help, the Demon Race lost another 2000 million.

After that, the demons stopped sending troops, and they retreated like a tide.

"The demons have retreated."

"We won."

The soldiers present cheered loudly.

Soon the news spread to the first line of defense and the outside, which made the outside soldiers and high-level officials cheer.

it is finally over.

Now that the Demon Suppressing Monument is becoming more and more perfect, it won't take long for it to be fully constructed.

It can be said in advance that the trouble of the demons has been lifted this time.

"The army is not allowed to retreat until the Demon Suppressing Monument is completed."

"In addition we have to rebuild the third line of defense."

"The reason why the Demon Suppressing Monument was broken needs to be investigated."

"In the future, there will need to be two god kings guarding the Demon Suppressing Monument."

After discussing with Dan Zu and other high-level officials, they felt that it was necessary to treat this matter with caution.

Of course, this kind of thing has nothing to do with Zhao Yang.

Yanhuangzong has not been exposed until now, and he is too lazy to explain it to everyone.Even if it's exposed, it's okay, what cultivation level do Yan Huangzong's disciples have?

(End of this chapter)

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