Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1693 Follow Me Into Dreams

Zhao Yang sensed it immediately.

He looked at the power that came in an instant, and his eyes suddenly burst into golden light.

His eyes turned into a cage, forcibly imprisoning the other party.

But the opponent was too strong, and the cage was shattered in an instant.

"Draw the ground as a prison." A soldier of the Ji clan recognized Zhao Yang's magic power.

"Didn't painting the ground as a prison make handprints?" Another monk from the Ji clan said.

"Zhao Yang must have modified the supernatural power of painting the ground as a prison, and I have to say that the revised one is simpler than the previous one." The soldier of the Ji clan deduced it after thinking about it.

His guess was correct.

Zhao Yang did improve Ji Qingcheng's painting as a prison.

The improved drawing of the ground is simpler than before, but its power is more than three points stronger than before.

It's a pity that the soldier of the Demon Race is a powerful man, and Zhao Yang hasn't reached the end of the initial stage yet.

The gap between the two is simply too great.

Even if it is the supernatural power of the god-king realm, it can't stop the existence of the powerful level.

Fortunately, the painting ground is a prison and bought some time with Zhao Yang.

The power of alchemy in his body instantly turned into a feathered arrow.


Feathered arrows pierced through the air.

This is exactly the alchemy secret technique taught by the ancestor of alchemy to Zhao Yang.

Condensed with the power of alchemy.

Da Neng is going forward without hesitation, never thinking of dodging.

Because in his opinion, Zhao Yang is waiting to be slaughtered

Lamb, how can he do harm to himself?

The feather arrow pierced into its chest, and the huge inertia forced him to stop.

"Kill." Zhao Yang made a seal with both hands.

The killing power here was forcibly gathered by Zhao Yang, and turned into an earth-shattering invisible killing sword, which slashed towards Da Neng with a lightning speed.

A look of disbelief appeared on Da Neng's face.

Zhao Yang just used the alchemy technique, so why did he use the array technique in the blink of an eye.

Being able to operate the formation in such a short period of time, this guy can definitely be described as a genius.

The killing sword condensed in the killing array was smashed by the old man's fist. He drew out the feather arrow on his chest, looked at Zhao Yang indifferently, and said, "There are few demons in our demon clan who can compare with you. It's a pity that you met today. When it comes to me, today I will kill you no matter what.”

"Listen to my order, kill him regardless of the cost, and if you don't lose any money." Following Da Neng's order, a large number of demon elites rushed towards this side.

The old man of the human race showed an anxious expression.

He led an elite team to be imprisoned at this time, let alone rush to help Zhao Yang.

"He is the god son of my human race, so nothing can happen to him." The old man of the human race pointed in Zhao Yang's direction and said, "We must save him."

After hearing the old man's voice, several elite groups quickly gathered in the direction of Zhao Yang.

It's just that the demon soldiers also knew that Zhao Yang was a big fish, so they tried their best to block it.

But the number of demon soldiers is too large.

There are too many, and they have no way to rescue them here.

Concubine Jin also saw it.

She sent out the high-level war puppet who protected her, "Hurry up and protect Mr. Zhao."

Before the war puppet reached Zhao Yang's side, he was blocked by a demon master.

Concubine Jin became anxious immediately.

As time went by, there were more and more demons around Zhao Yang, and he was about to fall into a whirlpool.

"Boy, no one can save you." The power of the demon clan looked at Zhao Yang coldly.

"I don't need others to save me." Zhao Yang communicated the decree of good fortune instantly when he said this, and at the same time his cultivation base soared.

Intermediate level of living gods!

When his cultivation reached this level, Da Neng's expression changed.

"How could you be promoted to the mid-stage of the Living God Realm?" Da Neng said in a panic.

"Middle stage of the living god realm? You're overthinking." Zhao Yang held up the battle sword in his hand when he said this, and when he raised it high, his cultivation level broke through again.

A high-level living god!

That is Almighty!

But the fluctuations that Zhao Yang emanates from becoming a powerful person are much stronger than the one in front of him.

The aura on Zhao Yang's body was at least several times that of his.

You must know that this is not Zhao Yang's normal state. If he has reached the level of a powerful person normally, his aura will be much stronger than this.


This sword turned into a sword, and the monstrous air waves rolled to both sides.

Thousands of demon generals

Soldiers were beheaded, and of course thousands more were severely wounded.

Everyone stared at this scene in a daze, speechless in shock.

"The breath on his body..."


"I don't think even the hi giants are so strong?"

"What kind of secret technique did he use, why is it so powerful all of a sudden?"

The old man of the human race finally breathed a sigh of relief, but immediately he felt a trace of blood splashed on his face, and it was a soldier of the human race who fell into a pool of blood.

"Everyone, don't relax, kill the enemy." The old man of the human race quickly restrained his spirit and shouted.

Everyone can see that Zhao Yang does not need to be rescued.


As Zhao Yang's cultivation climbed to the level of a giant, his aura became several times stronger than before.

When his eyes fell on the demonic power, the demonic power turned around and left in fright.

It knew it was being targeted.

If he doesn't leave, he will be beheaded by Zhao Yang [-]%.

"Let's go?" There was a sneer on the corner of Zhao Yang's mouth.

Draw the ground as a prison.

When a cage appeared on Mozu Da Neng's body in an instant, Mo Zu Da Neng was hit to the ground and his head was broken.

"Life and death are at my fingertips." With Zhao Yang's big hand clenched, the cage was closed instantly.

The Demon Race Almighty screamed and was crushed alive.

Zhao Yang took a look and rushed into the demon army with a fierce sword in his hand.

A sword!

Two swords!

Three swords!

Those demon armies couldn't stop Zhao Yang at all.

It's useless even if they use the battle formation, Zhao Yang can see through the flaws in the formation at a glance, so they can't even join forces.


Just then Zhao Yang heard a woman calling for help.

Zhao Yang looked into the distance and saw a human woman on the brink of extinction under the siege of the demon army.

Holding a fierce sword in his hand, Zhao Yang turned into a humanoid Tyrannosaurus and rushed over.

Whether it is someone who wants to block or dodge, as long as they touch him, they will all be blown away.

He quickly rushed to the girl's side, "I'll send you into my little world first." After speaking, he threw the girl into his own little world without any explanation.

Then he began to rescue the monks who were divided or left alone on the battlefield.

"Zhao Yang, save me." Just when Zhao Yang felt his cultivation began to retreat, he heard Jin Fei's cry for help.

Zhao Yang cast Dun Wuying to appear next to Concubine Jin immediately.

The energy in Concubine Jin's body was almost exhausted at this time, and a look of surprise appeared on Zhao Yang's face when she saw Zhao Yang's arrival.

"How are you?" Zhao Yang asked with concern.

"I'm fine." Concubine Jin said hastily.

"I'll take you back first." Zhao Yang said as he rushed towards the first line of defense with Concubine Jin.

It's just that there are too many demons on the defense line, and it's impossible for Zhao Yang to go there.

"Dream for me." Following Zhao Yang's roar, the Dream Heart Sutra was running wildly.

(End of this chapter)

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