Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1694 Change the battle situation

His divine thoughts were divided into one, two, three, ten thousand, one hundred thousand...

When his divine sense was divided into 30 ways, the demon army rushing to the front stopped in an instant.

They were hypnotized, they fell into a dream.

The soldiers on the side of the alliance army were stunned.

what's the situation?

"They have entered the dreamland, you take advantage of this time to kill them, and open another hole to allow the seriously injured monk to retreat." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

The commander of the alliance army quickly ordered.

On the one hand, he killed these hundreds of thousands of demon soldiers, and on the other hand, opened several openings to meet the soldiers who wanted to retreat.

"Young Master Zhao, the demon army has rushed over again." At this moment, a commander shouted towards Zhao Yang.

"Don't worry, anyone who enters this area will be hypnotized by me." Zhao Yang shouted towards the commander.

Hearing this, the commander hastily dispatched thousands of elites to rescue them.

It's just that the rescue didn't go well.

Because there were too many demon soldiers, the monks who went to rescue instead fell into many siege.

"Later, I will forcibly hypnotize the demon monks present. Of course, it is difficult to put these tens of millions of demon soldiers into a sleep state, but it is still possible to make them dizzy for a few seconds." Zhao Yang gritted his teeth and said. , "If you are seriously injured or exhausted, please retreat as soon as possible. If you have rushed to a far away area, please return as soon as possible."

Then Zhao Yang put the big dream

The heart sutra was pushed to the extreme.

An invisible fluctuation spread towards the audience.

The eyes of all the demon soldiers who were affected suddenly lost their clarity.

The soldiers of the alliances of various ethnic groups retreated one after another.

One breath passed, Zhao Yang's face was pale.

After two breaths, Zhao Yang's head hurts.

After three breaths passed, Zhao Yang spat out a mouthful of blood.

The Great Dream Heart Sutra also came to an abrupt end.

Concubine Jin hurriedly helped Zhao Yang back to the first line of defense.

At this time, the demon soldiers present were still in a state of confusion.


A large number of severely injured Union soldiers returned to the front line.

"I thought it was going to fall this time?"

"Thanks to Mr. Zhao."

"Yeah, if it wasn't for Mr. Zhao, we would definitely be dead."

As for the rest of the monks, they also quickly came around the first line of defense.

They were divided and surrounded just now, and now they all returned to the line of defense.

"Everyone go back to the defense line to rest first, we are going to start the killing array." The commander in charge of the first line of defense said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, everyone retreated towards the defense line.

"What happened just now?"

"Strange, I seem to have a dream."

"I miss my mother."

"I miss my sister-in-law."

At this time, the soldiers of the Demon Race woke up one by one.

But at this moment, the formation of the first line of defense was activated.

All over the sky

The flames fell from the sky, and the demon soldiers who burned the ground screamed.

Seeing this scene, the soldiers of the alliance felt very happy.

"Kill these grandchildren."

"It would be great if the killing array could be activated all the time."

"It doesn't matter the resources to activate the killing formation. All races can afford it. It is mainly the symbols that make up the killing formation."

"The killing array has already started a wave."


"How is Mr. Zhao?"

"It seems like I vomited blood just now."

So everyone wanted to see Zhao Yang, but was stopped by the commander.

"Young Master Zhao is fine now, please don't disturb him." The commander scolded in a deep voice.

That Da Neng from the human race stood beside Zhao Yang.

Even if his condition is not very good, he still protects Zhao Yang.

He was worried that there were spies in the alliance, which would be detrimental to Zhao Yang.

"Senior, you lost too much just now, you should heal quickly." Zhao Yang looked at the human race and said softly.

"It's okay, you can heal your injuries with peace of mind." Human Race Almighty said gently, "Don't worry about me."

Zhao fell silent.

He knew that his persuasion was useless, so he stopped persuading.

Furthermore, at this time, his head was swollen and painful, so he took out a medicinal herb and took it.

The monks present looked at Zhao Yang with admiration in their eyes.

Because the first line of defense has reached a precarious point, if Zhao Yang hadn't killed the Quartet among the demons, he would have

The logistics on our side can't repair the formation at all.

In other words, the first formation will be broken by the demons.

The appearance of Zhao Yang completely broke the plan of the demons to quickly penetrate the first line of defense.

A large number of demon soldiers were attracted by Zhao Yang, and when his cultivation base soared to a giant, he took thousands of demons away with every shot.

The formation of the demon army was quickly broken up.

And when he first used the Great Dream Heart Sutra, the hundreds of thousands of soldiers who rushed to the front of the line of defense were killed by the alliance army.

This greatly damaged the demon army.

What is even more rare is that Zhao Yang saved hundreds of thousands of soldiers who rushed out.

Those soldiers were ruthlessly divided by the demon army, and it was only a matter of time before they fell.

But now they're all back on the front lines.

It can be said that Zhao Yang saved the entire defense line by himself.

However, he also knew that Zhao Yang's rescue was only temporary, because the demon army was famous for its fearlessness.

"Everyone seize this rare time to recover, we will have to fight later." The leader said in a deep voice, looking around the audience.

Hearing this, everyone felt heavy again.

There are too many demon soldiers.

After half a quarter of an hour of indiscriminate bombardment, the killing array stopped.

Everyone's hearts were raised immediately.

They hope that the soldiers of the Demon Race can retreat, which will give them some breathing time.

Unfortunately, they are doomed to be disappointed.

The demon army has been reorganized

Then rushed towards the formation again.

"Be prepared for those who didn't charge just now, and rush out of the defense line to fight the demons in one minute." The commander immediately issued an order.

The 20 soldiers who defended before stood up silently.

There was a look of resignation on their faces.



They have been stationed here for a long time, and it is not a day or two to deal with the demons.

"Kill." When the time came to 1 minute, the commander gave the order.

20 soldiers rushed forward like a tide.

But what greeted them was a torrent of steel.

Thousands of monks were killed or seriously injured in just one meeting.

It was the collision of iron and blood.

The remaining more than 30 soldiers saw that the ground smoke beads were all red.

But they didn't rush up.

The energy consumption in their bodies is too great.

At this time, there is no difference between rushing up and dying.

Zhao Yang took a look and then closed his eyes.

"The battlefield is like this. As long as you are on the battlefield, you have to ignore life and death." Human Race Almighty seemed to see through Zhao Yang's thoughts, "You have done a good job, you don't have to blame yourself."

"That's right, the battle between groups never focuses on individual combat." The commander said deeply, "If it wasn't for you, this line of defense would have been penetrated just now, and you have done a good job."

The human masters present were all persuading, they were worried that Zhao Yang would blame themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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