Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1692 Going to the Battlefield

"According to the officers and soldiers patrolling nearby, there was no abnormality in the Demon Suppressing Tablet before, but a crack suddenly appeared just now, and then it shattered."

"If the Demon Suppressing Monument is broken, the demons may break through the line of defense."

"The Suppressing Demon Monument must be rebuilt in a very short period of time."

Just when everyone was cautious, a roar came out from a crack in space.

Seeing this scene, the ancestor said with a sinking face, "The demons are charging bravely, and we need a group of monks to stop them."


"Isn't this going to die?"

"Whoever wants to go?"

"That's right, I'm not going."

"Let's go."

"Our legion has been stationed here for thousands of years, and our mission is to seal the demons." At this moment, a white-haired old man stood up.

In order to seal the demon clan back then, all the elder clan fell, so he stayed here.

"The demons slaughtered my entire sect. To be honest, I have already lived enough, and today I happened to fight with those demons."

"The demons drink blood like wolves, what's the use of being afraid?"

"Isn't it just death?"

There are about 30 soldiers guarding this place, and most of these monks are lonely and widowed, and they have nothing to worry about.

Therefore, when the ancestors said that they were going to attack the demons, they stood up without hesitation.

"well said."

"I heard that the devil cubs are very fierce, I really want to see how fierce they are?"

"I'll go as well."

There has never been a shortage of people who are greedy for life and afraid of death in this world, but there has never been a shortage of people who go forward bravely.

Soon tens of thousands of monks stood up.

"You don't have to worry about the existence of the level of the demon king. The formation is very restrictive to their level. You just need to block the first wave of attacks from the demons." The ancestor said in a hurry, "Afterwards, I will coordinate the various tribes to send experts to come .”

"It's not too late, you go in now." Danzu said in a deep voice.

Can't wait any longer.

The Demon Suppressing Tablet is the core of the magic formation method.

And there are three lines of defense in front of the Demon Suppressing Monument. If these three lines of defense collapse, it will be very difficult to intercept the demons again.

When the 30 soldiers were about to go in, they were summoned by the ancestors.

"Leave me the formation master who controls the formation, and you have to stay to repair the formation."

After the voice of the ancestor of the formation fell, more than 2000 formation masters walked out of it.

These array masters have been responsible for the maintenance of the array over the years.

They really want to charge forward, but they also know that now is not the time to be willful.

After those soldiers went, tens of thousands of monks walked in.

"I'll go and have a look." Zhao Yang looked at Concubine Jin and said.

"I'll go with you." Concubine Jin said after thinking about it.

"You stay here

Let's go. " Zhao Yang refused.

"You will keep me safe, right?" Concubine Jin smiled.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to protect you then." Zhao Yang shook his head.

"I think I can still protect myself." Concubine Jin said with firm eyes.

After thinking about it, Zhao Yang still walked into the crack with Concubine Jin.

There is a line of defense 3000 meters away from the crack, and this line of defense has [-] soldiers stationed here.

The battle armor on these soldiers was a bit tattered, and the battle swords in their hands were also a little mottled, but the killing intent in their eyes was like boiling like a sea.

There are a lot of cannons and equipment on this front, and of course the sky-high killing array is indispensable.

At this time, their eyes glanced coldly at the monks who rushed to the battlefield.

They knew that sometimes the enemy not only came from the front, but also stabbed a lot in the back.

Zhao Yang and Concubine Jin saw the second line of defense after walking several miles forward. There were as many as 30 monks on this line of defense. The conditions of these monks were no better than those on the first line of defense. where to go

After traveling for several miles, I finally saw the first battle line.

There are 50 soldiers stationed on the first front.

At this time, 20 soldiers and the [-] soldiers who had just supported rushed to the forefront of the first line of defense.

From a distance, there are endless demon soldiers, and they are rushing towards this side like ants.

"You have to be careful." Zhao Yang

Looking at Concubine Jin, she said in a deep voice.

"You too." Concubine Jin said a little uneasy.

Because once you're in, it's really hard to get out.


These 30 soldiers fought against the demons back then, so they were not afraid of death when they fought.

Zhao Yang turned into a streamer and rushed forward, holding the fierce sword in his hand and swiping wantonly.

Ever since Zhao Yang's cultivation had reached the initial stage of the Living God Realm, he knew that the fierce sword was at a high level of the Living God Realm, and with his current fighting power, he could almost display its full strength.

Every time they fell, a large number of demon soldiers fell or were seriously injured.

Gradually Zhao Yang attracted the attention of the audience.

"Who is that guy?"

"History of Law Enforcement in Dan Pavilion."

"What did the Son of God rush to the front?" An old man in tattered armor said angrily, "Your team, follow me."

"As ordered."

That team was also experienced in many battles, and under the leadership of the old man, they rushed to Zhao Yang's side very quickly.

The old man was majestic and heroic, with blood in his body like a cauldron. He waved his fist and killed thousands of demon soldiers in front of Zhao Yang.

"Go back." The old man shouted at Zhao Yang.

"Senior." Zhao Yang saluted the old man.

"As the Son of God, your task is to become the King of God, and to fight against the Demon King of the Demon Race in the future, instead of putting yourself in danger." The old man looked at Zhao Yang with an unkind expression.


"Senior is well-intentioned, and this junior appreciates it, but this junior is duty-bound to invade the demon clan." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice, "Besides, this junior doesn't think these demon cubs can kill me?"

"You boy, suits my appetite, but you still back off." The old man said with great relief, "Just leave the battlefield to me."

"Senior, you don't need to worry about the safety of this junior." Zhao Yang said that the fierce sword in his hand suddenly burst out hundreds of millions of sword lights, and these sword lights fell towards the demons in front like shooting stars.

"Meteor Sword Art." A gleam of golden light bloomed in the old man's eyes, "This sword art is the famous supernatural power of the Meteor God King."

The Meteor Sword Art back then was very famous, because the Meteor Sword Art was able to launch large-scale attacks.

The old man believed that Zhao Yang was the descendant of the Meteor King.

But the next moment, Zhao Yang turned into an afterimage with a fierce sword in his hand and shuttled among the demons.

He is too fast.

In a flash.

And when Zhao Yang stopped, thousands of demon soldiers fell to the ground.

"Is this the legendary Dun Wuying?" The old man asked in shock.

Escape without shadow is one of the nine great magic arts.

The old man lamented that Zhao Yang's good fortune was so high that he could even obtain such magical arts.

"Not good." The old man suddenly saw a phantom leaping up, rushing towards Zhao Yang.


At this time, it was a powerful figure who suddenly attacked Zhao Yang!

(End of this chapter)

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