The audience was in an uproar.

Even many sons of God are no exception.

These sons of god looked down on Lu Yuan and thought they could defeat Lu Yuan.

But what's going on now?

No matter what Lu Yuan said, he died.


"Lu Yuan was killed by a dream."

"The Great Dream Heart Sutra."

"Zhao Yang used the Great Dream Heart Sutra just now and unknowingly killed Lu Yuan."

"Probably in the dream, Lu Yuan felt that he killed Zhao Yang."

"Is the Great Dream Heart Sutra so terrifying?"

"Back then, the Oneiroi King used the Great Dream Heart Sutra to make the three demon kings fall into a dream and couldn't extricate themselves. Do you think the Great Dream Heart Sutra is terrifying?"

Bai Lu and other senior officials of Shangyin Academy looked at the fallen Lu Yuan with complicated expressions.

Who would have thought that Lu Yuan, whom they valued so much, would die like this.

"I should go." Zhao Yang looked at Bai Xue who fell beside him.

"So fast?" Bai Xue's face was full of reluctance.


Bai Xue's eyes suddenly filled with tears.

She was reluctant to leave Zhao Yang.

"Can I see you later?"

"It's okay if it's convenient." Zhao Yang didn't fully agree.

When Zhao Yang was about to leave, the Goddess of the Jade Girl Pavilion invited Zhao Yang, "Young Master Zhao, I have been waiting for you here for a long time, why did you leave without saying hello?"

"I don't know you." Zhao Yang said lightly.

Zhao Yang's words surprised many monks.


Knowing that this is the goddess of the Jade Girl Pavilion, no matter in terms of background or appearance, she is definitely the best.

Zhao Yang refused so bluntly.

"Then let me introduce myself. I am Liu Bingxin, the goddess of the Jade Girl Pavilion." The goddess of the Jade Girl Pavilion appeared in front of Zhao Yang in a flash, and she stretched out her wrist like a lotus root towards Zhao Yang. it's happy to meet you."

He took the initiative so much, Zhao Yang couldn't refuse.

He gently shook Liu Bingxin's plain hand, "Hello, Zhao Yang."

"My little sister heard that Mr. Zhao has a deep understanding of the Dao. It just so happens that my little sister has some doubts about the Dao. I wonder if Mr. Zhao can help answer one or two?" When Liu Bingxin said these words, his eyes were always widening Light.

The god son present shouted that he couldn't bear it.

Liu Bingxin's image these years has always been relatively cold, but now she shows such enthusiasm for Zhao Yang.

This impact gave these sons of God a great impact.

"Sorry, I'm not free today, another day." Zhao Yang refused with a smile.

When Liu Bingxin was about to say something, the concubine Jin who was sitting on the Luanjia fluttered down beside Zhao Yang.

"Liu Bingxin, today I have already invited Mr. Zhao, how about you, wait until next time." Concubine Jin smiled.

Liu Bingxin looked at Jinfei full of hostility and said, "Miss Jinfei, everything must be done first."

"You're right, I made an appointment first." Concubine Jin blinked and said.

"Let's go.

" Zhao Yang looked at Concubine Jin.

Concubine Jin looked at Liu Bingxin proudly, as if she was asking you to fight with me?

Liu Bingxin stomped her feet angrily, "Young Master Zhao, you are biased." That tone was like a spoiled child.

Zhao Yang felt dizzy for a while, and hurried back to the battleship.

"You, don't waste your efforts in vain." Jin Fei whispered, and then landed on Zhao Yang's battleship.

"Why did you come up here?" Zhao Yang looked at Concubine Jin puzzled.

Concubine Jin gave Zhao Yang a sideways glance, "I was helping you out just now, why didn't you recognize me in a blink of an eye?"

Seeing Concubine Jin's weeping appearance, Zhao Yang said helplessly, "Let's leave here first."

Only then did Concubine Jin smile through her tears, and she ordered Xiaoyue to put away the Luanjia.

Xiaoyue put away the Luanjia and flew to the Luanjia. She called out sweetly, "Mr. Zhao."

Zhao Yang ordered the battleship to leave towards the distance.

Central control room!

After taking her seat, Concubine Jin looked around and said, "This battleship is not bad."

"You either?" Zhao Yang asked.

Concubine Jin was stunned.

"Master Zhao, this is a high-level battleship in the God Realm." Xiao Yue said involuntarily.

Warships of this level are not something you can buy with money.

The only thing that can be built in the entire Upper God Realm is the Qi Pavilion. In other words, the major god king forces can only buy from the Qi Pavilion.

Qi Pavilion also knows that this is a big killer, so even if it sells to the God King's forces, it will strictly control the number of warships.


For god-king forces with average strength, Qi Pavilion will only buy one; for slightly stronger god-king forces, Qi Pavilion will sell two ships; as for neutral forces such as Yaochi, Qi Pavilion will sell three ships.

However, it is Su Jin who has been in power in Yaochi these years, and the three high-level battleships of the living gods have been divided, but there is no Jinfei.

At this point, Xiaoyue said angrily, "I have to say that our Palace Master of Yaochi is going too far."

"You're ignoring my words again." Concubine Jin glared at Xiaoyue.

Xiaoyue stuck out her tongue and lowered her head in embarrassment.

"You come with me." Zhao Yang said and brought the two girls to the bow of the ship, and then he summoned a high-level battleship of the God of Life, "This battleship is given to you."

"A high-level living god?" Concubine Jin asked dumbfounded.


"Don't you know its value?"


"Then you still give it to me?"

"It's just a battleship, it's not a big deal." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "Let's go and have a look."

Concubine Jin and Xiaoyue came to this battleship.

The battleship was cleaned, just like a brand new one.

"Really give it to me?" Concubine Jin asked while turning around and blinking.

"Is this still false?" Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"Miss, Mr. Zhao is so kind to you." Xiaoyue assisted from the side.

Jin Fei Xia Yunfei raised her cheeks, but she didn't refute anything.

"You are bound to the central control system, and then it will tell you the status of the battleship." Zhao Yang pointed at the central control system.

Concubine Jin thought about it and was still bound to the central control system.

"I will treasure it well." Concubine Jin said softly.

There was something inexplicable in the way she looked at Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang was terrified by Jin Fei's eyes.

He was thinking of a reason to leave when his nameplate suddenly vibrated.

Message one by one.

Zhao Yang looked at the nameplate in surprise.

Some from Bai Yunfei, some from Bai Jinghao, some from Wang Xun.

"What happened?" Zhao Yang glanced at it, his expression suddenly changed.

"Suppressing Demon Monument is broken." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

"Why is the Demon Suppressing Monument broken?" Concubine Jin's expression changed drastically.

Back then, masters from various races joined forces to seal the demons, and later hundreds of thousands of masters joined forces to build the Demon Suppressing Monument, and there are still many masters stationed here over the years.

"Rush over there first." Zhao Yang had a bad premonition.

Because he hasn't grown up yet.

Furthermore, Yanhuangzong is still in its infancy.

The news that the Demon Suppressing Tablet was broken quickly spread throughout the Upper God Realm, and everyone from the younger generation to the older generation rushed away.

When Zhao Yang and Concubine Jin arrived, the place was already overcrowded, and old masters circled around the Suppressing Demon Monument to find out the reason.

(End of this chapter)

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