Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1681 All Ascension

The Tangyi people believe that the power may be more than ten times that of before.

"Mid-grade divine stone." Tang Yiren's eyes lit up when he saw the [-] million medium-grade divine stone.

Zhao Yang also confessed the uses of these mid-grade divine stones. One is to use them for cultivation in an emergency, and the other is to serve as an energy source for the formation.

The second Qiankun bag contained a large amount of spiritual liquid, which was specially prepared by Zhao Yang, allowing monks to reach the peak of the Upper God Realm in a very short period of time.

Zhao Yang said very clearly in the letter that these spiritual liquids can satisfy hundreds of thousands of cultivators to reach the peak of the divine realm at the same time.

As for the remaining psychic liquid, it should be sealed up for emergencies.

There are nine warships in the third universe bag, and these ten warships are for Tang Yiren, Third Princess, Zhao Qingqing, Blue Crucian Carp, Leng Qingqiu, Xu Huier, Yuan Jiner, Ruoxi, and Ao Qing.

Zhao Yang said in the letter that these nine battleships are all at the peak of the God Realm, but they must not be used when they are in the Central God Realm, otherwise they will be suppressed by the rules of heaven.

The Tangyi people will be teleported to different locations immediately after they ascend with their warships.

If you encounter danger, use the battleship to go to the address set on the battleship as soon as possible. If you are not in danger, then send your coordinates to Zhao Yang, and Zhao Yang will come as soon as possible.

The reason for giving them battleships is to ensure their absolute safety.

You must know that the king of gods is not

Those who have nothing to do will pick up and guide disciples, and it can even be said that there are not many people who are born in the state of gods.

Therefore, it is absolutely safe to have a warship at the peak of the life god state.

Just as the soldiers of the Yanhuang Sect in the Central God Territory were preparing, Zhao Yang brought Wang Xun and tens of thousands of soldiers to a beautiful valley.

This valley originally had an owner, but after Zhao Yang gave some resources, the original owner left in a hurry.

"Why are you here?" Mingyue asked puzzled.

"The scenery here is beautiful, suitable for building sects." Zhao Yang looked at Mingyue and said, "Of course we are only temporarily settling here. In the future, we will only build sects at the natural moat on the western frontier."

"We want to replace the first temple?" Mingyue changed color.

"Since I have taken so many resources from the first temple, I can't back down when the time comes." Zhao Yang said leisurely, "Our advantage over the first temple is that in the future, there will be several of our god-king powerhouses. Soldiers will be stronger than them."

"Will there be casualties?"

"Death and injury are inevitable." Zhao Yang nodded, "Sometimes we cannot retreat."

After Mingyue left, Zhao Yang ordered Wang Xun and other [-] soldiers to build a sect here.

Wang Xun and others' inner breath is broken.

We are the prefecture-level legion of Dan Pavilion!

You let us build a sect?

Isn't this the job of a mason?

Although they thought so in their hearts, no one slacked off?

While they were building in full swing, the Yanhuangzong side was ready, and Tang Yiren and other nine high-level officials were the first to ascend.

Some of them found here by themselves on a battleship, and some of them were picked up by Lin Caihan and Mingyue driving a battleship.

With the arrival of the Tangyi people, the valley became lively.

The interior of the valley has almost been built, so it can be said that there is no problem for them to live.

In the days that followed, dozens of soldiers from the Yanhuang Sect flew up every day, and it took a year for tens of thousands of soldiers to come here.

However, Wang Xun and others were not clear about the arrival of these soldiers.

They just keep their heads down.

In this way, it took three years to build the entire sect.

"The history of law enforcement is finally completed." Wang Xun said excitedly when he found Zhao Yang that day.

Accompanied by Wang Xun, Zhao Yang walked around before saying, "Let these soldiers line up according to their cultivation level."

Wang Xun hurriedly ordered those soldiers to line up according to Zhao Yang's instructions.

"In the past three years, you haven't cultivated, you haven't enlightened, but you have been working day and night." Zhao Yang looked around the audience and said with a smile, "Fortunately, you all persevered. I am very pleased that there is no deserter."

Speaking of which, he waved his hands

A jade bottle appeared in front of the person, "This is the spiritual liquid I prepared for you, after taking it, you will all be able to take a step forward in the future."

One more step?

Hearing this word, Wang Xun and others became excited.

"History of Law Enforcement, you mean...?" Wang Xun looked at Zhao Yang with burning eyes.

"What I mean is that you won't have any problem stepping into the high level of the living god realm in the future." Zhao Yang paused at this point, "As for you, you will not stay in the previous realm, and you will all take a step forward. "

The tens of thousands of monks present immediately shouted.

Because if this is the case, they will no longer be a ground-level army, but an existence that can wrestle with the sky-level army.

After Wang Xun and others took the spiritual liquid, they immediately felt the growth of the origin in the body.

"Okay, the mountains are high and the water is far away, you go back." What they didn't expect was that Zhao Yang said such words.

"History of law enforcement, what do you mean?" Wang Xun was surprised.

Bai Jinghao also panicked.

"It may be difficult for me to use you in the future, so let's go back to Dan Pavilion." Zhao Yang said truthfully after pondering for a while.

Now that a new sect has been established, it is not easy to have anything to do with Dan Pavilion.

"History of Law Enforcement, your brand has been stamped on us, and we will not obey orders from others except you." Wang Xun knelt on the ground while speaking.

"History of Law Enforcement, please don't abandon us." Bai Jinghao and others also knelt down one after another.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Yang fell silent.

After a while, he said slowly, "Go back to the Pill Pavilion first, and I will contact you when I need you."

Wang Xun and others turned and left silently.

The joy just now also disappeared.

"Will this be too cruel for them?" Lin Caihan came to Zhao Yang and asked.

"I'm doing them good." Zhao Yang said leisurely, "Leave them, maybe death is waiting."

Zhao Yang has too many resources.

Therefore, how to coordinate and plan is still a problem.

This kind of troublesome thing Zhao Yang handed over to Lin Caihan, Mingyue and the others.

He has many things to do.

For example enlightenment!

"Husband, you have built a large formation to protect the mountain before, why don't you build it now?" Xu Huier came over and asked in confusion.

"It doesn't matter if we don't build the mountain protection array at the early stage of the living god realm." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "There are four peak living god realm ships around Yanhuangzong, twelve high-level living god realm ships for 24-hour monitoring, and there is also a god Wang Fabao is dormant in the dark, what Xiaoxiao do you think can break in?"

This lineup, even if it is a god king, don't even think about sneaking in without anyone noticing, okay?

Taking a step back, it doesn't matter even if a god king comes in.

(End of this chapter)

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