Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1680 Zhao Yang's Plan

"It's a bit difficult for you in the middle stage of Death God Realm, but after your cultivation reaches a high level, I don't think it will be so difficult for you to learn."


"Isn't the medicinal material I prepared for you ranked second?"


"What if you are given medicine that surpasses the number one?"

"Beyond the number one? How is it possible?"

"I noticed that among the top ten herbs, the potency of each rank varies by [-]%."


"But what if I double the potency of the second-ranked medicine?"

"how is this possible?"

"I got an energy multiplier mirror, which can double the energy contained in medicinal materials or materials." Zhao Yang explained, "The higher the level, the less the increase. I noticed that the medicinal effect of the tenth ranked medicinal material has increased by three times."

"Doesn't that mean that the tenth-ranked medicinal material is equivalent to the fourth-ranked one?"


"Then if the ranking is higher, wouldn't it be the top three?"


"If you say that, Mingyue and the others are blessed." Lin Caihan said with a smile.


"Guess how many warships I got this time?" Zhao Yang asked with a bit of mischief.

"What level?"

"The pinnacle of the living god state, the high level of the living god state."

"In this way, you can get ten or eight ships at most." Lin Caihan felt that having ten or eight ships would be very powerful.

She didn't dare to think about it on more levels.

Zhao Yang brought Lin Caihan to the

into a huge space.

Lin Caihan looked at the thousands of warships in front of him, and was speechless for a long time in surprise.

Her level of cultivation is not enough, doesn't it mean she doesn't know what level of warship this is?

"There are [-] warships at the peak of the living god state, and [-] ships are damaged; there are [-] ships at the high level of the living god state, and [-] ships are damaged." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "In the future, you Some are busy."

"I think it's better to let Yiren ascend quickly." Lin Caihan said weakly, "I can't repair so many battleships."

It would be fine if there were ten or eight ships, but with so many warships, would it take until the Year of the Monkey to repair them?

and many more.

There are so many top-level battleships, even Qige doesn't have one, right?

"I'll take you on a tour." Zhao Yang then took Lin Caihan to visit the room where the sacred stones were piled up, the room where the war puppets were piled up, and the room where various materials were piled up.

Lin Caihan finally understood why Zhao Yang let him come back?

These resources are really too precious and too many.

To be honest, she is dazzled, okay?

It took a long time for Lin Caihan to calm down, "We need to call a group of disciples from the Yanhuang Sect of the Central God Realm to ascend, but I don't know how much we can control this amount?"

"Twelve thousand." Zhao Yang thought for a while and said, "Nine thousand lives are high-level, and three thousand lives are at the peak of the god state."

"Isn't there so much fortune liquid?" Lin Caihan asked worriedly.

"There are more than 9000 drops of the psychic fluid

Don't forget that I have an energy multiplier, and the spiritual liquid can be completely diluted at that time, and the effect after diluting several times is exactly the same as before. "

"If this is the case, there will be no problem." Lin Caihan said with a smile, "We have so many top-notch resources, why can't we train tens of thousands of soldiers?" As soon as she finished speaking, she thought again, "The problem now is that we need One of the monks went to the Central God Realm, one of them sent the diluted spirit liquid to the monks of Yanhuangzong, and the other sent some cards to Yanhuangzong."

"Mingyue has brought back more than 100 women. When the time comes, find someone whose cultivation base is at the peak of the Upper God Realm." Zhao Yang said softly, "I will tell Yi Ren about this first, so that Yi Ren can make preparations in advance. .”

Zhao Yang quickly told Tang Yiren through the token.

Tang Yiren was dumbfounded when he received the news.

what's the situation?

Zhao Yang is going to let 1 monks ascend?

"Why are so many monks soaring all of a sudden?" Zhao Qingqing's face was full of puzzlement.

"This time, all the senior officials of Yanhuangzong have been promoted." What Zhao Qingqing didn't expect was that Tang Yiren said such words?

"If we all ascend, what will Yanhuangzong do?" The third princess raised an objection.

"Me and Ruoqing don't want to ascend anymore." Tie Han stood up at this moment.

The third princess was stunned, "Why?"

"After arriving at the Upper God Realm, I have to practice from the beginning. I'm tired and don't want to go to the Upper God Realm." Tie Han expressed his thoughts.

"How about you Ruoqing?

"The third princess looked at Ruoqing.

"I think so too." Ruoqing nodded.

"That's fine, since that's the case, Tiehan, I'll leave the sect to you from now on." Tang Yiren said softly.

"En." Tie Han didn't refuse.

"In this way, I will give you a month of preparation time, and you can sign up during this period." Tang Yiren looked around the audience.

There were also quite a few middle-level members of the Yanhuang sect present.

"Sovereign, I want to go to the Upper God Realm, but the problem is that with my aptitude, after arriving in the Upper God Realm, I'm probably at the bottom of the list." Long Tianxing expressed his worries.

"The suzerain said that he has the qualifications in his hands to allow you, the middle class, to reach the state of giants in the future, which is the peak of the living gods." Tang Yiren said lightly, "In addition, no matter how poor the qualifications are, they will be able to reach the living gods in the future. Advanced."

Tang Yiren's words excited hundreds of middle-level members of Yanhuangzong.

Originally thought that after arriving in the God Realm, he would not be able to go very far in the future, who would have thought that Zhao Yang would have obtained such heaven-defying resources?

As long as you go to the God Realm, you can become a giant in the future.

Who doesn't want it?

And after this incident was widely circulated within Yanhuangzong, millions of monks of Yanhuangzong started to sign up one after another.

As a result, more than [-] people signed up in three days.

This is something Tang Yi people did not expect.

After half a month, the number of registrations reached 48.

Tang Yiren immediately announced that there were still three days left for the registration to end, and it turned out that the registration was completed three days later

reached 52 million.

Tang Yiren, the third princess and others carefully checked the list.

In fact, it doesn't matter who you let go.

However, for the convenience of management, the distribution is still in accordance with the ladder.

Furthermore, couples or father-son in-laws must also be considered.

It took more than a week to finalize the list. After the list was confirmed, Tang Yi ordered someone to post it, and made these monks ready to ascend.

"Many of these monks are not in the upper god realm." Blue crucian carp said in a deep voice.

"My husband will send you resources to improve your cultivation." As soon as Tang Yiren said this, a soldier hurried over.

"Sovereign, there is a woman who claims to be from the Upper God Realm."

"Ask her to come in." Tang Yiren said with a smile.

Soon a handsome young girl came to Tang Yiren accompanied by the soldier.

After the two sides verified their identities, the girl handed Tang Yiren a Qiankun bag, "There is a restriction on the Qiankun bag, and it will break when touched by the divine sense. Please check it with Tang Sect Master."

Tang Yiren nodded.

The ban did not touch.

"The suzerain said that there are things he brought you in the Qiankun bag."

"it is good."

Tang Yiren opened the Qiankun bag, and there were three more Qiankun bags in the Qiankun bag.

In the first Qiankun bag, there are ten warships, ten formation scrolls, and one hundred million middle-grade divine stones.

The battleship was made by Lin Caihan, and the formation scroll was made by Zhao Yang. Of course, they are all at the peak of the God Realm, but their power is definitely not comparable to the previous ones.

(End of this chapter)

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