Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1682 Cracking the Toxin

First, Zhao Yang, Lin Caihan, Mingyue, Tang Yiren, the third princess, and Zhao Qingqing all have magic weapons of the god king, and those magic weapons of the god king can respond immediately; second, Zhao Yang also has a magic weapon on his body What about the top god-level battle puppets?

That war puppet shot, which god king can run away?

This is also the reason why Zhao Yang didn't build a formation?

When all the affairs of Yanhuangzong were running normally, Zhao Yang came to the Gongfa Hall and began to retreat.

He has to study those exercises well, take the essence and discard the dross.

And that will undoubtedly take time.

Zhao Yang took out a time fragment given by the suzerain of the first temple.

He practiced in the time fragments for 30 years.

In fact, the outside world has only passed more than a month for 30 years.

In the past 30 years, Zhao Yang has not practiced, but has been constantly enlightening and improving himself.

Immediately he left the Gongfa Hall and went outside to guide his disciples in their practice.

After spending a hundred years in this way, Zhao Yang no longer used time fragments.

He has read too many books, and his spirit has long been in a tense state.

He wants to rest.

Preaching and resolving doubts is also a kind of rest.

Under Zhao Yang's guidance, tens of thousands of Yanhuang sect disciples entered the country quickly, and in just one year, they all stepped into the Death God Realm.

This day, you, Zhao Yang, had a flash of inspiration when you were flipping through an alchemy classic.

what did he suddenly think of


He went to his little world to deduce it.

Three hours later, Zhao Yang laughed loudly, "The avenues in the world all have a source to follow. Before, I thought I couldn't detoxify Jinfei's poison, but it was actually because I didn't know enough."

Zhao Yang thought he had accumulated enough, but now he realized that he was a little arrogant.

For example, in the alchemy hall of the first temple, he saw some knowledge that he did not understand.

Zhao Yang spent several more hours refining the elixir to detoxify the toxin.


Concubine Jin was in a bad mood.

Because the pavilion master of Qunyao Pavilion brought the young pavilion master to Yaochi to propose marriage.

Qun Yao Pavilion was full of sincerity this time, and besides various top-level resources, it even presented the third-ranked Blood Bodhi.

"How much is the value of Blood Bodhi, so I won't go into details." The Pavilion Master of Qun Yao Pavilion said with a smile, "My son Gu Hao fell in love with Concubine Jin at first sight, and I ask the Palace Master to fulfill this marriage."

"Concubine Jin is the goddess of my Yaochi, and she will stay in Yaochi from now on." Although the palace lord Sujin wanted to kick Concubine Jin out of Yaochi, she also knew that such a thing could not be done.

Concubine Jin can become a god king if nothing happens in the future, this is a great help for Yao Chi.

"Our Qunyao Pavilion has never thought of taking Jinfei away, even after the two children are together, Jinfei still belongs to Yaochi." Gu De, the owner of Qunyao Pavilion, said hurriedly

, "After the other two children are together, the two families are considered married."

Hearing this, Su Jin's eyes flickered.

If so, it can't be considered.

Because after the blood bodhi was given to the son of God, the background of the son of god can also be improved, and it is a certainty that he will step into the king of God in the future.


"If that's the case..." Concubine Jin spoke up just as Su Jin said this, "I don't agree."

Su Jin's face became a little ugly, "Jin Fei, Gu Hao will be your good match."

"I don't agree." Concubine Jin emphasized again.

"It's up to you not to agree to this matter." Su Jin was stimulated by Jin Fei's words, so she said in an unquestionable tone.

At this moment, Xiao Yue ran in from outside the hall.

"Miss, Mr. Zhao is here to look for you." Xiaoyue's words made all the monks look at him.

"Young Master Zhao? Which Young Master Zhao?" Gu Hao was furious when he was rejected by the concubine Jin, his eyes flickered with a breathtaking coldness.

I don't know why he felt that someone was wearing a hat?

Xiaoyue didn't dare to speak anymore.

"Which Mr. Zhao do I ask you?" Gu Hao suddenly appeared beside Xiaoyue, his big hands strangled Xiaoyue's fair neck, and lifted her off the ground vigorously.

Judging by his appearance, if Xiaoyue didn't say anything, he would probably kill him.


At the critical moment, Concubine Jin made a move.

her qian

When Qian Su's hand fell towards Gu Hao, the whole hall was darkened. The terrifying palm print made Gu Hao feel a strong sense of danger.

It was very annoyed.

Concubine Jin actually attacked him?

It let go of Xiaoyue's neck, turned around and slapped Concubine Jin.

When the palms of both hands collided together, Jin Fei's expression changed involuntarily. Gu Hao's palm prints were rolling towards her wave after wave like waves.

The first wave of concubines blocked it.

The second wave of concubines blocked it.

The third wave of concubines blocked it.

But soon she was struggling, she knew that she couldn't fight anymore, otherwise her internal organs would have to be injured.

A sword glow appeared in her left hand, and it fell towards Gu Hao's shoulder.

Gu Hao was afraid of the sword light that was bound to be exposed, so he drew back and avoided the blow.

"Come again." The moment Gu Hao stopped, he was about to attack Concubine Jin again, but Gu De yelled at him, "I brought you here today to fight?"

Gu Hao suddenly realized that he was reckless.

"Miss Jinfei, I'm sorry." Gu Hao quickly apologized to Jinfei.

Concubine Jin snorted coldly, she came to Xiaoyue's side, and asked with concern, "Are you okay?"

"I...I'm fine...cough..." Xiaoyue coughed a few times and suddenly thought of something, "By the way, miss, Mr. Zhao is still waiting in your courtyard."

Jinfei some

She looked at Xiaoyue helplessly.

Didn't you see me winking at you?

When you mentioned Zhao Yang at this time, didn't you bring trouble to Zhao Yang?

"Miss, Mr. Zhao said that he has found a solution to the poison." Xiaoyue also realized that she hadn't seen the situation clearly, but she still whispered.

"Have you found a way to detoxify?" Concubine Jin's eyes lit up immediately.

Immediately, she looked at Palace Master Sujin, "Palace Master, I have to go back." Then she left in a hurry with Xiao Yue regardless of Gu De and Gu Hao.

"Poisoned?" Goode frowned involuntarily, "What's going on?"

"With the ability of your Yao Chi, can't you cure the poison?" Gu Hao asked in confusion.

"The poison in the golden concubine is very rare. Over the years, we have found many famous masters, even the young master of Dan Pavilion, etc. Unfortunately, no one can cure the poison of the golden concubine." Su Jin explained.

"But I think Concubine Jin's breath is stable, she doesn't look like she's been poisoned?" Gude said suspiciously.

He felt that Su Jin was fooling him.

"The poison in Concubine Jin is so weird that I can't cultivate. Fortunately, Zhao Yang has ice silkworms in his hands. The ice silkworms swallow the toxins in Concubine Jin's body twice a day. Otherwise, Concubine Jin's cultivation will not improve." Su Jin said He paused here and said, "If you don't believe me, you can go and have a look."

"It's just right, I also want to see this kind of strange poison in the world." Gu De, the owner of the Qun Yao Pavilion, said after pondering for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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