Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1677 Tears Are Not Full

"Where's the spirit liquid?" asked the old man.

Zhao Yang quickly summoned the jade bottle into his hand.

The old man dripped towards the ground.

One drop, two drops, three drops...

When it dropped to a hundred drops, Zhao Yang was shocked to find that it had gathered into a crystal clear liquid.

There is a membrane around this drop of liquid, and it exudes earth-shattering fluctuations.

"A hundred drops of fortune spirit liquid can be gathered to form an ancestral vein." The old man explained, "Of course, the ancestral veins will also be bred in the heaven and the earth, but whether they can be found depends on chance."

Zhao Yang looked at the thousands of drops of psychic fluid in the jade bottle, and suddenly realized that he didn't have to worry about his ancestral veins.

"Senior, do you have any exercises?"

"Yes." The old man waved his hand and led Zhao Yang to the next space.

The classics of exercises in this space are as vast as a cloud of smoke.

"Senior, how many of these exercises are there?" Zhao Yang asked in astonishment.

"Thirty thousand volumes of alchemy exercises, [-] volumes of array exercises, [-] volumes of Qi Tao exercises, and [-] volumes of martial arts exercises." The old man said with a smile. It’s all here without me, believe it or not?”

"Letter." Zhao Yang nodded.

"Although there are no god-king-level or god-emperor-level exercises here, they are the foundation." The old man said softly, "You can only become stronger if you are familiar with thousands of volumes of exercises."

"I don't have this

how much time? " Zhao Yang said with a wry smile.

Zhao Yang has practiced a lot of exercises over the years, but even this he feels is not enough.

"Have you heard of time fragments?"

"Time fragments are multiples, so it doesn't make much sense." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

"The time shards in the God King Realm are useless, but that doesn't mean the time shards in the God King Realm are useless." At this point, the old man handed Zhao Yang a brocade box, "There are three time shards in the brocade box, and the time flow speed It is three hundred times."

"Three hundred times?" Hearing this, Zhao Yang's eyes almost popped out.

He didn't expect the gap between the God King and the God Emperor to be so big.

"Isn't it enough to send you 900 years?" The old man handed Zhao Yang another brocade box at this point, "There are 32 time fragments in this brocade box, and the scattered ones are more than 200 years old."

These time fragments seem to be condensed by the god king powerhouse of the first temple.

After Zhao Yang put away the two brocade boxes, the old man brought Zhao Yang to the next space.

There are dozens of exercises in this space.

"Here there are 37 exercises of the god-king level, and three books of the exercises of the god-emperor level." The old man introduced these exercises to Zhao Yang one by one.

Zhao Yang listened patiently.

"You can choose one or two of these god-king-level exercises. There is no need to practice all of them. That would be a waste of time and energy." The old man

He paused at this point, "You can seriously practice these three God-Emperor-level exercises of mine."

"That...Senior, is it possible to practice two kinds of exercises at the Divine Emperor Realm at the same time?" Zhao Yang felt that it was necessary to ask.

"What kind of exercise do you practice?" The old man looked at Zhao Yang in surprise.

"Eternal Immortality." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

He felt that this senior gave him so many resources, so he shouldn't be a bad person.

"Zhao Zu's Eternal Immortality?" The old man's pupils shrank severely.

"Senior, do you know my ancestor?" Zhao Yang was startled.

"Zhao Zu became famous very early. When I was not a god king, he was already a god emperor." Only then did the old man realize that Zhao Yang is Zhao Zu's descendant. Practitioners, of course, if you only learn from my skills."

Zhao Yang nodded.

What he wanted was to learn about the old man's God Emperor Realm cultivation technique first.

"That's all I have prepared for you." The old man said at this time, "I hope that in the future, when I can't physically stop the Scorpio Beast, you can make a move."

"Senior, don't worry, as long as I have the ability, I will never let the Heavenly Moat Beast go one step further." Zhao Yang said seriously.

"Don't act recklessly when you don't reach the God Emperor Realm, you know?" The old man patted Zhao Yang on the shoulder, "I hope you can protect one side in the future, but the premise is that you have that ability."

"I see." Zhao Yang nodded emphatically.

"Our fate is over, I will send you out." The old man said and sent Zhao Yang out of the cave with a wave of his hand.

Guqin and wooden sword are waiting anxiously outside the cave.

When they saw Zhao Yang appearing, they rushed up to greet him.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Zhao Yang said softly.

He bowed deeply towards the stone.

When he looked up, the crack had disappeared.

He suddenly felt sad.

A generation of god emperors just drifted between heaven and earth.

"It's just a god emperor, why are you so sad?" Suddenly a voice rang in his ears.

The hairs all over Zhao Yang's body exploded, and he looked around with piercing eyes.


The expressions of Guqin and Mujian also became solemn.


Are there people around?

"Someone was speaking in my ear just now." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Guqin and Mujian became nervous.

Because the two of them have been watching the surroundings, but they have found nothing.

And at this moment, a domineering force pulled Zhao Yang's consciousness to the tear, and then his consciousness collided with the tear under Zhao Yang's stunned expression.

Zhao Yang only felt that his head was going to be split open, and the thousands of mysterious talismans

Wen kept gathering in his sea of ​​consciousness, and he didn't know how long it had passed before turning into mirrors one by one.

a mirror?

Zhao Yang was startled.

Immediately, the profound meaning of that mirror appeared clearly in his sea of ​​consciousness.

"Energy multiplier."

As long as it is irradiated by this mirror, the effect of both medicinal materials and materials can be enhanced several times.

Zhao Yang groaned for a while and took out a drop of the psychic fluid. When he irradiated it with this mirror, the energy contained in the drop of psychic fluid instantly increased by several times.

"Senior said that if you have good aptitude, you can become a giant in the future as long as you take the Creation Spiritual Liquid, so can you become a god king now?" Zhao Yang murmured.

He felt that this probability would definitely increase many times.

and many more.

Don't you have some top-ranked medicinal materials?

For example, will the tenth-ranked medicinal material reach the top five or even rank higher after being photographed with a power multiplier.

And what if the number one medicinal material uses an energy multiplier?

Zhao Yang didn't dare to think about it anymore.

He suddenly realized that this mirror could be described as against the sky.

It breaks the law of conservation of energy.

"Thank you, senior." Zhao Yang saluted respectfully towards the teardrop.

That tear turned out to be unresponsive.

Ignore him again.

But Zhao Yang felt that he had made a lot of money this time.

(End of this chapter)

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