Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1676 Heaven-Defying Resources

Do not!

Battle puppet!

Zhao Yang understood immediately.

"At the peak of the war puppets in the first temple, there were [-] people who lived at the peak of the god realm, and [-] who lived at the high level of the god realm." The old man looked at Zhao Yang and said, "But after that battle, there were only [-] people who lived at the peak of the god realm. Of the three hundred, [-] were damaged; the remaining [-] were at the high level of the Living God Realm, and [-] were damaged."

Speaking of this, the old man said earnestly, "These damaged ones will be repaired by you in the future."

"My wife majors in Qi Dao, and I will leave these to her in the future."

The old man nodded.

"I'll show you something else." The old man said and brought Zhao Yang to a space where there were neatly arranged shelves, each of which had a medicinal herb sealed.

"These medicinal materials are all high-level in the Shengshen Realm. There are about [-] plants, but we don't use them very much." Zhao Yang asked curiously when the old man said this, "Senior, the monks of the first temple want to improve their cultivation. Don't you need all kinds of medicinal materials that break through the realm?"

"I'll tell you later." The old man said and brought Zhao Yang to the next space. There were various formation materials in this space, and these formation materials were much more than alchemy materials.

"These array materials are all high-level in the realm of living gods, and there are a total of [-] pieces."

Speaking of which, the old man brought Zhao Yang to another space, which was bigger than the previous space.

"The array in this space

Dao materials are also high-level in the realm of living gods, with a total of 640 pieces. "

From here, Zhao Yang can see that the First Temple pays more attention to Qi Dao.

This is also normal.

"Aren't you just curious about how the monks in the first temple were promoted to the high level or even the peak of the living god?" The old man said and brought Zhao Yang to a stone tablet.

On the stone tablet are written the three characters Good Fortune Monument.

"The Good Fortune Monument." Zhao Yang was startled.

He noticed that the stone tablet was suspended on the ground, and the bottom of the stone tablet was wet, and a drop of liquid was faintly condensed, but the condensation speed was not fast.

There is a jade bottle under the stele, and there is some dripping liquid in the jade bottle.

"What drips from the Creation Monument is the Creation Liquid." The old man explained, "No matter how poor your aptitude is, you can unimpededly ascend to the high level of the Living God Realm. It's a sure thing."

"Where is the God King?"

"It can greatly increase the probability of setting foot on the god king, otherwise there would not be nine god kings in the first temple." The old man said with a smile.

"How to take it?"

"The psychic liquid of good fortune will only drip once a year, and then you can take it orally." The old man pointed to the psychic liquid of good fortune in the bottle, "At this time, there are thousands of drops of psychic liquid accumulated in this jade bottle."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang couldn't help but gasped.

So it is too easy for the supernatural forces to cultivate masters.

"You move this stele to your

in the small world. "

"Is it still useful after I move to my little world?"

"This is a gift from God to our supernatural power, no matter where we move."

Zhao Yang carefully moved the monument to his own small world.

"Caiyun, don't get close to this stele, and don't tamper with these liquids." Zhao Yang solemnly said to Caiyun, who manages his own small world.

Caiyun is Caidie's mother, upon hearing this she nodded heavily, "I know."

"This is for you." Zhao Yang rewarded Caiyun with a drop of psychic fluid, "After taking it, you can become a giant in the future."

"Big man?" Caiyun's eyes showed disbelief when he heard these two words.

Caiyun has been under a lot of pressure these years.

Especially after knowing Zhao Yang's identity.

She didn't want to look too useless.

In addition to managing Zhao Yang's small world, she is practicing desperately.

However, her aptitude is limited, and she is still trapped in the high-level Death God Realm.

Zhao Yang didn't tell Cai Yunduo, and his figure flashed out of the small world.

"Follow me." Just when Zhao Yang thought there was nothing wrong, the old man led Zhao Yang to the next space.

There isn't much room here.

There are five magic weapons inside.

Zhao Yang's eyes lit up immediately.

"Could it be...?"

"These five are magic weapons of the god king. After these years of practice, they have all recovered

It's peak condition. "

Zhao Yang didn't know what to say for a moment.


Five divine king magic weapons?

He suddenly felt that spending one billion to buy this treasure map was really worth it.

"Senior, where are your god-king magic weapons?" Zhao Yang asked after putting away the five god-king magic weapons, rubbing his hands together.

"My divine emperor's magic weapon died in battle that year."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang sighed.


"Senior, do you think I will be robbed if I go out with these things?" Zhao Yang asked cautiously.

He now has seven magic weapons of the god king.

He believes that if this matter gets out, who knows how many forces will find fault with him?

Let's talk about Dan Pavilion if you don't talk about it, Dan Zu may not be able to hold back.

It is too tempting.

"Who dares to snatch you?" The old man stared.

But then he handed Zhao Yang a golden scroll.

"This is……?"

"This is the decree I wrote back then." The old man said in a deep voice, "Even the strongest god king can't stop it, and this is what I prepared for the younger generation."

"Where is the Emperor?" Zhao Yang continued to ask.

"If the God Emperor dares to do something, he won't give me face. I will summon my body to fight with him." The old man said domineeringly.

"How many times can the decree be used?"

"I think as long as you open the decree of the emperor, no one who is blind will dare to do it?" The old man said with a smile

, "As long as the energy inside is not wasted, you can use it many times."

"Thank you, senior." Zhao Yang said respectfully.

With this Divine Emperor's decree, Zhao Yang will be able to walk sideways in the future, and it will be almost the same.

I don't know why the tears in the depths of Zhao Yang's sea of ​​consciousness suddenly trembled, splashing waves of ripples.

Zhao Yang was taken aback.

Are tears expressing dissatisfaction?

"And this, I'll be your bodyguard from now on." The old man said here that a figure suddenly appeared beside Zhao Yang.

It was a figure wearing a bamboo hat. Zhao Yang couldn't see his face clearly, let alone feel his breath.

He is like an abyss, able to swallow everything.

"This is……?"

"A battle puppet at the peak of the God King Realm." Zhao Yang was stunned by the old man's words.

"There are war puppets in the God King Realm?" Zhao Yang was a little dumbfounded.

"The war puppets in the God King Realm need to draw the original power of the God Emperor. Back then, I also killed a God Emperor before refining it." The old man said with a smile.

Zhao Yang was startled.

It seems that this senior was also a god of killing back then.

"Senior, do you need ancestral veins after the God Emperor powerhouse takes action?"

"God kings need ancestral veins, and god emperors need sky veins."


"When you set foot on the God Emperor, God will bestow upon you the Tianmai."

"What about the ancestral veins?" Zhao Yang has ancestral veins, but Lin Caihan and others don't have them yet?

(End of this chapter)

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