Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1678 Full version of the Wanshen Heart Sutra

The suzerain of the first temple gave Zhao Yang so many resources, Zhao Yang was pleasantly surprised but also felt a lot of pressure.

Because it is very difficult to restore the glory of the first temple.

But now with this energy multiplier, he felt that everything was possible.

Even a power like the First Pavilion can surpass it if Zhao Yang is given enough time.

Immediately, Zhao Yang's consciousness returned, and Mu Jian and Gu Qin were almost petrified.

Because they found out where Zhao Yang's consciousness had gone?

"I'm fine." Zhao Yang said with a smile seeing the worried faces of the two.

He didn't tell them about the power multiplier.

He vaguely felt that the hostess of this tear might not be the God Emperor, and that the other party might have surpassed the realm of the God Emperor.

Beyond the Emperor!

Because the woman said a little god emperor before.

No matter how strong the God Emperor is, he wouldn't use such a tone, would he?

Zhao Yang is not greedy, he doesn't want to get anything from that tear in a short time?

He summoned a battleship.

This battleship is at the pinnacle of the God Realm.

He knew that the battleships at the peak of the life god state, even the Qi Pavilion, did not have such a level.

Perhaps only such supernatural powers exist.

"A battleship at the peak of the living god state?" Mu Jian sensed it immediately.

"Reduce the breath to the high level of the living god state." Zhao Yang sent a voice transmission to the central control system of the battleship.

battleship with

That is to say, he adjusted his breath fluctuations.

"Go to Wanshen Gate." Zhao Yang said softly.

Zhao Yang got five magic weapons of the god king this time and so many resources, there is no need for Lin Caihan to stay in Wanshenmen any longer.

Wanshen Gate!

Lin Caihan's guess is correct.

When she practiced the skills of Wanshenmen to the limit, the profound skills behind Wanshenmen appeared.

Lin Caihan's body suddenly burst into billions of rays of light, and the ancient scriptures and culture made red charms, spinning around Lin Caihan non-stop.

At this moment, the powerhouses of the entire Wanshen Sect were startled.


The old suzerain of Wanshenmen appeared in Lin Caihan's courtyard.

He stared blankly at Lin Caihan, and after a long time his face was full of surprise, "This is the supreme meaning of the Wanshen Heart Sutra."

"Isn't the essence of the Wanshen Heart Sutra missing?" the Wanshen sect master asked puzzled after arriving.

"We misunderstood. We thought that the essence of the Wanshen Heart Sutra was missing. In fact, the essence of the Wanshen Heart Sutra has always been hidden in the exercises. As long as you practice to the limit, the advanced part will emerge." The old suzerain couldn't help being overjoyed Forbiddenly said, "Now that Lin Caihan has broken the limit, she is practicing the Myriad God Heart Sutra of the God King Realm."

"The Ten Thousand Gods Heart Sutra of the Divine King Realm." The words of the old suzerain shocked the senior management of the Ten Thousand Gods Sect.

But what shocked them even more was that a mountain in the distance suddenly collapsed.

collapsed, and then a red light shot out and landed in front of Lin Caihan.

That is a ruler.

The ruler exuded soul-stirring fluctuations, and even a giant like the old suzerain was terrified at this moment.

"This is the magic weapon of our sect master." The old sect master wept excitedly pointing at the ruler.

"The magic weapon of the god king." The suzerain trembled all over his body.

Who would have thought that the sect master's magic weapon was still alive.

With the protection of the magic weapon of the god king in the future, Wanshenmen doesn't have to worry about those giant-level forces.

In the future, whoever dares to cause trouble for Wanshenmen will directly beat him.

"That's right." At this time, a woman stepped out of the ruler, and that woman looked at Lin Caihan with satisfaction in her eyes.

Lin Caihan also opened her eyes at this time.

When she saw the woman in front of her, she bowed and saluted, "Caihan has met senior."

"Since you have obtained the full version of the Wanshen Heart Sutra, you will be the future head of the Wanshen Sect." The woman looked at the suzerain and said, "Is there any problem?"

"No problem, I will announce to the outside world that Lin Caihan will be the young master of Wanshenmen from now on." The master said without hesitation.

No matter how weak the magic weapon of the god king is, it is still a god king.

Where can he afford to offend?

Song Baoyu felt as if he had eaten shit.

He didn't know that he was a good person, so how could he not be the Young Sovereign?

"I need to

He has become the master of Wanshenmen, so will he stay in Wanshenmen in the future? "Lin Caihan asked in a deep voice after pondering for a while.

"Naturally, you want to lead Wanshenmen to restore its former glory." The woman nodded.

She looked at Lin Caihan with a weird look.

She really wants to say this is not nonsense?

"Then I refuse." The purpose of Lin Caihan's stay at Wanshen Sect was only to obtain the full version of Wanshen Mind Sutra. She never thought about getting a magic weapon at the level of a god-king, let alone becoming the head of Wanshen Sect.

"Do you know what you're talking about?" the woman asked with a frown.

Her tone was a little off.

What does Lin Caihan mean?Do you look down on Wanshenmen?

Liu Yunyi rushed to Lin Caihan at this time, "Caihan, even if you become the master of Wanshenmen, you can still be with your husband in the future."

"Husband?" The woman immediately realized that this was the crux of the problem.

"Caihan's husband is Dan Pavilion's history of law enforcement." Liu Yunyi worried that Qi Ling would say something bad, so she quickly reminded her.

"What about the law enforcement history of Dan Pavilion? You may not be able to step into the God King Realm in the future. With my help, you will be able to step into the God King Realm [-]% in the future." The woman said firmly.

"Caihan's husband is an expert among many god sons, I think he will have no problem becoming a god king in the future." Liu Yunyi said after hesitating for a while.

She doesn't want to talk back to the Zongmen's Qi Ling, but she still has to say something

to say.

There was a look of surprise in the woman's eyes. Could it be that Lin Caihan's husband is so good?

After thinking for a while, she said, "Well, I won't stop you from being with your husband in the future, but you need to lead the Wanshenmen to glory."

"I don't want to be the master of Wanshenmen. Besides, I will return to my husband, because my husband needs me." Lin Caihan said in a deep voice.

It's not that she doesn't know that saying this will offend Qi Ling in front of her, but she still has to say it.

"Presumptuous." Qi Ling was furious.

After her words fell, the monks present felt their hearts clenched by a pair of powerful fists.

It was difficult to even breathe.

And Lin Caihan couldn't even breathe.

Seeing her pained appearance, Liu Yunyi quickly shouted, "Caihan, bow your head quickly, admit your mistake, what's the matter, we will talk about it later." She was reminding Lin Caihan to bow her head first.

Lin Caihan didn't say anything.

Because she knew Zhao Yang was coming.

At this moment, the woman suddenly looked into the distance, and saw a warship approaching.

Two figures stood on the battleship.

And that figure wearing a bamboo hat gave her a feeling of being on her back.

"Do you want to die?" When the figure wearing the bamboo hat said these words, the woman felt that her neck was pinched by an invisible force.

Her breathing became rapid.

"You... who are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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