Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1645 Start the Challenge

Just for a moment.

Just so fast.

The clarity in Chi Yue'er's eyes disappeared.

A cruel smile appeared on the corner of the demon's mouth, and then it picked up the spear on the ground and stabbed it towards Chi Yue'er's heart.

But at the moment when the spear was about to pierce Chi Yue'er, the guardian seal on her wrist suddenly emitted a bright golden light.


The spear stabbed heavily on the golden mask.

At the same time Chi Yue'er woke up.

She saw the demon soldiers stabbing at her desperately with spears in their hands, why didn't she know what happened?

"Despicable." The battle sword in Chi Yue'er's hand slashed at the opponent's spear.

The spear fell to the ground, and the demon soldier staggered.


Chi Yue'er swung her sword again and chopped off its head.

After finishing all this, Chi Yue'er sat slumped on the ground, panting heavily.

She was too scared.

The situation that was supposed to win was almost reversed.

If Zhao Yang hadn't given her the guardian seal, she would have died here [-]%.

"The demons are insidious and cunning, the other party taught you a vivid lesson just now." The voice of Tongtian Shenshu rang in her ears.

"What if what it said is true?" Chi Yueer asked after hesitating for a while.

"There is no right or wrong in ethnic disputes." Tongtian Shenshu said lightly, "The demons are born with the hostility of the world, and they will pollute the spiritual veins of the world and make the practice environment worse."

If life changes, we will not be able to practice as time goes by, so no matter how pitiful the demons are, they must die. "

Chi Yue'er was shocked.

"Otherwise, why did the congregations of all ethnic groups join forces to seal the demons, because the demons threatened the living environment of all ethnic groups."

"I see." Chi Yue'er said in a deep voice.

"Even if you kill these demons by means of formation scrolls, this test is based on the time it takes to kill the demons, so you will get the resources ranked No. 11." Tongtian Shenshu said and handed it to him. Chi Yue'er a brocade box.

A look of surprise appeared on Chi Yue'er's face.

Resources ranked No.11.

With this level of resources, in the future, she will be able to go further in the high-level life god realm, and may even reach the level of a giant.

Immediately Chi Yue'er was teleported under the Tongtian Tree.

Seeing Zhao Yang, Chi Yueer said in surprise, "Young Master Zhao."

"What reward did you get?"

"The reward for ranking No. 11." Chi Yue'er said with a smile, "With this kind of resources, and a golden fruit that reaches the sky, this trip to the secret realm will be complete."

She didn't remind Zhao Yang to give her a Heaven-reaching Golden Fruit, but she wanted to tell Zhao Yang that she needed these two, and she didn't need the rest.

"You want these two things?" Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"If it weren't for Mr. Zhao, I wouldn't have passed the killing array, and I wouldn't have had a chance to get these two rewards." Chi Yue'er said with a solemn expression.

She is already very satisfied.

"Tiantian Ziguo, don't you want it?"

"I didn't expect much, I think the golden fruit that reaches the sky will do." Chi Yue'er shook her head.

"You brought me here this time, how can I disappoint you?" Zhao Yang handed Chi Yue'er a brocade box, "In the brocade box are a sky-reaching purple fruit, a sky-reaching gold fruit, and a sky-reaching silver fruit." Fruit, a copper fruit that reaches the sky."

Zhao Yang picked a total of eight sky-reaching purple fruits, seven sky-reaching gold fruits, three sky-reaching silver fruits, and three sky-reaching copper fruits.

Chi Yue'er was taken aback.

She didn't expect Zhao Yang to give her so much.

"Master Zhao, this is too precious." Chi Yue'er immediately pushed back.

Zhao Yang opened the brocade box, took out the Tongtian Ziguo, "Open your mouth."

Chi Yue'er opened her mouth obediently.

"have eaten."



Chi Yue'er ate the Tongtian Ziguo obediently.

"It will take a while for Tongtian Ziguo to digest, and after it is completely digested, your potential can be compared with that of Kunsha." Zhao Yang said softly, "But in terms of combat power, you are still no match for her."

"The Kun clan is always the strongest, so it's normal not to be an opponent of Kunsha." Chi Yue'er said with a smile.

She never thought of defeating Kunsha!

"Are you interested in practicing the Nine Great Divine Arts?"

"Nine great magical arts?" Chi Yue'er exclaimed, but then shook her head, "It still counts.

Yes, the nine divine arts are too powerful, and the Chitu clan shouldn't have them. "

Chi Yue'er was undoubtedly very calm.

It's not that she doesn't want to practice the nine great magic arts.

Do you know that even the Son of God wants it?

But she clearly knows what is the result of the Chitu clan possessing the nine great magic arts?

When Zhao Yang was about to say something, Kunsha appeared beside them.

Kunsha's aura fluctuated violently, and his face was terribly pale.

After he glanced at Zhao Yang and Chi Yue'er who were calm and relaxed, his eyes were full of fear.

Is the Son of God so strong?

It knew that Zhao Yang chose the gold model.

In other words, he needs to face thirty demon soldiers at the same time.

This is not as simple as one plus one!

But looking at Zhao Yang's appearance, it was done easily.

The gap between the two sides is not generally large.

Not long after, Jin You, the young patriarch of the Jin Falcon clan, and Mangfu, the young patriarch of the Mangniu clan, also appeared under the Tongtian Tree.

However, both of them suffered serious injuries.

One after another, some masters appeared one after another.

You can see that everyone is hanging out.

"Has the Lightning Leopard Clan, the Golden Crystal Beast Clan, the Blue Sea Beast Clan, and the Purple Fox Clan been wiped out?" the reckless man suddenly asked.

Because now the people from the other six races have come out, and of course some of the monks they brought fell inside.

Just after the reckless man's words fell, Xue Huan appeared with the help of Zi Yan who was covered in blood


Xue Huan's situation is only better than Zi Yan's.

After Zi Yan slumped on the ground and looked around, when she saw Chi Yue'er who was calm and composed, her eyes showed jealousy and hatred.

In her opinion, Chi Yue'er snatched the formation scroll that she should have, but she didn't remember that it was she who pushed Zhao Yang away with her own hands.

"Everyone is here to heal with peace of mind, and start a new challenge in a day's time." Tongtian Shenshu said lightly.

Everyone was stunned when they heard this.

"Senior, did the lightning leopard family, the golden crystal beast family, and the blue sea beast family all fall inside?" Jin You asked in a deep voice.

"Yes." Tongtian Shenshu replied.

Everyone's heart froze.

Who would have thought that three of the top ten powerful clans would disappear.

Then they healed silently.

After a day they were almost back to normal.

"The next test is your Dao Xin. The firmer your Dao Xin is, the richer the rewards you will get." Tongtian Shenshu said that 81 steps appeared in front of everyone here.

There are some brocade boxes on the steps, but the difference is that the higher the steps, the fewer the brocade boxes.

"Everyone climbs a step, so you can only take one brocade box. If you want to get more brocade boxes, unless you climb to a higher step." Tongtian Shenshu said again, "As for what is in the brocade box, It depends on your luck."

"Okay, we can start." Its voice fell to the twelve monks present and walked towards the steps.

(End of this chapter)

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