Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1646 My Students

Twelve monks.

Two from the Kun clan, two from the Mangniu clan, two from the Golden Falcon clan, one from the Kui Niu clan, two from the Purple Fox clan, one from the Peregrine Falcon clan, and two from the Chitu clan.

You must know that there were 46 people who came here before.

"If you want to get the brocade box, you have to step on at least the tenth step."

"I don't know if ten steps are easy?"

"Even if you think with your toes, you know it's not easy."

When everyone stepped on the first step, they felt a wave of Taoism rolling towards them.

Their Dao Instinctively began to block.

They faced up to the difficulties and climbed to the second stage.

Just as everyone climbed up step by step, Zhao Yang had reached the tenth step.

He picked up a brocade box, and after opening the brocade box, he found a volume of exercises in the brocade box.

The mid-level supernatural powers of the living gods.

Zhao Yang glanced at it and threw the volume of exercises into the small world.

He is not interested in exercises of this level.

Zhao Yang noticed that not every step has a brocade box, and here is a jumping one.

For example, there is no next brocade box until No. 15 steps.

Zhao Yang came to the No. 15 steps leisurely, and found a war puppet in the brocade box.

"At the early stage of life in the God Realm." Zhao Yang murmured.

In terms of value, the war puppets in the early stage of the birth of the gods are more valuable than the supernatural powers in the middle of the birth of the gods.

Of course, when you grow up, it’s another story.

No. 20th order!

When Zhao Yang reached the twentieth step, Kunsha's face turned green.

He intends to compete with Zhao Yang.

As a result, he climbed forcefully, but he only reached the eighth step.

"Young patriarch, don't compete with that person, or you won't even get what you should get later." The old man of the Kun clan persuaded.

Kunsha had to stop and adjust himself.

No. The 20th rank is still a volume of skills, but it is a high rank of the living god state.

Zhao Yang was still not very interested, so he casually threw it into the small world.

Everyone looked at Zhao Yang who was getting farther and farther away from them, with mixed feelings in their hearts.

No.20 has ten herbs on five steps.

This is somewhat beyond Zhao Yang's imagination.

However, these ten medicinal herbs are all in the early stage of Shengshen Realm, and these ten medicinal herbs are not used to improve the realm.

But it can be refined to improve potential potions.

"That's right, the value of these ten herbs is very high." Zhao Yang put away the ten herbs and walked towards a higher step.

No.30 steps!

There is a volume of exercises on this step, and this volume of exercises is a high-level exercise in the realm of living gods.

Zhao Yang didn't have much interest, so he casually threw it into the small world.

There are ten medicinal plants on the five steps of No.30, and these medicinal materials are all in the mid-level of the Living God Realm.

Relatively speaking, Zhao Yang looks at this kind of thing more.

No.40 steps

There is a battle puppet at the mid-level of the living god state. A battle puppet of this level is already very valuable, and even Zhao Yang cannot ignore it.

No.40 has a volume of exercises on five steps, and the level of this volume of exercises is the peak of the living god state.

Cultivation techniques of this level are already very rare, because only the king of gods or geniuses of the sky can create exercises of this level.

There are ten medicinal herbs on the first step, and these medicinal herbs are at the high-level of the Life God Realm. In fact, after reaching this level, such medicinal herbs are already very rare.

After Zhao Yang put away the ten herbs and looked down, he saw that Kunsha had only reached the No. 20 step at this time, and the other monks were even more unbearable.

Immediately, he closed his eyes and walked towards the five steps. On the five steps, there was a war puppet of a high-level living god.

"This battle puppet can be given to Chi Yue'er." Zhao Yang murmured.

The old patriarch of the Chitu clan disappeared, God knows if he will survive.

With this battle puppet, he can protect the Chitu clan for a period of time, and he can break through after Chifeng takes the Tongtian Golden Fruit randomly.

As long as the Chifeng chaos breaks through, no one will make things difficult for the Chitu clan, so Chi Yue'er can practice with peace of mind.

"I don't know what's on the sixty steps?" Zhao Yang walked up while talking.

To his surprise, there are three war puppets on the No. 60 steps.

That's right.

Three war puppets.

The grade is still raw

High-level gods.

"These war puppets are made from my torso." The voice of Tongtian Shenshu rang in Zhao Yang's ears, "So I can easily create high-level war puppets that are difficult for other forces. "

"I don't think anyone can reach this step." Zhao Yang said softly.

"The only hopeful one right now is Kunsha." Tongtian Shenshu replied, "There is still a clear gap between Kunsha and those born in the same rank as the God King."

Zhao Yang nodded.

Kunsha felt that his own strength was very strong, and that was because he hadn't really compared it.In addition, the god-king-level forces don't play with it, and it doesn't know their upper limit at all.

After Zhao Yang put away the three war puppets, he walked towards a higher step.

What shocked him was that there was a universe in the brocade box, and there was a golden battleship among them.

"This is... a high-level warship in the God Realm?"

Zhao Yang has a mid-level battleship in the Life God Realm, and compared with this battleship, his battleship is not even a star and a half behind.

"This battleship was built by me in the Qi Pavilion." Tongtian Shenshu explained, "Due to the consumption of shells, I can only last two battles. In the future, you can go to the Qi Pavilion to repair or replenish ammunition."

Zhao Yang nodded slightly.

He never thought about going to Qi Pavilion now.

Battleships of this level were rare, he was worried that some guys in Qi Pavilion would be tempted.


There is a volume of cheats on the seventy steps.

"Tiantian Secret Technique." Seeing the four words on the cheat book, Zhao Yang's heart moved.

"The secret technique of Tongtian is exactly what I have spent many years researching." The voice of Tongtian Shenshu resounded in the audience, "If you think about it carefully, it will be helpful to you."

Zhao Yang nodded.

Tongtian Shenshu knew his identity as the Son of God.

But it still said so, which proves that this secret technique is not simple.

After Zhao Yang put away the volume of cheat books, he walked towards the last step.

No.70 five steps.

When Zhao Yang stepped on this step steadily, he saw a brocade box.

It is also the only brocade box.

Inside the brocade box lies a token quietly, on which are written the two ancient seal characters of Tongtian.

To the sky!

"You have practiced my secret technique, so you are my student." Tong Tian said lightly, "This token contains a ray of my spirituality, which will only appear when you inspire it." Pause it Then he said, "If anyone bullies you in the future, you can activate the token."

The monks present all showed envy in their eyes when they heard this.

This time Zhao Yang not only obtained the Heaven-reaching Secret Technique, but also the approval of the Heaven-reaching Divine Tree.

In the future, even if it is a god-level power that wants to bully Zhao Yang, they must weigh the tree that stands behind Zhao Yang.

After Zhao Yang put away the token, he looked towards the last step.

(End of this chapter)

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