Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1644 The Cunning Demon Race

"The king mode requires you to kill a hundred demons who are at the peak of the Death God Realm."

"What are the rewards for King mode?"

"Reward your third-ranked resource."

"Bi Luohua?"


Zhao Yang suddenly became excited.

He used to have Bi Luohua, but it was given to the sword body.

You must know that the top three resources are for the Holy Son. If anyone gets it, the origin will be greatly improved.

"I'm interested."

"You have to know that you have to face a hundred existences of the same level at the same time."

"It doesn't matter."

"Okay, I will send you to king mode later."

Half a quarter of an hour later, four doors appeared in front of everyone.

From left to right, the four doors are written Novice Gate, Bronze Gate, Silver Gate, and Golden Gate.

"Everyone can make a choice." The voice of Tongtian Shenshu rang in everyone's ears.

Everyone walked towards the four doors.

"Just go to the golden portal." Tongtian Shenshu sent a voice transmission to Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang nodded inaudibly.

The moment he stepped into the golden portal, he was teleported to a huge ring, and on the edge of the ring stood hundreds of majestic figures.

Their appearance is very similar to that of humans, but they have no white eyes, and their eyes are like thick ink.

They exude a black aura, which makes Zhao Yang very uncomfortable


"Demon energy." Zhao Yang narrowed his eyes, "This is the pure demon clan."

Bloodthirsty expressions appeared in the eyes of hundreds of demon soldiers when they saw Zhao Yang.

They were already annoyed when they were captured here, but now that they saw their blood enemies, how could they not be angry?


Some of them hold battle swords, some hold long whips, some use supernatural powers, and some use mystical techniques.

In an instant, hundreds of demon soldiers all shot, and more importantly, they used their killing moves as soon as they came up.

"Absolute defense." Zhao Yang immediately cast Absolute Defense, one of the nine great magic arts.

His body was filled with a vast radiance, and those radiances guarded him firmly.


A series of terrifying attacks landed on Zhao Yang.

And when the No.40 attack fell on him, Zhao Yang found that there was a crack in the absolute protection.

"It seems that absolute protection has an upper limit."

41 tracks!

42 tracks!

43 tracks!

Seeing more and more cracks, Zhao Yang decided not to bear it any longer.

He summoned the sword of life, and then cast Jian Wuji.

The sword light flashed away like a silver waterfall.

Six demon soldiers who rushed to the front were killed, and four were severely injured.

Zhao Yang swung the sword of life again.

A sword!

Two swords!

Three swords!


After Zhao Yang stopped, 26 of the hundreds of demons fell, and [-] of them were severely injured.

But what Zhao Yang didn't expect was that after the initial shock, the remaining demons rushed towards him again without fear of death.

Zhao Yang didn't see the slightest fear in their eyes.

They are like beasts.

No feelings.

The mystery of killing!

When Zhao Yang waved the sword of life in his hand again, the sword intent instantly surged.

The more than 20 demons who rushed over died without even attacking.

The Profound Truth of Killing can make Zhao Yang's combat power soar. Although Zhao Yang's realm is still stuck at the peak of the Death God Realm, it is not something they can shake.

Zhao Yang swung three more swords and killed all the remaining demon soldiers.

At this time, he was a little out of breath, and the energy in his body was not much.

"Jian Wuji, absolute defense, the profound meaning of killing." The Tongtian Shenshu appeared in front of Zhao Yang, "You have mastered three of the nine great magic arts?"

Normally speaking, it is absolutely impossible for the Son of God to kill so many existences of the same level.

"I'm almost exhausted too." Zhao Yang said softly.

"But you didn't use your peak combat power." Tongtian Shenshu said with a smile, "I don't know if I'm right?"

Of course Zhao Yang didn't use his peak power.

For example, the original technique he activated just now is the Great Dream Heart Sutra, and

If it is to activate the Immortal Art, then it will not be so difficult to kill these soldiers of the same level.

"But I also saw some of your methods." Tongtian Shenshu said and threw a brocade box to Zhao Yang, "The brocade box is the third-ranked Bi Luohua."

"Thank you." Zhao Yang bowed and thanked.

He was already thinking about who the Bi Luohua was for?

"Originally, the golden mode has the sixth-ranked reward, the swallowtail flower. Unfortunately, no monks have passed this level, so this reward is also given to you." What surprised Zhao Yang was that the heavenly tree also gave the swallowtail flower gave him.

At present, Zhao Yang can set foot in the early stage of the God Realm, and the only extra resource is the swallowtail flower obtained in the city that never sleeps.

But now there are more Biluohua and Swallowtail.

The top ten resources in Yanhuangzong are Mingyue, Tang Yiren, Three Princesses, and Zhao Qingqing, which means that they only need two more.

Immediately, Zhao Yang found himself back under the Tongtian God Tree, and there was no one around him.

"Others are still fighting, you wait here patiently, and there will be tests next."

Zhao Yang nodded slightly.

Let's talk about Chi Yue'er.

When Chi Yue'er appeared on the ring, she saw the ten demon soldiers around at a glance.

Those ten demon soldiers looked at her like they looked at a little sheep.


When they rushed towards Chi Yue'er, Chi Yue'er opened Zhao Yang's gift box without even thinking about it.

Give her the scroll.

When the scroll was torn, the sword intent all over the sky turned into a torrent of water and spread towards the surroundings.

Panicked expressions appeared on the faces of those demon soldiers, and they retreated powerlessly towards the surroundings.

And when the long river of sword intent dissipated, Chi Yue'er was shocked to find that eight of the ten demon soldiers had fallen, and the remaining two demon soldiers could not survive.

"This... the formation scroll given by the young master is too strong, right?" Chi Yue'er murmured.

Immediately Chi Yue'er came in front of a demon soldier, the demon soldier's eyes were very fierce, it struggled to get up and kill Chi Yue'er, but it couldn't even do the simplest action.

"Die." Chi Yue'er pierced its forehead with a sword.

Chi Yue'er then came to the side of the second demon soldier, and the eyes of that demon soldier showed pleading looks.

"Don't kill me, I just got married, and my wife is still waiting for me at home?" said the demon soldier, struggling to kneel down to Chi Yue'er.

Chi Yue'er's eyes showed an unbearable look.

"Forgive me, okay?" The demon soldier continued to kowtow to Chi Yue'er.

Chi Yue'er knew very well that she should kill the opponent, but the sword in her hand couldn't cut through.

Just when heaven and man were intertwined in her heart, the demon soldier suddenly raised his head, and Chi Yue'er's eyes fell on the opponent's pair of black pupils.

The clarity in her eyes disappeared instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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