Everyone was shocked.

Yuan Dongxiao's strength is certainly not as strong as Kunsha and the others, but he is not weak among the crowd, but at this time, he can't bear Zhao Yang's power?

Zi Yan's mind became active.

Could it be that Mr. Zhao is interested in me?

Otherwise, if I offended him so much, he would have easily exposed it?


It must be like this.

After realizing this, Zi Yan sat down beside Zhao Yang to rest.

This made Chi Yue'er feel a little tasteful.

Even though Chi Yue'er knew that it was impossible for Zhao Yang to have anything to do with her, Zi Yan sitting beside Zhao Yang in such a carefree manner still made her feel very uncomfortable.

"Have you no place to sit?" What Zi Yan didn't expect was that Zhao Yang directly reprimanded Zi Yan.

Zi Yan was stunned.

"What?" She looked at Zhao Yang in a daze.

"I said get lost." Zhao Yang said with a cold light in his eyes.

Seeing the warning in Zhao Yang's eyes, Zi Yan stood up in fright and ran to the side.

After Zhao Yang withdrew her gaze, she patted her heart, "Could it be that Mr. Zhao has no intentions towards me? But why was it like that just now? It can't be because of Chi Yue'er, right?"

She thought for a while and felt that it was probably caused by Chi Yue'er.

"If this is the case, then Chi Yue'er can't stay." Zi Yan thought to herself.

wait till sky

When the monks on the sacred tree fell to the ground to recuperate one after another, the sound of the Tongtian Divine Tree rang in their ears.

"If you practice here, you will soon be able to return to the peak state." Tongtian Shenshu said slowly, "I will give you an hour."

An hour later, including Zhao Yang, all recovered to the peak state.

"Next, I'll take you to a place." Tongtian Shenshu said and everyone found themselves in a small world.

This small world is very dark, giving people an uncomfortable feeling.

Everyone looked into the distance and felt that the spiritual power between the heaven and the earth was very dirty.

"Senior, where is this?" Chi Yue'er frowned and said.

"This is a small world that I refined. Back then, I captured hundreds of millions of demon soldiers, and these demon soldiers recuperated here. Now the number has grown to more than 30 billion." Tongtian Shenshu explained, "Because of this Restricted by the rules of the small world, their cultivation is limited to the peak of the Death God Realm."

"In other words, there are many masters at the peak of Death God Realm here." Zhao Yang suddenly realized.

"There are millions of monks at the peak level of Death God Realm." Tongtian Shenshu said in a deep voice, "Your first task is to deal with the demons at the peak of Death God Realm."

"Kill it?" Kunsha asked hurriedly.

"That's right, kill." Tongtian Shenshu responded, "Now I will tell you about the rewards."

, The checkpoint mode is divided into novice mode, bronze mode, silver mode, and gold mode. "

Zhao Yang was taken aback.

He really wants to ask you if you can play Glory of Kings?

"In novice mode, you need to kill a demon who is at the peak of the Death God Realm. As a reward, you will get a resource ranked top 31 to [-]"

"Bronze mode, you need to kill three demons who are at the peak of the Death God Realm. As a reward, you will get a resource ranked in the top 21 to [-]."

"Silver mode, you need to kill ten demons who are at the peak of the Death God Realm. As a reward, you will get a resource ranked in the top eleven to twenty."

"Golden mode, you need to kill [-] demons who are at the peak of the Death God Realm, and as a reward, you will get a resource ranked in the top four to top ten."

"Senior, I want to know how strong are the demons at the peak of the Death God Realm?" Zi Yan asked after thinking about it.

"The demon cultivators are generally a level higher than the cultivators in the God Realm." Tongtian Shenshu said lightly, "How to choose, you can figure it out?"

"Senior, what if you want to quit halfway?" Chi Yue'er asked hastily.

"Either you kill all the demons in the level, or the demons kill you."

Everyone was stunned!

"Senior, can we form a group to break through the level?" Zi Yan asked a little uneasily.

"Yes, but the number of demons you face will increase accordingly."

Hearing this, Zi Yan was a little relieved.

This means that Xue Huan has a place to play.

"Senior, if the two of us break through the level at the same time, how many rewards will we give?" Jin You asked a question.


This annoyed many monks.

"Senior, can I not break through?" An old monk asked after pondering for a while.

He really wasn't sure how to pass the checkpoint.

"Okay, there are other levels after this level, but you are not eligible to continue participating."

"Senior, can I use array scrolls and magic weapons after entering?"

"Yes, as long as you are not born in the God Realm, there are no restrictions on this."

The words of the Tongtian Divine Tree made many monks look surprised.

"Don't be too happy too early, the monks of the Demon Race are very powerful, and the formation scrolls on us may not be useful."

"Yeah, it's better not to think things too simply."

"The problem is that there is no standard of reference, and I don't know how to choose?"

Seeing that everyone didn't ask any more questions, Tongtian Shenshu said, "I'll give you half a quarter of an hour to prepare."

After the words fell, Chi Yue'er looked at Zhao Yang with some trepidation, "Young Master Zhao, which mode should I challenge?"

"According to my guess, those whose potential is in the early stage of the living god state can enter the novice mode, and those whose potential is in the middle stage of the living god state

You can break through the bronze mode, of course, it's hard to say whether you can break through. "Zhao Yang said lightly, "You will go to the silver mode later. "

"That... I can't seem to break through the silver mode." Chi Yue'er whispered.

"This is for you." Zhao Yang handed Chi Yue'er a formation scroll, "This scroll is the killing formation I refined. I think it will be no problem to kill the ten demons. Of course, if it is not enough It doesn't matter, you have the guardian seal I gave you on your body, and the guardian seal will protect your safety."

"My lord, you left it to me, what do you do?" Chi Yue'er didn't take it immediately.

"Do you think I can do nothing to the thirty demons?" Zhao Yang asked with a smile.

Seeing that Zhao Yang was so confident, Chi Yue'er didn't say anything.

And everyone looked at Chi Yue'er enviously, they knew that Chi Yue'er was going to soar into the sky.

"Those whose potential is at the high level of the Life God Realm may be able to break through, but I think it's better not to take risks." Xue Huan said in a deep voice at this time.

"How can I back down here?" Zi Yan looked at Xue Huan and said, "Young Master Xue, the rest is up to you."

"Okay, at least my illusion can protect your safety." Xue said after thinking about it.

While everyone was discussing, the voice of Tongtian Shenshu rang in Zhao Yang's ears.

"Do you want to challenge the king mode?"

"King mode?"

(End of this chapter)

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