Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1581 Full of despair

"More than 300 million people were killed!" An old lizard's eyes were bleeding when he saw this scene.

Zhao Yang's sword was too domineering and terrifying.

This sword killed one-tenth of the tribe.

How is this played?

"It's almost impossible to kill Zhao Yang just by the number of people."

"I don't believe that he can use that kind of attack multiple times in a row?"

"Maybe he won't use that attack a few times. The question is who can stop him from leaving?"

Hearing this, everyone fell silent.

At this moment, Zhao Yang felt that the energy in his body was more than ten times stronger than before.

He felt a wave of ambition.

"Flowing Water Sword Art." When he used the Flowing Water Sword Art, the sword intent directly turned into a big river, enveloping all the millions of monks along the way.

And when the long river of sword intent dissipated, fewer than a few thousand of the millions of monks survived.

"This blow killed more than 200 million clansmen."

"It can't go on."

"Get out."

"Zhao Yang's elite team is also a beast. It has already killed more than 600 million members of our clan in a while."

At this time, nearly half of the 3000 million army has been lost.

How is this played?


"Retreat quickly."

"Don't retreat in scale."

"Everyone scattered and fled."

The soldiers of the lizard clan were terrified of being killed a long time ago.


After hearing the order to retreat, he ran away like a jerk.

"Kill." Zhao Yang ordered the [-] soldiers to chase after him.

Zhao Yang drove the battleship to follow.

Eighty thousand soldiers returned one after another after chasing and killing them for half an hour.

Then Zhao Yang counted the number of people.

"36 people fell, and 240 people were seriously injured." After counting, Zhao Yang felt that this number was acceptable.

It is not in vain for him to train these soldiers.

Then Zhao Yang took action to heal the seriously injured 240 two disciples.

With his alchemy means, as long as he didn't fall on the spot, he could be rescued.

And the Lizard Clan sent 3000 million troops to besiege Zhao Yang, but the news that 500 million were counter-killed quickly spread throughout the Central God Territory.

"Is Zhao Yang going against the sky?"

"Zhao Yang's elite team is very strong."

"Perhaps the number of people is meaningless to Zhao Yang."

"The end of the lizard family is coming."

"Zhao Yang is still wandering in the territory of the human race at this time, and I don't know when he will come to my demon domain?"

"How did I hear that Lizard also sent 3000 million troops to besiege Yanhuangzong?"

"Yanhuangzong's mountain protection array is as solid as gold, and the lizard clan has already lost millions."

"The Yanhuangzong's mountain protection formation is really powerful. 3000 million lizards are besieging it with all their strength, and they are as solid as gold. If our sect has such a mountain protection formation, do we still need to worry about the lizards' invasion?"

Just when many monks felt that Zhao Yang returned to aid Yanhuangzong, Zhao Yang led this elite team to attack the Lizard Clan again.

He didn't seem to worry about Yan Huangzong's safety at all.

The same is true.

Because after a day and a night of recovery, the mountain guarding array actually cut out nine shocking sword lights again the next day.

The Lizard Clan was once again beheaded by the millions.

Then Yanhuangzong allowed the lizards to continue attacking.

And when millions of lizards were killed on the third day, the remaining lizards collapsed.

How is this played?


"It will take at least a month for Yanhuangzong's mountain protection formation to be broken, and it may even take longer."

"And the Yanhuang Sect can kill millions of us every day. After a month, no, after ten days, we will all be dead."

"Don't forget that 3000 million lizards didn't stop Zhao Yang. Once Zhao Yang's elite army returns, we won't be able to run if we want, okay?"

The patriarchs of the major lizard tribes decided to leave temporarily after some discussion.

It's just that they surrounded the Yanhuang Sect.

Immediately, a steady stream of lizard groups quickly attacked in the direction of Yanhuangzong.

"The army of lizards around Yanhuangzong has gathered more than [-] million." Rabbit said in a deep voice after investigating in secret that day.

"One hundred million?" Lin Caihan said in a deep voice.

This number

The words exceeded her expectations.

"Can the mountain protection array stop it?" Ye Yulian said with some concern.

"It's fine in a short time." Lin Caihan glanced at Ye Yulian, "It's just that there is no way to kill them all at once."

Lin Caihan felt aggrieved for a while.

If her cultivation base is higher, she can build a large number of magic weapons, so do you still care about these lizards?

Ye Yulian was stunned.

She was worried about Yan Huangzong's safety, but what Lin Caihan was depressed about was that she couldn't kill all these guys at once.

"Do you want to send a distress message to the suzerain?" Tang Yi came over.

Tang Yiren would not call Zhao Yang her husband in front of outsiders.

"Send it." Lin Caihan said after thinking about it, "Otherwise the formation will have to be repaired."

Tang Yiren sent Zhao Yang the situation of the sect.

What she didn't know was that Zhao Yang's fleet was surrounded by groups at this time.

"This is going to destroy my fleet in one fell swoop." Zhao Yang said indifferently, looking at the densely packed Lizard Clan soldiers around him.

"At this time, more than [-] million people have gathered, and they are still coming here continuously." A killer stood beside Zhao Yang and said in a low voice.

"Let them continue to gather together." Zhao Yang said indifferently.

Soon the news that Zhao Yang was surrounded by hundreds of millions of monks spread throughout the Central God Territory.

"The Lizard Clan is going to completely wipe out Zhao Yang and his fleet.

kill. "

"No matter how talented Zhao Yang is, it is impossible to kill so many lizards."

"It's best to fight for both sides."

"Should our human race rush to help? Did Zhao Yang save us before?"

"How to rush to help? How to rush to help? The lizard minions are still gathering, and the final number may reach one billion. We simply can't kill them."

"I heard that a net has been laid around the battleship, even if we want to save it, there is nothing we can do."

Flowing Sect!

When Zhuo Xing'er heard the news, she immediately ordered an elite army to go to the rescue.

But this army has not yet set off, millions of lizards are attacking.

The same is true for the rest of the human sects. The lizard seems to have expected this result and prevented the major forces of the human race from coming to rescue.

"History of Law Enforcement, our Alchemy Pavilion can dispatch millions of elites to rescue." The owner of the Alchemy Pavilion sent a message to Zhao Yang.

"No need, this is just a small scene." Zhao Yang replied with a smile.

The Zhendao General Pavilion also sent a message, asking if Zhao Yang needed help?

Zhao Yang refused with a smile.

Time passed by second by second.

When the lizards gathered [-] million soldiers, they began to attack Zhao Yang.

Seeing the overwhelming lizards killing Zhao Yang and his party, no matter how much these [-] monks trusted Zhao Yang, despair still surged in their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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