Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1580 Siege of Yanhuangzong

With Zhao Yang's cultivation at this time, how could the condensed spell not be powerful?

"Close the team." Zhao Yang looked at the soldiers below and said.

The ten thousand soldiers quickly returned to the battleship.

"Master Zhao, where are you going next?"

"Continue to strangle the lizards." Zhao Yang said lightly.

Zhao Yang's actions quickly attracted the attention of the Lizard Clan.


Because in less than a month, more than 20 billion lizards died tragically in Zhao Yang's army.

"Which force is killing our people?"

"I heard it's Yanhuangzong."

"Why is Yan Huangzong having trouble with us?"

"We can't let Yan Huangzong continue to kill so wantonly. I think we should form an alliance army."

"That's right, when Yan Huangzong is defeated one by one, how can we survive?"

"Everyone, Zhao Yang led the elite to kill the Quartet outside, why don't we gather some elites to attack Yan Huangzong."

"We both act simultaneously."

After reaching an agreement, the lizard clan gathered 3000 million soldiers to march towards Yanhuangzong, and another 3000 million soldiers to march towards Zhao Yang's elite group.

And the follow-up legions continued to come in these two directions.

Yan Huangzong!

When Yanhuangzong's intelligence personnel noticed that the lizard tribe was heading towards Yanhuangzong, Lin Caihan had already known

, she immediately ordered the patrolling disciples in the Yanhuangzong territory to withdraw to the mountain protection formation.

Soon lizards like a tide came to the foot of Yanhuangzong's mountain protection array.

Seeing the dense army of lizards, the disciples of the Juque Sect turned pale with fright.

There was no trace of fear on the faces of Yanhuangzong's disciples.

"In terms of scale, the lizard army must be at least 3000 million." Mingyue stood beside Lin Caihan and said softly.

"Let them fight." Lin Caihan said lightly.

"Don't you need to notify the suzerain?" Ye Yulian said after a moment of pondering.

"The mountain protection array is not so fragile." Lin Caihan said with a smile.

The 3000 million army of the lizard tribe immediately started to attack.

They attacked the mountain guard formation one after another.

What they didn't expect was that as a sound of sword chant resounded through the audience, a dazzling sword light slashed towards the lizard below.

This sword was full of grandeur, causing hundreds of thousands of lizards to drink their hatred on the spot.

Seeing this scene, the disciples of the Yanhuang Sect were all shocked. No one thought that the Great Array of Protecting Mountains would be so powerful?

And at this time the second, third, fourth...

When the nine sword lights fell, 3000 million soldiers of the lizard tribe fell, and as many as 400 million fell.

One-eighth of the army was lost in this way.

"This... this is too scary."


Can forces withstand these nine swords? "

"Even the top three Sirius Sect can't stop it."

After rearranging their formation, the Lizard Clan's army continued to charge towards Yanhuangzong.

But the huge mountain guard formation remained motionless.

"Sovereign, is there no means of attack in the mountain protection formation?" Cang Yun, the suzerain of the Juque Sect, asked softly.

"The previous attack method was just a small way, and the mountain protection formation can burst out several attacks." Speaking of this, Lin Caihan urged the mountain protection formation.


A death sickle appeared out of thin air, and the power of hundreds of millions of runes converged towards the death sickle, and the terrifying power of death crushed the hearts of every monk present.


When the death sickle was cut down, a large number of lizards were cut off.

When the dust cleared, the lizard clan was horrified to find that millions of soldiers of the lizard clan died in this blow.

"Death Scythe."

"Has Yanhuangzong started to use such methods now?"

"It seems that Yanhuangzong has no other means."

"Everyone, work harder and strive to win Yanhuangzong in one fell swoop."

The patriarchs of the lizard tribe are desperately boosting morale.

It's just that before half an hour came, another death scythe appeared, and this death scythe took away millions of lizards again.

"Mingyue, I will leave the inspection of the mountain guard formation to you." Lin Caihan looked at Mingyue and said softly.


Obey. "

"Yiren, you take some soldiers to inspect the sect." Lin Caihan said in a deep voice.

The more this kind of time is, the more it will test people's hearts.

There is no need to worry about the 30 killers and 70 soldiers, but for the [-] disciples and [-] soldiers of the Juque Sect, Lin Caihan feels that it is necessary to be more cautious.

Immediately Lin Caihan went back.

She wants to retreat.

Retreat and break through to a higher realm.

Let's talk about Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang's fleet had just beheaded a group of hundreds of thousands of elites and found that they were surrounded by groups.

Seeing more and more lizards, Zhao Yang looked around and asked, "Are you afraid?"

Eighty thousand soldiers burst out laughing.

Their belief in Zhao Yang has reached their souls.

The word fear is not in their minds at all.

"Today we will kill it and turn the world upside down." When Zhao Yang said this, a big flag appeared in his hand.

When the big flag was planted on the battleship, an invisible wave rushed to every soldier.

Their fighting spirit is boiling, their blood is igniting, and their fighting power is rising.

"This big flag can increase your combat effectiveness by [-]% compared to usual." Speaking of this, Zhao Yang summoned the peerless fierce sword, and the flames in his eyes were rolling and jumping.


Following Zhao Yang's words, [-] soldiers rushed towards the surrounding lizards like wolves and tigers.


Those lizards were immediately killed and turned on their backs.

It is really that the cultivation base of these [-] soldiers is too high.

Are they all in the God Realm?

Holding the peerless fierce sword in his hand, Zhao Yang activated the secret meaning of killing, which made the combat power continue to rise.

Each sword caused hundreds of thousands of lizard soldiers to fall, but after swinging more than a dozen swords in a row, no matter how powerful Zhao Yang's original technique was, he still felt exhausted.

"The energy in Zhao Yang's body is exhausted."

"Take advantage of his illness and kill him."

"Everyone will kill with me."

None of the senior leaders of the lizard tribe dared to confront Zhao Yang, but at this time they were adopting the tactics of crowds, and they wanted to consume Zhao Yang alive.

Zhao Yang stood in mid-air, panting heavily.

At this time, the energy in his body was running out, and he was unable to swing the fierce sword in his hand anymore.

But that doesn't mean he's about to lose.

"Eternal Immortality." When Zhao Yang activated the god-level original kung fu, his body was filled with terrifying fluctuations that made the world pale.

His breath was majestic.

Let all directions be shocked.

When he held the battle sword in his hand again, he realized that he hadn't displayed the strength that the death scythe should have before.


When he sacrificed a sword again, the entire void split open, and the raging sword intent took away a large number of lizards.

(End of this chapter)

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