How to fight this?

Who can survive in this lineup?

You must know that these lizards are not fighting with you alone, they form one after another battle formation, and kill them with a blank face.

But at this moment Zhao Yang moved.

Behind him appeared a figure with mountains and rivers on its back.

The moment this figure appeared, the entire world stopped functioning.

He is the only one in heaven and earth;

He is the existence of the Dao;

He is the supreme being.

Below him, one after another terrifying gods bowed their heads and worshiped.

They lowered their noble heads, surrendering to the figure before them.

The vision of the king of gods... All the gods bowed down.

The moment this vision appeared, the vast coercion slammed towards everyone's bodies like a stormy sea.

The [-] million lizards, including their top ones, all staggered and fell to the ground.

They didn't even dare to lift their heads, the suppression of their blood made them unable to move.

This scene is shocking.

The creatures thousands of miles away were all dumbfounded and speechless.

"Can anyone tell me what happened?"

"Why do all [-] million lizards kneel down?"

"Who is that figure behind Zhao Yang?"

"This seems to be a vision in the legend."

"Vision? It is rumored that only geniuses in the sky can exist."

"But the vision did not

So scary, right? "

While everyone was discussing, a bald head appeared in midair, and he looked at the figure with a look of horror on his face.

"The vision of the god king, this...this guy is actually the son of god?" Dade was frightened.

"Monk, what is a Son of God?" A middle-aged man asked puzzled.

"The young god king, if there are no accidents in the future, he can become a god king." Dade said in a deep voice.

God King?

These two words stunned the nearby monks.

It's not that they don't know that Zhao Yang is amazing, but no one knows that Zhao Yang is so amazing?

"I finally understand why Zhao Yang's cultivation level has not reached the peak, but he can push the entire Central God Realm horizontally?"

"It turns out that this guy is actually a young god king."

"It's so scary."

In a further area, a young man in blue shirt looked at Zhao Yang in amazement, "No wonder he was the Son of God when I was defeated by him." The young man in blue shirt was none other than Jiang Taiming, the God Eye sect.

He has been dormant in the Central God Realm for these years.

"It seems necessary to report this matter to the clan." Jiang Taiming left in a hurry.

If they can win over a god son, the Shenyan sect will make a lot of money in the future.

And what Jiang Taiming could think of, others could also think of. At this time, those who were dormant in the Central God Realm went to the Upper God Realm one after another.

They should report this matter to the clan as soon as possible.

When [-] million lizards are suppressed

Then Zhao Yang waved his hand and said, "Kill."

Eighty thousand soldiers rushed over like wolves and tigers.

This is a massacre.

These lizards seem to be ready to kill at this time.

They didn't resist either, allowing [-] soldiers to slaughter them.

There are a lot of lizards, but these soldiers are all existences of the upper gods, and the energy in each of them is vast.

1 minutes passed.

2 minutes passed.

3 minutes passed.

At this time, two-thirds of the lizards in the field have been killed.

"Hurry up, I won't last long." Zhao Yang sent a voice transmission to the soldiers at this time.

Hearing the words, those soldiers quickly activated their big moves one by one.

The [-] soldiers all activated their big moves, and the scene was very shocking.

In less than half a minute, there are less than 300 million lizards alive.

They continue to shoot.

And when Zhao Yang put away the vision, there were only thousands of lizards left in the field.

These lizards are lambs waiting to be slaughtered for the [-] soldiers who are like wolves and tigers.

"We should go back." Zhao Yang said lightly.

Eighty thousand soldiers jumped onto the battleship one by one.

When the battleship started to move towards Yanhuangzong, the number of lizards besieging Yanhuangzong reached an astonishing [-] million.

These lizards charged towards Yanhuangzong fearlessly.

No matter how amazing Yanhuangzong's mountain protection formation is, it can't stop so many

lizard siege.

After the nine sword lights killed millions of lizards, Lin Caihan activated the five death sickles.

Five death scythes flew across the sky, and each swing took away millions of lizards.

At this time, the fallen monks of the lizard clan had reached tens of millions, but it was nothing compared to [-] million lizards.

Everyone watched Lin Caihan remain silent, and realized that Yanhuangzong might have no trump card.

Everyone's heart is heavy.

"The suzerain is already on his way back." Lin Caihan said suddenly at this moment.

There was a look of astonishment on everyone's face.

Because they concluded from a lot of information that Zhao Yang was surrounded by more lizards.

"The [-] million lizards have all been killed." Lin Caihan went on to say a news that shocked everyone's attention.

"Is... the suzerain so strong?" Ye Yulian exclaimed.

Ye Yulian knew that Zhao Yang was very strong, but shouldn't she be so strong?

This is beyond her cognition, okay?

Lin Caihan smiled and didn't explain anything.

In fact, even if Zhao Yang doesn't come, Yanhuangzong still has a trump card.

First, Yanhuangzong's mountain protection formation is a seven-star formation composed of two life swords and five death sickles. What was just activated was just five death sickles; Sword Dao Talismans; thirdly, the Pill Pavilion once gave Zhao Yang a batch of powerful and tyrannical

Array scroll.

If these hole cards are used, it may not be possible to kill all of them, but it is not much of a problem to kill a third of them.

However, since Zhao Yang led the army back, there was no need to use these hole cards.

But those lizard army didn't know.

They thought that Yanhuangzong had no trump card, so they attacked with all their might.

Not to mention that under their attacks wave after wave, there were a few cracks in the mountain guard formation.

Just when they felt that victory was in sight, a battleship quietly appeared above their heads.

"I've just recovered a little bit, everyone kill a wave first, and then go back to the city." Zhao Yang looked at the [-] soldiers and said calmly.

"Of order." The soldiers said excitedly.


That is, in an instant Zhao Yang summoned his vision.

All gods kneel down!

The mighty coercion caused nearly [-] million lizards to crawl on the ground.

The audience was in an uproar.

What's happening here?

"Kill." Following Zhao Yang's order, [-] soldiers rushed towards the [-] million soldiers like wolves.

"Caihan, I don't hold on for long, hurry up and let the Yanhuangzong soldiers take action." Zhao Yang then sent a voice transmission to Lin Caihan.

Lin Caihan hastily summoned the 20 soldiers patrolling the city wall to act, and at the same time ordered all the soldiers of Yanhuangzong to dispatch.

All of a sudden, nearly a million monks rushed towards those lizards.

(End of this chapter)

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