Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1579 Sending you a spell

At this moment, let alone Meng Lian'er, the monks present were all shocked and speechless.

what's the situation?

And what kind of supernatural power is this?

All of the nearly [-] lizards were swept away in an instant?

At this moment, [-] soldiers descended from the sky, holding sharp swords in their hands, and rushed towards the remaining hundreds of thousands of lizards.

Feeling the coercion pervading from these monks, Song Nanque and other senior officials of Wu Chaozong were all shocked.

"Upper God Realm, Upper God Realm, Upper God Realm, these soldiers are all Upper God Realm."

"The top sects only have dozens of masters who are at the top of the gods. Which faction can cultivate so many masters?"

"These lizards are not enough for these guys to kill, are they?"

The guesses of Song Nanque and others are correct.

In less than a few minutes, the Lizard Clan that defeated the Emperor Wu Dynasty was completely killed by these [-] soldiers, and these [-] soldiers did not even have a single casualty except for a few wounded.

"Retract the team." Zhao Yang's voice sounded from above the battleship.

"This voice..." Meng Lian'er felt a little familiar, and then she realized something, "It's him?"

"Sect Master Zhao." Song Nanque also recognized Zhao Yang's voice, so he and Meng Lianer flew into the air and came to the front of the battleship.

At this time, the surroundings of the battleship were covered by a ban, and they couldn't see the battleship clearly at all.

The figure on the ship.

"Sect Master Zhao, please come out and see me." Song Nanque called softly.

Hearing this, Zhao Yang waved his hand and removed the restrictions around the battleship.

"Is something wrong?"

"If there is no Sect Master Zhao this time, the Wu Dynasty Sect will be over. I am here to thank you on behalf of the entire Wu Dynasty Sect." Song Nanque said and saluted Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang accepted Song Nanque's gift frankly, "If there is nothing else, I will leave."

"Is that why you don't want to see me?" Meng Lian'er said aggrievedly.

Anyway, she is also the girl of heaven.

"I don't understand what you mean." Zhao Yang looked at Meng Lian'er in a daze.

"Aren't you just annoyed that I wasn't your maid?" Meng Lian'er said angrily.

Hearing this, Zhao Yang couldn't help laughing, "Do you think I will care too much about a maid?"

"You...?" Meng Lian'er stared at Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang was too lazy to say anything more, "Go ahead."

When the battleship was carrying [-] soldiers, Song Nanque said with emotion, "The Central God Territory will soon return to its former days."

"Master, what do you mean...?"

"Sect Master Zhao trained this army to fight against the lizards. Who do you think can stop this army?" Song Nanque said with a smile.

"What will our Wu Chaozong do next?"

"Sent some spies in

Be vigilant all around, and then re-establish Wu Chaozong. "Song Nanque said softly.

"What if another army of lizards comes?"

"If it's time to withdraw, then withdraw."

After leaving Wu Chaozong, Zhao Yang's army had eliminated dozens of lizard groups along the way. On this day, the battleship came to the top of Tianyu Palace.

The situation of Tianyu Palace is still good, the mountain protection formation has not yet collapsed, but depending on the degree of incompleteness, it can't last for a few days.

"Guanguan, you have to make plans early." Mr. Yuxu said with some distress as he looked at the disheartened Guanguan.

I have to say that Mr. Yuxu is a lover, even though he clearly knows that this place is dangerous, he still resolutely appeared here.

"The Palace of Heaven's Desire was built by me alone, and I will absolutely not allow the Palace of Heaven's Desire to fall." Guanguan said with firm eyes.

Then she thought of something, "Young Master Yuxu, thank you for your support to Tianyu Palace during this time, but the day of Zongfu is just around the corner, you should leave."

"I won't leave." Young Master Yuxu shook his head firmly, "If you don't leave, I will die with you."

"Master Yuxu, you...why are you doing this?"

"For you, no matter how much I pay, I will be willing." Young Master Yuxu looked at Guan Guan affectionately.

Guan Guan avoided Mr. Yuxu's fiery eyes, "Mr. Yuxu, thank you for your kindness, but I already have someone else in my heart."

"Who?" Young Master Yuxu agreed

asked knowingly.

"You should know." Guan Guan said leisurely.

After the farewell that day, Guanguan couldn't forget Zhao Yang. Of course, Guanguan knew that he was not good enough for Zhao Yang.

"You're talking about the law enforcement history of our Zhendao General Pavilion?" Mr. Yuxu suddenly realized.

Guanguan nodded.

"do you know who he is?"

"I don't know."

"He is Dange's history of law enforcement."

"Isn't he the law enforcement history of Zhendao General Pavilion? Wait, what did you say just now? Pill Pavilion?" Guanguan suddenly woke up.

"That's right, he is the law enforcement history of Dan Pavilion, even if he goes to the Upper God Realm in the future, he will still be a superior existence." Mr. Yuxu said leisurely, "By the way, he still has an identity in the Central God Realm."

"What identity?"

"Sect Master of Yanhuang Sect."

"Zhao Yang, the strongest of the younger generation in Central God Territory?" Guan Guan's eyes lit up.

Young Master Yuxu nodded slightly.

"If I can survive this time, I will definitely go to Yanhuangzong and pay my respects in person." Guanguan said with bright eyes.

Young Master Yuxu sighed softly when he saw Guan Guan's expression.

He realized that the museum's love was deeply rooted.

But he couldn't get angry yet.

Jealousy with law enforcement history?

Is he good enough?

At this moment, a black warship appeared on the outskirts of the mountain guard formation, and then tens of thousands of armed men walked out of the battleship.

Warriors of swords.

These soldiers were like killing machines, killing the lizards in an instant.

This scene frightened all the monks present at the Heavenly Desire Palace.

is this real?

Guan Guan hurriedly soared up to the front of the battleship, "Guan Guan dares to ask senior to show up."

"I remember you called me senior that day?" Zhao Yang removed the restriction on the battleship while speaking.

"Young Master Zhao." Guanguan said excitedly when he saw the man in front of him.

It was only then that she noticed that Zhao Yang's appearance was somewhat similar to that of that day, but their voices were exactly the same.

She was sure this was the one who helped that day.

"It seems that you recognized me." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"Master Zhao, when did you train such a group of powerful subordinates?" Guan Guan pointed to the tens of thousands of monks who were cleaning the battlefield.

"A while ago."

"If I had known Mr. Zhao was so powerful, what kind of sect would I have established, and I would just mix with you." Guan Guan said with a smile.

"You also have a chance now."

"I'm afraid you don't want me, son."

"How do you know if you don't try?"

"Then I will disband the sect." Guan Guan said bluntly.

"Forget it." Zhao Yang said as he gathered a talisman with his big hand, "This talisman is for you, and it can be used as a trump card at critical moments."

"Thank you." Guan Guan took it excitedly.

(End of this chapter)

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