Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1578 Training Elite

"I should go." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"Sect Master Zhao, can you give us some guidance?" The Pavilion Master of Qunfang Pavilion sighed softly.

"Now it's not suitable for you to re-establish the sect, because if you re-establish it, you will become a target." Zhao Yang thought for a while and said, "I think you can form an alliance at this time."

"How dirty is the alliance?"

"If you do extraordinary things in extraordinary times, if you can't even guarantee your survival, what else is important?" Zhao Yang said lightly.

"Sect Master Zhao, do you still need someone from the Yanhuang Sect?" The Pavilion Master of Qunfang Pavilion suddenly thought of something.

"Take these girls from Qunfang Pavilion away, God knows what kind of chaos Yanhuangzong will cause?" Zhao Yang refused.

Seeing Zhao Yang leave, Song Ziyi felt a sense of loss.

"Sovereign, I suddenly regret it."

"what happened?"

"Back then, I would have been willing to be Sect Master Zhao's maid if I had kept myself clean, but now I don't even have the qualifications to approach him." Song Ziyi's face was full of remorse.

"Sect Master Zhao is such a proud son of heaven, we can't expect it." The Pavilion Master of Qunfang Pavilion shook his head.

"Us? Sovereign Master, could it be that you...?" Song Ziyi stared at the Pavilion Master dumbfounded.

"What? You are allowed to like it, and I am not allowed to like it?" The Pavilion Master of Qunfang Pavilion giggled.


After leaving Qunfang Pavilion, Zhao Yang

Continue to walk in the Central God Realm.

He found that the situation in all sects was very dangerous.

After all, he has limited manpower.

How to do?

Zhao Yang doesn't care about the life and death of other ethnic groups.

What he cares about is the safety of the human race.

But the current situation of the human race is not optimistic.

How long can the major forces of the human race last?

When Zhao Yang was thinking, he suddenly saw a golden light, the golden light was very fast, and disappeared in front of him in an instant.

Then he saw a bald man chasing after him.

Zhao Yang immediately concealed his figure.

"The relic of the big brother and the strong." The voice of the nine-fold sword rang in Zhao Yang's ear, "Hurry up and chase it."

Zhao Yang chased after him without thinking.

It didn't take long to catch up with the bald figure.


Dade, this guy's luck is really against the sky, and he found a relic of the mighty level.

About half an hour later, the mighty relic entered a hidden cave in a mountain range.

After Zhao Yang entered the cave, he saw Dade excitedly saying, "I didn't expect that a big man passed away here. If I can refine the good fortune of this senior, maybe I can go one step further."

As soon as Dade said this, he suddenly felt his eyes go dark, and then he fell headfirst to the ground.

Zhao Yang showed a look of astonishment.

because he didn't

There is a shot.

"It's almost impossible for you to knock him unconscious silently." The figure of Nine Swords came out of Zhao Yang's body, "Aren't you from the worrying lizard family before? Now there is a way."


"The cultivation and good fortune of the big brother and the strong man will be in this high-level relic. You can use this relic to train tens of thousands of powerful disciples."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang's eyes lit up immediately.

He quickly put away the relic.

"This guy won't find out that I did it?"

"will not."

Only then did Zhao Yang return to Yanhuangzong with peace of mind.

After arriving at Yanhuangzong, Zhao Yang found [-] dark night monks and [-] combat monks.

Then Zhao Yang took out the relic.

After the relic sprinkled thousands of rays of light, these monks found that their cultivation base and fortune had rapidly improved.

One month later, all [-] soldiers were promoted to the seventh heaven above the God Realm, two months later, all [-] soldiers were promoted to the ninth heaven above, and three months later, all [-] soldiers were promoted to the Upper God Realm It's above the second heaven.

At this time, the relic also became dim.

"One thousand from the sixth heavenly realm, three thousand from the fifth heavenly realm, six thousand from the fourth heavenly realm, [-] from the third heavenly realm, and fifty thousand The second level." Seeing this, Zhao

Yang put away the relics.

It is true that there is still some energy inside the relics, but Zhao Yang is not going to continue to cultivate them.

Because some of these monks are going to die in battle, Zhao Yang needs to prepare for the source of troops in the future.

"Now your cultivation base has caught up, but your combat power has not, but we have no time." Zhao Yang looked around the audience and said, "Since your cultivation base is far superior to that of the lizards, so next you Sharpen your fighting power in the fight."

As he spoke, Zhao Yang summoned a warship.

When the battleship turned into the sky, [-] soldiers boarded the battleship silently.


Following Zhao Yang's command, the battleship moved in one direction.

Zhao Yang is going to inspect the various sects of the human race.

Wu Chaozong!

Fighting until now, Wu Chaozong has reached the brink of collapse.

"Lian'er, don't insist anymore, you should leave the sect." Song Nanque looked at the pale Meng Lian'er and said softly.

Wu Chaozong belongs to the bottom of the ten sects.

Wu Chaozong has indeed developed a little over the years, but compared with other sects in terms of overall strength, the difference is not even a star.

Meng Lian'er gritted her teeth tightly, her eyes showed an unyielding look, "Sect Master, I will not leave, I want to live and die with the sect."

"Confused, you are the hope of Wu Chaozong. If you are gone, how will Wu Chaozong rise?"

Song Nanque sighed lightly.

Wu Chaozong's mountain protection formation has been broken, and the lizard clan has attacked the Zongmen's meeting hall, which is the last foundation of Wu Chaozong.

If the meeting hall is also lost, Wu Chaozong will be finished.

"The world is so big, where can I escape?" Meng Lian'er said and rushed towards the lizard group in the distance.

Behind her appeared a huge phoenix.

The phoenix neighed, and the sky filled with flames fell downwards.


Lizard after lizard was set ablaze.

At this time, a cold voice pierced the sky, "Phenomena Phoenix, I never thought that there would be someone in Central God Territory who could master visions, but your cultivation base is too low, no matter how strong the visions are, you will not be able to overthrow the sky."

It was said by an old lizard.

Its claws enveloped the phoenix like a curtain hanging from the sky.

Phoenix roared and struggled desperately.

But in the end it was no longer a struggle.


Meng Lian'er spat out a mouthful of blood, and she fell powerlessly downward.

She spat another mouthful of blood as she fell to the ground.

She looked up at the lizard swooping towards her, with a bitter look on her face.

Are you going to fall here today?

At the critical moment, a long river of sword intent came without warning, and swept away all the lizards that were besieging the disciples of Wu Chaozong.

(End of this chapter)

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