Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1577 Qunfang Pavilion

Hearing this, the high-level faces of the Flowing Sect were all surprised.

A formation at the pinnacle of the God Realm.

In the entire Central God Territory, there is probably no one else who is qualified to arrange this kind of formation except the chief pavilion master of the formation.

"Brother, your formation method...?"

"My level of formation is higher than that of the main pavilion of the formation." Zhao Yang said lightly, "Of course I am also the law enforcement history of the formation."

The crowd suddenly realized.

This can understand why Zhao Yang's array is so high?

"Sect Master Zhao, I don't know what formation materials you need?" At this moment, the elder of the Flowing Sect thought of something.

"You put the formation materials in one place. If I need them, I will take them immediately." Zhao Yang looked at the Great Elder and said.

"I'm going to prepare right away," the Great Elder said hastily.

"Does the original formation need to be overthrown?" Zhuo Xing'er pointed at the somewhat broken formation.

"After my formation is completed, I believe this formation is about to be broken." Zhao Yang said softly, "Therefore, there is no need to break it."

Setting up a mountain guard formation has never been an easy task.

Zhao Yang spent three months back and forth and finally successfully established the new mountain protection formation.

But Liushuizong was shocked by the consumption of array materials.

Of course, no one accused Zhao Yang of consuming a lot of materials, because Zhao Yang himself took out a lot of materials.

Multiple materials.

"The mountain protection array is complete." Zhao Yang told Zhuo Xing'er how to refine the center?

Only after Zhuo Xing'er refined it did she realize how terrifying this large formation is?

"Do you want to build another formation?" Zhao Yang asked as he saw that there were still some formation materials.

"What do you mean?" Zhuo Xing'er asked puzzled.

"If the mountain protection formation is breached, you need to retreat to the core formation." Zhao Yang said softly, "The core formation will have a smaller range, and of course it will not consume much material, but it is equivalent to the last card. "

"With all due respect, once the mountain protection formation is breached, even if we retreat to the core formation, it seems useless?" The second elder expressed his opinion.

"The core formation is about the same level as the mountain-protecting formation. After the opponent breaks the mountain-protecting formation, they may not be able to break the core formation in one go, and you will have room to manipulate it." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"Operating space?" Zhuo Xing'er seemed to realize something.

"Teleportation array, I will build a teleportation array in the core formation. Of course, the location of the teleportation is up to you to choose." When Zhao Yang said this, everyone's eyes lit up.

With the teleportation array, there is no need to worry about the inheritance of the sect.

"Brother, the safety of the Flowing Sect is in your hands." Zhuo Xing'er said excitedly, "It's just the location of the teleportation..."

"wait until

After I build the core formation, I will deal with the lizards outside, and then you can choose a suitable teleportation location. "

It took Zhao Yang half a month to complete the core formation.

Then Zhao Yang took the peerless fierce sword and killed those lizards.

How could those lizards stand up to Zhao Yang's tossing, they didn't arrive for half a quarter of an hour, except for the dead ones, the rest of the lizards ran away.

Afterwards, Zhuo Xing'er and other high-level officials of the sect chose three teleportation locations.

The reason why I chose three is also because I am worried about a nest.

When Zhao Yang helped arrange the teleportation array, another group of hundreds of thousands of lizards surrounded Flowing Water Sect.

"There are too many lizards." Zhuo Xing'er said helplessly.

"Actually, this is a good thing. If the lizards continue to hibernate, God knows how far they will reach?" Zhao Yang said with a smile, "Now that they all appear, it is a good thing for all races."

A few days later, Zhao Yang set up three teleportation formations. Before leaving, he said to Zhuo Xing'er, "If the Flowing Sect encounters an unforeseen crisis, remember to notify me as soon as possible."


After Zhao Yang left the Flowing Sect, he walked towards various places.

He found that almost every force was besieged by lizards.

Zhao Yang helped those forces kill some of the lizards. When the rescued forces wanted to thank Zhao Yang, they found that Zhao Yang disappeared immediately.

One day Zhao Yang saw it from afar

A group of lizards is besieging a sect, and that sect's mountain protection array has been breached, and the sect's disciples are being mercilessly slaughtered.

"Why is this sect full of women?" Zhao Yang asked in surprise.

Song Ziyi's body was covered with blood at this time, and she had been living in fear these days, because there were too many lizards besieging Qunfang Pavilion.

I don't know how many messages for help have been sent, but unfortunately there is no response at all.

Today, the big array protecting the mountain was breached, and the end of Qunfang Pavilion came.


She was whipped by a lizard's tail, and she felt that her waist and limbs were about to be broken, and a mouthful of blood could no longer be restrained from spurting out.

Seeing that she was about to fall into the army of the lizard tribe, a strong arm wrapped around her soft and boneless waist.

"It seems that your situation is not very good now?"

This figure made Song Ziyi feel familiar.

"It's you?" A look of shock appeared on her face when she saw who it was.

Zhao Yang swiped his big hand around.

The beams of light turned into cages one after another, imprisoning tens of thousands of lizards.

These lizards are all powerful existences, and at this time they are very murderous.

This is exactly the art of painting the ground as a prison.

And when Zhao Yang's five fingers were closed together, tens of thousands of imprisoned lizards exploded with a bang.

Seeing this scene, both the disciples of Qunfang Pavilion and the Lizard Clan were all shocked.

Zhao Yang's method is really too cruel.

Tens of thousands of lizards were killed in a blink of an eye.

"It's him."

"Zhao Yang, the patriarch of the Yanhuang Sect."

"Existence at the pinnacle of the Upper God Realm."

"We are saved."

When the disciples of Qunfang Pavilion were excited, Zhao Yang took a long sword from Song Ziyi's hand.

When he squeezed the sword formula, the long sword turned into a vast river and washed away the nearby lizards.

Seeing this scene, the remaining soldiers of the lizard clan were so frightened that they ran away.

The nearly [-] Lizard Clan soldiers trapped by the long river of sword intent were ups and downs, and it didn't take long for them to be silent.

After the long river of sword intent dissipated, not many were still alive.

"What are you still standing there for? Why don't you hurry up and make up the knife?" Zhao Yang looked around and said angrily.

The disciples of Qunfang Pavilion just woke up like a dream, and they all shot to kill those lizards.

Zhao Yang also sent Song Ziyi's waist at this time, "It's quite soft."

Song Ziyi's face turned red immediately, "Thank you, Zongzhu Zhao."

Zhao Yang!

Suzerain of the Yanhuang Sect!

How many girls' male gods!

Song Ziyi didn't expect to meet Zhao Yang here today?

Of course she didn't know that Zhao Yang was the one who forced her to dance in Tianyu Palace that day.

(End of this chapter)

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