Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1576 Come to help

He didn't continue to shoot, but triggered the formation.


The jungle is thoroughly inspired.

When countless vines entangled these lizards, they began to burn violently.

The energy in this jungle is endless, and they don't care about the lack of energy at all.

The lizards screamed.

Some lizards even fled towards the outside desperately.

"Sovereign, do you want to hunt down?" A soldier asked in a low voice.

Zhao Yang had already appeared on the battleship at this time, and there were [-] soldiers standing around the battleship.

"No need." Zhao Yang shook his head.

Of course Zhao Yang knew that it was impossible to kill all the lizards.

In fact, he didn't kill all the previous batches, he kept some of them in order to let them run back to his own group.

"Of the 500 million soldiers of the Lizard Clan, more than 60 have escaped."

"This guy's methods are really ruthless."

"It's a pity that the battleship is blocked by formations around it, and we can't see anything."

"I don't know which ruthless person it is."

"The lizard family will be hurt this time."

"You think too much, how can there be hundreds of millions or even more soldiers of the lizard clan, otherwise how could it be possible to target so many groups at the same time?"

"Yes, this is only a small part."

Zhao Yang ordered the battleship to hide his figure, and then chased after a group of lizards.

After he recovered to his peak, he shot towards that group.

After killing the lizards of those groups, they plundered all the resources in the treasury.

In this way, three months passed.

During these three months, everyone in the lizard family was in danger.


Zhao Yang pulled out more than 30 lizard clans one after another, and killed more than ten million members of the lizard clan.

Even if the family of the lizard clan has a great career, they cannot stand up to Zhao Yang's pursuit.

"We can't sit still."

"I think we need to figure out who the hell is targeting us?"

"Yes, now we don't know who the other party is?"

"I think we can't be too dispersed, and our ethnic groups should integrate."

After some discussion, the senior management of the Lizard Clan started to integrate.

Some small tribes were forcibly integrated into medium-sized tribes, and medium-sized tribes were forcibly integrated into large tribes. The result was that each tribe had a scale of millions, and the top tribes had a scale of tens of millions.

"It's a bit difficult." Zhao Yang wanted to capture a tribe that day, but found that the tribe had a scale of 400 million.

"The integration of the Lizard Clan has been completed. Once something happens to one side, those nearby will be able to help quickly." A disciple of the Yanhuang Sect said respectfully in front of Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang pondered for a while and then said, "Then take your time."

So he began to arrange formations near this tribe.

It is not an easy task to cover all this area, so Zhao Yang spent a month back and forth.

After the formation was completed, Zhao Yang ordered tens of thousands of soldiers to put the corpses of the lizards into the place where the energy was provided.

Then he took the battle sword and started to shoot.

Half an hour later, Zhao Yang returned to the battleship out of breath. This group of millions had already been defeated by Zhao Yang, and the remaining members of the group were less than 200 million.

Some lizards huddled in the ground, some lizards rushed out, and some lizards sat and waited to die.

However, the array Zhao Yang arranged was not a decoration. After paying hundreds of thousands of casualties, the lizards finally broke the array and fled to the outside.

"Too exhausting, go back." Zhao Yang said softly.

The battleship started and headed in the direction of Yanhuangzong.

But what Zhao Yang didn't know was that because of his actions, the lizards felt that they could no longer stay dormant, so they started to attack the major forces.

The entire Central God Territory was in chaos.

It was at this time that the monks in the Central God Realm knew how many lizards there were?

"Lizard populations add up to tens of billions."

"This figure has far exceeded our expectations."

"Now there are more than a thousand forces that have been destroyed."

Yanhuangzong was also besieged by many lizard clans. In order to train Yanhuangzong's

Soldiers, from time to time send soldiers to fight against them.

Even though the Yanhuangzong had masters supporting them, more than 3000 monks still fell during this period.

"How's the recent situation?" Zhao Yang came to the front of the mountain protection formation and asked.

"The situation of the major ethnic groups is not good. No one thought that the lizard clan is so terrifying?" Lin Caihan said softly.

"How about the Flowing Sect?"

"The Flowing Sect was also besieged, but there is no danger in a short time."

Zhao Yang thought for a while and said, "I'll go to Liushuizong to have a look."

During this period of time, Zhao Yang was practicing and didn't care about external affairs.


Zhao Yang wasn't worried about Yan Huangzong's safety at all.

Today's mountain protection array is not to mention impregnable.

Besides, the sword body is still closed.

His strength is infinitely approaching the Death God Realm.

As soon as Zhao Yang thought of the sword body, he saw a figure walking towards him in the distance.

Who is it if it's not the sword body?

"You're not going to the Upper God Realm, are you?" Zhao Yang asked in astonishment.

"My cultivation is almost unstoppable." Jian Ti nodded.

"I'll go to the Flowing Water Sect. You stay in the sect for a while." Zhao Yang thought for a while and said, "Also, see if there is any room for further improvement in the formation."


Flowing Sect!

Flowing Sect is having a hard time these days.

Liushuizong as a person

The top sect of the clan, they are under a lot of pressure.

There are millions of lizards in front of the mountain guard formation. These lizards are attacking day and night. The soldiers of Flowing Water Sect rely on the mountain guard formation to fight each other.

"The Flowing Sect has lost 32 monks." An elder of the Flowing Sect said worriedly.

"This group of lizards also suffered heavy damage, now let's see who can fight whom?" Zhuo Xing'er looked at the front and said in a deep voice.

Back off!

Flowing Water Sect had no way to retreat.

Only fight to the death!

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared on the battlefield.

When his big hand fell down, an imaginary big handprint turned tens of thousands of lizards into ashes in an instant.

"It's Sect Master Zhao."

"Sect Master Zhao's strength is terrifying, killing tens of thousands of lizards with a snap of his fingers."

"Sect Master Zhao is probably invincible in Central God Realm."

When the monks of the Flowing Sect were discussing, Zhuo Xing'er said quickly, "Hurry up and open the mountain guard formation."

But Zhao Yang walked in as if he had entered no one's land.

"How did you come in?" Zhuo Xing'er looked at Zhao Yang in puzzlement and asked.

"The mountain protection formation of your sect is not good." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "This time I am here to help you rebuild a mountain protection formation."

"What level?"

"The peak of the God Realm." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "Let's put it this way, even if you don't stop them, if you give these lizards a hundred years, they will never break through."

(End of this chapter)

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