Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1575 Special Hunting

"This is a blatant provocation to my lizard family."

"We can't sit still."

"That's right, we have to fight head on."


Soon several lizard armies headed towards the jungle where Zhao Yang was.

At the same time, some ethnic groups, including the human race, also rushed towards this jungle.

When the first army of lizards arrived, they saw the hanging corpses of their own kind, and their eyes showed shocking anger.

They rushed towards the depths of the jungle angrily.

And when they rushed halfway, the vines in the jungle turned into tentacles and entangled towards them.

Wooden formation!

The hundreds of thousands of lizards that rushed in were immediately trapped.

They fought desperately, but to no avail.

"how is this possible?"

"The array also consumes energy, and the power of the mountains and rivers here is simply not enough."

"That's right, where does the source of power come from?"

There are still some masters in the lizard family, and they quickly discovered that something was wrong.

"The power of this mountain and river is indeed not enough to imprison all of you, but the source of the energy of the formation is not the power of the mountain and river." Zhao Yang came out from the darkness and said lightly.

A master looked into the distance.

Soon he saw the clues.

"The energy source of the formation is the members of our lizard clan."

To be precise, it was the corpses of those lizards that were hanging.

Those ones

The corpse has become a little shriveled now.

"That's right, use your clansmen to deal with you." Zhao Yang said calmly.

They are going to kill anyway.

It's better to take it easy.


"Break through."

Realizing that Zhao Yang could not be killed, the senior leaders of the lizard tribe let the tribe break out.

It's just that the big formation arranged by Zhao Yang himself can't be said to run away?

Soon the hundreds of thousands of lizards all died here.

"Hang their corpses around." Zhao Yang gave an order to the [-] killers.

After the killers left, Zhao Yang repaired the formation runes that had been consumed before.

But at this time the monk hiding in the dark was terrified.

"What happened?"

"Has hundreds of thousands of lizards been killed?"

"That jungle is covered by formations, we don't know what happened?"

"The tens of thousands of monks are well-trained, and you can tell at a glance that they are not available to ordinary sects?"

"Their clothes don't have any logos."

"It is certain that they are hunting the lizard family, which is a good thing for us."

Soon the second wave of lizards arrived.

They looked at the hundreds of thousands of clansmen hanging there, and then rushed forward in a swarm.

But after half an hour, there was no sound, and then the tens of thousands of monks appeared again, and they hung the hundreds of thousands of lizards around again.

"The number before

The [-] monks shriveled a lot. "

"This jungle may have a formation, and the energy source of the formation is these lizards."

"This formation is a bit evil."

"You said that if this kind of formation is used as a mountain protection formation, do you still have to worry about other forces attacking? As long as there are casualties there, it can provide an energy source for the formation."

"Why don't you ask that person for a map?"

"Do you think that one might give it to me? If he's in a bad mood, I'll be done, okay?"

Half an hour later, the third wave of lizards appeared, but this wave of lizards was more cautious. The faces of the hundreds of thousands of people they looked at were as sinking as water.

Immediately, the patriarch of the lizard tribe ordered hundreds of pioneers to explore the way.

As a result, the hundreds of vanguards quickly disappeared without a trace. The patriarch of the lizard tribe sent out thousands of them after a moment of thought. Unexpectedly, thousands of lizards disappeared again.

"Patriarch, it's weird inside. I'll take a vanguard." The deputy patriarch stood up at this time.

"Go, remember, be careful in everything." The patriarch thought for a while and decided to let the deputy patriarch take risks.

This time, the deputy patriarch led 3000 people deep into the jungle, but it still didn't cause any waves.

"Retreat." After seeing this scene, the patriarch of the lizard tribe immediately decided to retreat.

Of course retreating is not running away.

It wants to wait.

Wait until more groups come.

As a result, just as they were about to retreat, the flowers, plants and trees in the jungle seemed to be alive, attacking them frantically.

As long as it is entangled, it will be dragged into the depths of the jungle.

From a distance, the patriarch of the lizard tribe looked at the deep jungle with lingering fear. The 50 army he brought this time was less than 20 left.

Its heart is bleeding.

"Any formation has a limit, and I don't believe that this formation can last forever." It said through gritted teeth.

As time passed, several lizard legions came, but they were all stopped by the patriarch.

"We need to mobilize more than 500 million people to bulldoze this jungle."

"Then wait."

The patriarchs of these lizard clans also felt that they should be cautious.

Half a day later, the number of lizards finally reached 500 million.

They then headed towards the jungle.

Their guess was correct.

Any formation has a limit, and Zhao Yang's arrangement is no exception.

After they entered the jungle, after the wood formation was activated, they only imprisoned 80 lizard monks.

"Sure enough, there is a limit."

"Haha, I guessed right."

"Everyone attack this formation with all their strength."

Just as the patriarchs of the major lizard clans laughed, a figure appeared in front of them.

"Zhao Yang."


The suzerain Zhao Yang. "

"I didn't expect you to be sniping us?"

Listening to the words of these patriarchs, Zhao Yang said with a serious face, "It seems that you have penetrated the human race very well."

"As the top powerhouse of the human race, how can our lizard clan not pay attention?" a lizard powerhouse said in a deep voice.

"Zhao Yang, are you sure you want to be an enemy of our lizard clan?"

Seeing Zhao Yang at this time, they were still a little apprehensive.

They knew Zhao Yang's terrifying fighting power.

It is almost impossible to keep Zhao Yang.

"You lizards have done too much these days." Zhao Yang said as he took out the peerless fierce sword.

He started killing.

These patriarchs found that no matter what formation they formed, they couldn't stop Zhao Yang's sword.

With one strike, tens of thousands of soldiers were gone.

With such terrifying combat power, what do you think you can use to intercept it?

More importantly, the mana in Zhao Yang's body couldn't tell when it was exhausted.

Run away!

It was only when they were about to flee that they found that the jungle became an obstacle to their escape.

Those flowers and trees blocked their way like steel bars at this time.

Sure they can break, but this jungle is too big.

In less than a quarter of an hour, there are less than 200 million lizards alive in this jungle.

Three million soldiers died in the hands of Zhao Yang.

At this moment, the energy in Zhao Yang's body was running low.

(End of this chapter)

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