Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1574 This is a provocation

When the lizards saw the leader run away, they also swarmed away.

Zhao Yang pursued and killed him with a peerless fierce sword.

A sword.

Two swords.

Three swords.

When Zhao Yang came back, his whole body was covered in blood, and his body was filled with murderous aura.

"How many did you kill?" Ye Yulian asked.

"60.00%." ​​Zhao Yang replied, "Unfortunately, they are too scattered."

"What are you doing now?"

"The sixth heaven."

"But why do I think you are stronger than those at the peak of the God Realm?"

"Because I will go farther than them in the future."

"How far can it go?"

"It's far, far away."

Ye Yulian's pupils narrowed slightly, "Could it be...?"

"Sect Master Zhao, did you let those two lizards go on purpose?" Sect Master Juque said softly.

The Patriarch of the Juque Sect asked on purpose, because that realm was too sensitive, and he didn't want Ye Yulian to say it out of nowhere.

Zhao Yang nodded, "I left traces on them. The lizards have become more and more rampant these years. I think it is necessary to uproot them."

"The lizard family hides too deeply."

"It's okay, just take your time." Zhao Yang changed his voice when he said this, "What do you Juque Sect plan to do next?"

"The Juque Sect has been destroyed beyond recognition." The head of the Juque Sect looked around.

Looking around, he said leisurely.

"Is it necessary to re-establish the Juque Sect in this troubled world?" Ye Feiyan said softly.

Ye Feiyan's words made everyone silent.


Is it necessary to rebuild the Juque Sect?

"Sect Master, do you think the Juque Sect will submit to the Yanhuang Sect?" Ye Yulian said to the Sect Master of the Juque Sect.

The head of Juque Sect's eyes lit up.

"This is a good idea, but I don't know if Sect Master Zhao is willing to accept it?" Sect Master Juque was very worried about this issue.

"Brother, the Juque Sect has only these disciples left now, do you think the Juque Sect can submit to the Yanhuang Sect in the future?" Ye Yulian asked frankly.

Zhao Yang looked around.

The Juque Sect now has no more than [-] disciples left.

"The Juque Sect can submit to the Yanhuang Sect, but after submitting, the disciples of the Juque Sect will be disrupted, and the previous affiliation relationship will be lost." Zhao Yang thought for a while and said, "Can you accept this? "

There are some things that Zhao Yang needs to clarify.

"Yes, after surrendering, I will be a disciple of the Yanhuang Sect." The head of the Juque Sect said in a deep voice.

"From now on, it is only the order of the suzerain." Ye Yulian also expressed her position.

"Alright then, you guys pack up and follow me to Yanhuangzong." Zhao Yang said lightly.

The master of the Juque Sect immediately ordered the disciples of the Juque Sect to collect the remains of the disciples of the sect and the resources of the sect.

This cannot be accomplished in a short period of time.

The Juque Sect took three days to complete, and then Zhao Yang took the remaining [-] soldiers to the Yanhuang Sect.

After arriving in Yanhuangzong, the suzerain of Juquezong and Ye Yulian met Lin Caihan, the second in command of Yanhuangzong.

Lin Caihan stood shining in the crowd, even if Mingyue, Tang Yiren and others were stunning, it was difficult to conceal her brilliance.

"Welcome everyone to join the Yanhuang Sect." Lin Caihan said with a smile.

Cang Yun, the lord of Juque Sect, hurriedly bowed to Lin Caihan, "Cang Yun has seen the deputy lord."

"Ye Yulian has met the deputy suzerain."

The senior officials of Juque Sect saluted Lin Caihan one after another.

Lin Caihan politely returned the gifts one by one.

It's not that Lin Caihan is carrying it on purpose, but as a high-ranking member of the sect, she must maintain a certain degree of majesty.

Then Lin Caihan took Cang Yun and others to the barracks.

In the barracks they saw well-ordered soldiers, and those soldiers were filled with a murderous aura, which made Cang Yun and the others feel horrified.

"They are so powerful."

"I think they can kill me with one move."

"What's even more rare is that there are millions of such soldiers."

Lin Caihan led them around before saying, "The soldiers of Yanhuangzong are divided into three legions. What you saw just now is the Night Legion responsible for intelligence and assassination. Their number is about 30. Before you

What I saw was the combat legion, their number was around 70. "

"In addition, there are [-] soldiers. Their cultivation is generally not high, but they are the key training objects of the sect." Lin Caihan said here, looking at Cang Yun and others, "The [-] soldiers of the Juque Sect will be incorporated into the The Night Legion and the Battle Legion will be cultivated according to the performance of the sect in the later stage."

"Aren't the disciples of Yanhuangzong a little less?" Cang Yun said softly.

You must know that the Juque Sect used to have millions of monks.

"Yanhuangzong is taking the elite route." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "Let's put it this way, there will be dozens of Yanhuangzong who are capable of stepping into the early stage of Death God Realm in the future."

After Zhao Yang's voice fell, Cang Yun and the others were dumbfounded.


In the future, there will be dozens of people who are capable of stepping into the initial stage of Death God Realm?

Are you sure you're not kidding?

"Wouldn't it be possible for the high-ranking members of the Yanhuang Sect to reach the high-level Death God Realm in the future?" Ye Feiyan swallowed dryly.

"You can think about it further." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

Ye Feiyan's heart set off a stormy sea.

Life God Realm!

"I finally understand that the Yanhuang Sect does not communicate with other sects." Ye Feiyan said after a long time.

do you need?

Do other sects have such amazing existences?

It was too easy for Lin Caihan to arrange these [-] monks. She arranged these monks in three days, and the arranged monks were still there.

All of them are very satisfied.

On this day, Zhao Yang felt that the time was almost up, so he led tens of thousands of killers towards the place where the two lizards were hiding.

What surprised Zhao Yang was that the two lizards lived in the nearby desert.

Zhao Yang soon found their traces.

His big hand touched the ground, and the power of death diffused downward.

Soon all the lizards touched by the power of death died on the spot.

As more and more lizards died, the lizards that were still alive were frightened, and they fled towards different holes.

As a result, there was a critical attack as soon as it emerged.

Gradually, all the lizards in this desert were killed.

"Sovereign, what should we do now?" A killer came to Zhao Yang and asked.

"Take away the corpses of these lizards." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

Zhao Yang drove a battleship in the God Realm to a nearby jungle.

"Hang up the corpses of these lizards all over the place." Zhao Yang gave the order.

The killers were ordered to leave.

After Zhao Yang put away the battleship, he began to set up formations in the jungle.

The lizard clan has grown to the scale it is today. If it is said that there is no intelligence organization of its own, no one will believe it?

Soon the news of someone posting their clan's corpses reached the ears of their clan.

what is this?

This is provocation.

(End of this chapter)

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