Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1567 Give me face

Let's talk about Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang was walking and suddenly stopped.

Then his big hand moved forward, and when his five fingers closed, the formation shattered with a bang.

"Is this broken?" The Great Elder looked at Zhao Yang dumbfounded.

The rest of the elders were also very confused.

Isn't this cracking place too random?

"Sect Master Zhao, how did you do it?" the Chief Pavilion Master asked in a deep voice.

"There are many loopholes in this formation, and I stepped on the loopholes to get in." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "And the center of the formation is not hidden."

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing how to answer?

"Chief Pavilion Master, can I proceed to the second stage of the assessment now?"

"It's ok, but you can only use the formation runes to build the ninth-rank formation of the gods." The chief pavilion master nodded.

"How do you verify?" Zhao Yang asked after thinking about it.

The Chief Pavilion Master summoned a beast like a gray wolf.

"This is an array beast of the ninth rank of the Supreme God. As long as your array can last for 3 minutes under its attack, you will be considered to have passed the assessment." The Chief Pavilion Master explained.

Zhao Yang glanced at the formation beast and roughly estimated its strength.

Then he began to arrange the formation under everyone's gaze.

"Zhao Yang's layout is so fast."

"My eyes can barely catch it."

"I can only understand [-]% of his formation runes."

"Those runes that I don't understand, I can feel very mysterious, but unfortunately I can't understand them at all."

"If the research is thorough, I think my formation method can go to the next level."

Just when the Nine Great Elders thought it would take Zhao Yang an hour to build the formation, unexpectedly Zhao Yang stopped before half an hour.

"All right."

The Chief Pavilion Master looked at Zhao Yang in amazement and said, " you want to continue to arrange it again? The Shangshen Ninth Grade Formation Master has not appeared for many years, and your assessment video will be sent to the Formation Pavilion. If you If you fail the assessment this time, you will have to wait another year."

"No problem." Zhao Yang shook his head.

Hearing what Zhao Yang said, the Chief Pavilion Master had no choice but to let the beasts start attacking.

As a result, what everyone didn't expect was that the array arranged by Zhao Yang didn't move at all.

a bit!


Three times!

This formation beast was sent by the formation pavilion, so there is no holding back.

Gradually it became a little angry.

It found itself still unable to shake this formation.

It made it feel a little humiliated.

It went berserk.

It used the ultimate combat power.

Unfortunately, it still didn't work.

After 3 minutes, the beasts were still attacking.

The Chief Pavilion Master wanted to signal to Zhao Yang that he had passed the examination, but the array beast continued to attack unwillingly.

It finally stopped after about half a quarter of an hour, because it was too tired to die.

"Zhao Yang, congratulations, you have successfully passed the assessment of the Chief Formation Pavilion. From now on, you are a Formation Master of the Ninth Grade Shangshen." The Chief Pavilion Master said with a smile.

Zhao Yang nodded.

"Chief Pavilion Master, Mr. Zhao is the second formation master who has reached the ninth rank of the Upper God Realm besides you." The elder said softly, "What position should Mr. Zhao be given?"

"Young Master Zhao, I don't know what position you hold in the Alchemy Chief Pavilion?" The Chief Pavilion Master said after thinking about it.

"History of Law Enforcement."

"History of Law Enforcement?" The Chief Pavilion Master said immediately, "We also give you the position of History of Law Enforcement in the Chief Pavilion of the Zhendao."

"I'm Dan Pavilion Law Enforcement History." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

The Chief Pavilion Master was stunned for a moment.

"Can you contact Dan Zu?"

Zhao Yang nodded.

"In this way, I will give you the position of history of law enforcement first, and then I will report this matter to the ancestors, and the ancestors will make a decision at that time."

"it is good."

"By the way, where are you now? I'll have someone give you law enforcement history tokens, robes, etc."

"Heavenly Desire Palace." Zhao Yang said an address.

The face of the great elder changed involuntarily.

Because his son Yuxu was there.

"Well... Yuxu didn't have any conflict with you, did he?" the Great Elder asked nervously.

"Just one word from him just now can make Zhendao Chief Pavilion abolish me." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "I'm a little scared, so I came to Zhendao Chief Pavilion to take the exam.

nuclear. "

The Great Elder shuddered, "Master Zhao, I...I...."

"Don't worry, I'm just playing around, I won't do anything to your grandson, at most I'll teach you a lesson." Zhao Yang signaled the elder not to worry.

"Young Master Zhao, don't keep your hands. You can teach him what you want." The Great Elder breathed a sigh of relief.

"Chief Pavilion Master, hurry up and send me the token, I'll go back first." Zhao Yang looked at the Chief Pavilion Master and said.

"I'll send it to you myself."

"No, I don't want to cause such a big fight." Zhao Yang said hastily.

"In this way, I will send it to an elder."


After Zhao Yang left, the Chief Pavilion Master arranged for the Zhendao General Pavilion to speed up the production of Zhao Yang's clothes, etc., and at the same time sent a disciple of the Zhendao who was about to ascend to the Zhen Pavilion to tell the ancestors about it.

Let's talk about Zhao Yang.

After Zhao Yang's consciousness returned to his body, he opened his eyes.

"How's the assessment going?" Yuxu sneered.

In his opinion, so fast is probably a failure.

"The assessment is passed. Later, the Zhendao General Pavilion will send someone to send tokens and so on." Zhao Yang looked at Yuxu and said slowly.

"Do you believe such words?" Yuxu laughed loudly.

Zhao Yang pulled a chair and sat down, "Don't you know later?"

Young Master Folding Fan looked at Zhao Yang suspiciously, but this time he didn't say anything.

Young Master Folding Fan's cultivation was in the fourth heaven of the Upper God Realm, but he was not sure that he would slap Yuxu away with a single slap.

Besides Mr. Folding Fan and Yuxu, there was also a young girl in Tsing Yi who was dressed in palace attire.

The girl in Tsing Yi looked at Zhao Yang with interest and said, "Are you interested in getting to know each other?"

"You are……?"

"This is Duanmu Xiuyu, the daughter of the Great Elder of the Evil Spirit Sect." Zhang Ling introduced in a low voice.

"What's the reputation of the Evil Spirit Sect?" Zhao Yang asked.

After Zhao Yang's words, everyone's expressions changed.

Zhang Ling's face was full of embarrassment.


How to answer this?

"I think the evil spirit sect's reputation is okay." Duanmu Xiuyu looked at Zhang Ling and said, "What do you think?"

Zhang Ling didn't dare to answer.

"What are you afraid of? Just say it." Zhao Yang glanced at Zhang Ling.

"The disciples of the Evil Spirit Sect are almost all formed by monks who were expelled by the Spirit Clan, but the reputation of the Evil Spirit Clan is pretty good, at least they haven't done anything harmful to the world in recent years." Zhang Ling sent a voice transmission to Zhao Yang Said, "Of course it's also related to the fact that the Evil Spirit Sect has been fighting with the Spirit Race all these years."

How can you be in the mood to do something that hurts nature and reason?

Zhao Yang nodded slightly, and then he looked at Guan Guandao, "If the forces of the Zhengdao sect come, can you control the situation?"

"I think everyone is still willing to give me face." Guan Guan said softly.

(End of this chapter)

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