Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1568 What does it mean?

"That's good." Zhao Yang nodded.

Next, the museum chatted with everyone.

However, Zhao Yang remained almost silent the whole time.

In this way, about an hour passed, and several figures rushed here.

Seeing the menacing crowd, the museum quickly stood up, "Everyone, today is the day I start my sect, can you give me some face?"

"Miss Guanguan, I really want to give you face, but this kid humiliated the young master of Qunfang Pavilion, this matter cannot be let go." The pavilion owner of Qunfang Pavilion is a middle-aged woman. At this time, she looked at Zhao Yang's His eyes were full of ferocious killing intent.

"Miss Guanguan, we know it's not appropriate to use swords today, but this kid is really going too far. If we don't do anything today, how can we convince the world in the future?" A middle-aged man in a red robe, with a five-foot saber on his back.

"Miss Guanguan, Tianmiao Pavilion will compensate you afterwards, but please don't ask me now." The owner of Tianmiao Pavilion is a young and beautiful girl, her appearance is three points similar to Liu Yuetong.

Guanguan knew very well that if he continued to ask questions, he would offend these three and the sect behind them.

Zhao Yang looked at Guan Guan's embarrassed expression and smiled slightly, "Guan Guan, you just need to stand aside, I haven't paid attention to these ghosts and monsters yet."

"When did you still say that

? Liu Yuetong looked at Zhao Yang coldly and said, "Are you really not afraid of death?" "

"I remember I asked you to dance just now? I didn't say stop, who told you to stop?" Zhao Yang looked at Liu Yuetong and said.

"You... you guy, you really don't cry when you see the coffin. I admit that your strength is very strong, but no matter how strong you are, you can't be stronger than the suzerains of our three major sects." Tang Bingxin looked at Zhao Yang's eyes. The eyes are like looking at a dead person.

Zhao Yang couldn't help laughing, "When will the fifth heaven of the Upper God Realm be called a strong man?"

Everyone was stunned.

Can't this level be called a strong one?

At this moment, a young girl ran over panting, "Sovereign, the Ninth Elder of Zhendao Zongge is here."

"The Ninth Elder of the Zhendao General Pavilion?" Guan Guan was stunned.

Why did the strong men of the older generation come to the Palace of Heavenly Desire?

But she still stood up quickly, "Please, don't, I'll meet you."

Yuxu looked at Zhao Yang's eyes suddenly changed, "Why did the Ninth Elder come here?"

"What do you think?"

The suzerains of the three sects heard the conversation between Yuxu and Zhao Yang and realized that there might be something they didn't know.

"Young Master Yuxu, what do you mean by that?" the Suzerain of the Demon Refining Sect asked hesitantly.

"Just now I had some conflicts with him. I said that the General Pavilion of Zhendao would tear him into pieces, but he went to the virtual space for assessment." Yuxu thought carefully

He said in a nonchalant manner, "However, he only stayed in the Zhendao General Pavilion for a quarter of an hour. You said how could he pass the exam in such a short time?"

The crowd nodded.

Can't even pass the theory for a quarter of an hour?

"But the Ninth Elder has come. It stands to reason that the Ninth Elder shouldn't have come." Yuxu said again.

Everyone's hearts were raised again.

Could it be that Zhao Yang passed the examination?

Just how is it possible?

Soon the Ninth Elder came here accompanied by Guan Guan.

"Elder Ninth, why are you here?" Yuxu stood up quickly.

Ninth Elder glared at him, then looked at Zhao Yang, "I have seen the history of law enforcement."

"History of Law Enforcement?"

Yuxu was startled when he heard this name.

"Elder Ninth, did you make a mistake? Why do you call him Law Enforcement History?" Yuxu asked in a panic.

"Shut up, this is the Chief Pavilion Master who has just confirmed the history of law enforcement." The Ninth Elder yelled at Yuxu, "And the history of law enforcement has a higher status than the Nine Great Elders."

"Why?" Yuxu said subconsciously.

"By..." Elder Ninth was about to say something but Zhao Yang interrupted, "Elder Ninth, don't scare the children."

"Follow the order." The Ninth Elder said and handed Zhao Yang a Qiankun bag, "History of Law Enforcement, the Qiankun Bag contains your new robe and token of Law Enforcement History, etc."

Zhao Yang took it with a wave of his hand.

Then he took out the token of Law Enforcement History in Yuxu

shaking in front of his face.

"I remember just now that you said that you could make the Zhendao Chief Pavilion cut my body into thousands of pieces?" Zhao Yang looked at Yuxu with a smile and said.

Yuxu fell silent.

Ninth Elder kicked Yuxu to the ground, "Why don't you apologize to Law Enforcement History?"

Yuxu looked at the Ninth Elder in astonishment.

"Did you know that his identity is limited to the law enforcement history of Zhendao Zongge?" Ninth Elder said via voice transmission.

"What else?"

"If there is no accident, he will be awarded the law enforcement history of Zhenge."


"Based on his history of law enforcement in Dan Pavilion, is this reason sufficient?"

There was a storm in Yuxu's heart.

He knew very well what Dange's law enforcement history meant?This means that Zhao Yang is also a high-ranking existence in the Upper God Realm.

"Who is he?"

"Sect Master of Yanhuang Sect."

Yuxu staggered.

He was frightened.

No matter what, he never thought that the person in front of him was the suzerain of the Yanhuang sect.

He is too clear about Zhao Yang's record.

The ninth level of the upper god realm kills as soon as he wants to kill, let alone him like this?

"History of Law Enforcement, I was wrong." To everyone's astonishment, Yuxu knelt on the ground obediently, and then desperately kowtowed to Zhao Yang for mercy.

Everyone was a little confused.

Even if Zhao Yang is the law enforcement history of Zhendao General Pavilion, Yuxu shouldn't be so cowardly, right?

After all, his grandfather was a

The Great Elder of Daozong Pavilion.

"Okay, stop putting on a show for me here." Zhao Yang kicked Yuxu.

Yuxu scrambled to his feet and stood upright behind Zhao Yang, "History of Law Enforcement, I will be your little brother from now on, and I will do whatever you ask me to do from now on."

"Be my little brother? Do you think you are qualified?" Zhao Yang glanced at Yuxu.

Yuxu didn't refute, and stood behind Zhao Yang.

At this time, the suzerain and the young suzerain of the three major sects are in a very bad mood.

"Go on." Zhao Yang looked at the crowd and said, "Didn't you just teach me a lesson?"

The Ninth Elder immediately exploded when he heard the aura on his body, "Do you want to die?"

Don't look at the Ninth Elder who ranks ninth in the Zhendao Zongge, but he also has the cultivation base of the seventh heaven of the upper gods, so how can this group of guys be compared.

"Elder Ninth, don't scare them." Zhao Yang said hastily, "Well, you can go back. I don't think they dare to do anything with you here."

"Obey." Ninth Elder said politely, turned and left here.

"Now that the Ninth Elder is gone, you can continue." Zhao Yang looked at the crowd with a smile and said.

Who would dare?

Zhao Yang is the law enforcement history of Zhendao Zongge.

To move Zhao Yang is to really move the Dao Zongge.

"What do you mean? I have already made such a concession." Zhao Yang's face darkened.

(End of this chapter)

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