"I can understand that you have been recognized by some forces, but look at what you are looking for?" Zhao Yang said angrily, "These three dancing women have dirty hearts, and their private lives are even more chaotic. , and those guys with colorful hair, the same as his mother's pheasants, and those guys, just wearing big underpants, please, this is a public place, can you pay attention to some images?"

"That... evil cultivator has a free and easy personality." Guan Guan said helplessly.

Doesn't she know what she is asking for?

The problem is that you are deep in this melting pot, what can you do?

"Drive these filthy guys away, and I'll help you hire some forces to suppress the place." Zhao Yang looked at the museum and said.

The pavilion hesitated.

"I'm very grateful to the young master for helping me, but they are also distinguished guests, and I can't favor one person over another." Guanguan said softly again and again.

Looking at Guanguan with an apologetic expression on his face, Zhao Yang curled his lips and said, "Forget it, let these rubbish stay."

"Thank you for your understanding, my lord." Guanguan said and made an invitation gesture to Zhao Yang, "Young master, there are VIP seats, please come with me."

Zhao Yang took Zhang Ling and left with the museum.

And just as he was about to walk out of this courtyard, a big empty hand twitched Tang Bingxin's body.

"Keep dancing, who told you to stop?"

Tang Bingxin yelled, and then gave Zhao Yang a hard look, "This apprentice."

But she continued to dance obediently.

"What should I do?" Song Ziyi said in a deep voice.

"This guy asked us to dance in public, how could he let him go so easily?" Liu Yuetong said without thinking, "I have already asked my friend to help notify the sect, and the sect master will arrive soon."

"Hmph, I also asked the suzerain to bring a large number of masters here, I don't believe this kid can ignore the power of the three of us?" Song Ziyi said and immediately contacted the friends present, and she asked them to notify the senior management of Qunfang Pavilion.

When Tang Bingxin heard this, she realized that she could do nothing without notifying her.

But she doesn't think Zhao Yang's background can ignore the extent of their three major forces.

So she also notified the sect behind her.

On the way to the living room, Guan Guan kept inquiring about Zhao Yang's identity, but unfortunately he didn't ask anything.

There were not many people in the VIP room.

But when Zhang Ling saw these people, his face changed drastically.

"This one looks unfamiliar." A man in a robe frowned.

"Guanguan, why do you bring everyone here?" A man in a blue gown sat on top with a big sword.

From the position where the man is sitting, it can be seen that the man's identity is not simple.

"Senior, this is Mr. Folding Fan, the son of the Great Elder of the Wanxie Sect. He has a very noble status." Zhang Ling said carefully through voice transmission.

"This son is my distinguished guest." Guan Guan could only introduce him like this.

She still doesn't know Zhao Yang's identity.

"You have to have a name?" the man in the robe said indifferently.


What no one expected was that Zhao Yang slapped that man in the air.

This slap slapped half of his face swollen.

"You...do you know who I am?" The man stared at Zhao Yang dumbfounded.

As the son of the Great Elder of the Zhendao Chief Pavilion, Mr. Yuxu can be regarded as a person of status, who dare not give him three points?

But today, he was slapped in the face in full view.

"Aren't you Yuxu from the main pavilion of Zhendao? By the way, you are responsible for the presence of the guards in Tianyu Palace, right?"

"what happened?"

"It's rubbish."

"You... you dare to say that the mountain guard array I built is rubbish?"

"Isn't it trash?" Zhao Yang shrugged.

"Do you know that there is the Chief Array Pavilion standing behind me, and I can make the Chief Array Pavilion destroy you with a single word." Yuxu looked at Zhao Yang coldly and said.

Everyone was silent.

Everyone knows that Yuxu has this qualification.

"Are you a third-rank god-level formation master?" Zhao Yang said with a flash of light.


"Wait here, I will go to the assessment." As Zhao Yang said, a wisp of consciousness entered the nameplate of the Zhendao General Pavilion.

Zhao Yang also has the nameplate of the Zhendao General Pavilion of the Central God Territory.

But his level is the lowest.

"What?" Duke Yuxu asked

The son was a little confused.

I slapped myself, and then this guy went to the nameplate space for assessment?

"I want to see what level you can certify?" Mr. Yuxu snorted coldly.

Let's talk about Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang came to the guild of Zhendao Zongge alone, and found the front desk of the assessment in the guild Zhao Yang.

"I want to certify the formation master."

"What level do you want certified?"

"Ninth Rank Supreme God."

The expression on the receptionist's face suddenly changed.

"You... what level do you want to certify?"

"Ninth Grade Supreme God, is there a problem?"

"That... do you know that there is only the Chief Pavilion Master at this level in the entire Central God Realm?"

"Then let the Chief Pavilion Master examine me."

"You..." The front desk felt that Zhao Yang was a little presumptuous.

"I am Zhao Yang, the suzerain of the Yanhuang Sect. I wonder if this status is enough?" Zhao Yang said in a low voice.

The expression on the receptionist's face suddenly changed.

How could she not know who Zhao Yang was?

"I'll notify the Chief Pavilion Master right now."

Not long after, the Chief Pavilion Master of Zhendao General Pavilion and the Nine Great Elders came to the living room at the same time.

"It's really Zongzhu Zhao." The Chief Pavilion Master said in surprise when he saw Zhao Yang.

"I came here to verify the level of the formation master." Zhao Yang said straight to the point.

"Forgive me, Zongzhu Zhao, aren't you an alchemist?" The Chief Pavilion Master asked hesitantly.

"Actually, my

Dao is not inferior to Dan Dao at all, but I have not been certified in these years. " Zhao Yang said with a smile.

Hearing this, the Chief Pavilion Master and the Nine Great Elders were all excited.

They didn't think Zhao Yang was joking with them.

Now who doesn't know that Yanhuangzong is a popular spicy chicken, if Zhao Yang has the status of the Zhendao Zongge, which force would dare to move the Zongdao Zongge?

"Zhao Zongzhu, there is always an assessment to certify a ninth-rank top-rank alchemist in the nameplate space, please follow me." The chief pavilion master said softly.

Zhao Yang followed the Chief Pavilion Master all the way to a room.

"If you want to certify a ninth-rank high-rank alchemist, there are two tests. The first test is that you need to break a ninth-rank formation, and the second test is that you need to create a ninth-rank formation." The chief pavilion master said calling A formation came out, "You need to break this formation within three hours, that is, find the center of this formation."

After Zhao Yang stood outside the formation and observed it for half an hour, he walked towards the formation amidst the shocked expressions of the Chief Pavilion Master and others.

"Why didn't the formation respond?"

"I'm also curious about this question?"

"Chairman, what's going on here?"

Facing the inquiries from several elders, the Chief Pavilion Master pondered for a while and then said, "Zhao Yang should have found a loophole in the formation."

"Loophole?" The Great Elder exclaimed, "Is there a loophole in this formation?"

"We can't find it, but it doesn't mean he can't find it." The Chief Pavilion Master said uncertainly.

(End of this chapter)

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