"I mean let Wang Yuyan follow you in the future." The old man said seriously.

Wang Yuyan was stunned.

"Yuyan, if he can master the power of the god of death in the God of God Realm, his future achievements will definitely go beyond the God of Death Realm." The old man said with piercing eyes, "If you follow him, you will go farther in the future, and you may even have a chance to see him A wider world."

"I listen to Master." Wang Yuyan nodded.

At this point, the old man handed Zhao Yang six drops of jade syrup, "These six drops of jade syrup are for you."

Zhao Yang pondered for a while and still took it.

He knew that after receiving the jade pulp, he had to take care of his disciples.

"Son, I'll send you off as a teacher." Speaking of which, the old man suddenly burst into flames.

"Master." Seeing this scene, Wang Yuyan was shocked.

Zhao Yang held Wang Yuyan down, "Don't move."

When the old man was completely ignited, a dense light entered Wang Yuyan's body.

Wang Yuyan's potential soared again.

The third heaven of the Upper God Realm.

The fourth heaven of the Upper God Realm.

The fifth heaven of the Upper God Realm.

When it was raised to this point, all the dense air dissipated.

"It seems that he has suffered too much damage these years." Zhao Yang sighed softly.

Otherwise, if the old man ignites himself, he won't just let Wang Yuyan ascend to the third heaven.

After leaving the cave, Zhao Yang looked at Wang Yuyan and said, "What's your plan next?"

"I'll go back and have a meeting with the Wang family first.

Confess, and then I will follow you, son. "

"If you follow me, you won't have much to do with the Wang family in the future." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"Yuyan understands." Wang Yuyan said in a deep voice.

Wang Yuyan joined the Yanhuang Sect, but she is still unclear with the Wang family, what do you make the sect think?

"Go to Yanhuangzong to find me after your affairs are finished." Zhao Yang nodded.

Then the two separated here.

Just as Zhao Yang was about to return to Yanhuangzong, the nameplate suddenly rang.

"Young Master Zhao, someone is coming from Dan Pavilion." Su Wenhao said.

"Did something happen?" Zhao Yang asked curiously.

"Dan Pavilion said that he would come to Central God Realm to find a great treasure, and he held the token of the Pavilion Master of Dan Pavilion. We couldn't help but believe it."

"what do you mean……?"

"We want you to verify his identity."


Zhao Yang summoned Jian Gui to protect his safety nearby, and a ray of his consciousness entered the nameplate.

At this time, Zhao Yang had joined the Alchemy Guild of the Upper God Realm.

Zhao Yang went to the front desk and knocked on the table, "Who is the person in charge of the guild?"

"Five elders."

"I want to see the Fifth Elder."

"That... you have to register to see the Fifth Elder."

"Tell the Fifth Elder that I am Zhao Yang, Law Enforcement History."

"You are the third law enforcement history of the Alchemy Association?" The front desk was shocked.

"Can you keep a low profile?" Zhao Yang looked helplessly

Front desk.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." The front desk informed the fifth elder as he spoke.

Not long after, the Fifth Elder hurried over.

He brought Zhao Yang to the VIP room, "Fifth Elder Bai Yunfei has seen the history of law enforcement."

The entire alchemy executives knew Zhao Yang's identity and appearance.

"I came here this time to ask you something?"

"Tell me about the history of law enforcement."

"Did the Alchemy Association send a special envoy to the Central God Realm this time?"

"That's right, the one who was sent was Huang Jianren, the grandson of the Ninth Elder." Bai Yunfei seemed to have thought of something at this point, "Did Huang Jianren do something?"

"Huang Jianren probably did a lot of things, otherwise Central God Territory wouldn't doubt his identity."

"This kid." Bai Yunfei said angrily, "He's tarnishing the image of Pill Pavilion."

"What did you ask Huang Jianren to go down?"

"A month ago, something happened to the god king of the Ji clan, and now all the clans are looking for her."

"What happened?"

"Many monks saw that the aura of the Divine King Ji was unstable, and his body was filled with a corrupt and rotten atmosphere." Bai Yunfei said in a deep voice, "The existence of the Divine King Realm is extremely precious even if it is a drop of the blood of the Divine King, but the major forces have almost overturned it." After looking up and down, there is no trace of God King Ji, so everyone suspects that God King Ji has gone to the lower domain."

Only then did Zhao Yang understand why Dange sent Huang Jianren to the Central God Realm?

"If Huang Jianren does things too much, don't blame me for not giving the Ninth Elder face."

"You can figure out how to handle this matter." Bai Yunfei said in a deep voice.

Law enforcement history has a lot of purview.

Even elders are qualified to investigate.

"Let's add a friend. If I have anything to do in the future, I will consult you directly."

"it is good."

After adding friends, Zhao Yang's consciousness exited the nameplate space.

Then Zhao Yang contacted the Sixth Elder Su Wenhao.

"I've confirmed that Huang Jianren is indeed someone sent by the higher authorities."

"That's it."

"Did Huang Jianren do something bad?"


"It's okay, just talk."

"After Huang Jianren came to the Zongge, he completely regarded himself as an uncle. More importantly, he also participated in the various management of the sect. As long as he didn't flatter him, he would fuck all of them." Su Wenhao said When I got here, I felt aggrieved, "I didn't like it and said something, but he just kicked me out."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang finally understood why the Sixth Elder was looking for him?

The feeling is that the sixth elder has been wronged?

"I will investigate this matter." Zhao Yang said softly.

Immediately, Zhao Yang walked towards the main alchemy pavilion.

He can't just listen to the six elders' one-sided words, it's not fair to Huang Jianren, isn't it?

Dan city.

This is a city built by the Alchemy General Pavilion with a lot of money.

After arriving in this city, Zhao Yang wandered around.


The city is quiet and peaceful, with few monks fighting.

Seeing that Zhao Yang came to a restaurant, he specifically asked for a seat in the lobby.

After ordering a few side dishes, Zhao Yang drank Qingming.

"Have you heard that a special envoy has come to God's Domain?"

"Are you talking about Mr. Huang Jianren Huang?"

"What Mr. Huang? After this guy came to the Central God Territory, he regarded himself as the chief pavilion master. You don't know that the current alchemy chief pavilion has become his one-way hall."

"Could the Chief Pavilion Master just let him go?"

"Huang Jianren has a special envoy order, how can the chief cabinet master dare to resist?"

"The current main pavilion is already in chaos, and I think it will soon spread to Dan City."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang had some calculations in his heart.

It seems that Huang Jianren is really not a thing.

"Where is the beggar coming from, get out." At this moment, the shop waiter pushed a beggar who wanted to break into the restaurant and pushed it out.

As a result, the beggar stood up and rushed towards the restaurant again.

"Do you think I'm giving you shame?" the shop waiter said and was about to beat the beggar.

It was about to hit the beggar's face, but was held by a pair of powerful hands.

"You are also a low-level person, why do you treat her like this?" Zhao Yang said angrily.

This beggar is a seven or eight-year-old girl, her face is dirty, only a pair of eyes are bright.

"This guest officer, it's true that she came in and disturbed other guests' dining." The waiter quickly apologized.

(End of this chapter)

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