Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1516 Wang Yuyan's apprenticeship

It is true that it will take ten or eight years for Zhao Yang to break through to the Upper God Realm.

But plan ahead, right?

"I found these three drops of jade pulp in a cave."

"Dongfu?" Zhao Yang's eyes lit up when he heard this, "Where is it?"

"Yuyan, take Mr. Zhao there." Wang Taizhong said softly.

"There is no rush." ​​Zhao Yang shook his head, "Wait until the formation is completed."


It took three days for the sword body to help the Wang family build the formation and then floated away.

The reason why it took such a short time is mainly because the scope of the Wang family is not large, and there is no way to compare with Yanhuangzong's mountain-protecting formation, and the formation built by the sword body is not as high as Yanhuangzong's mountain-protecting formation. .

Then Zhao Yang and Wang Yuyan went to the cave where Wang Yuyan got the jade pulp before.

"Young Master Zhao, I heard that the Wuji Sect of the Upper God Realm will soon send a special envoy to the Central God Realm, do you know?"

"Are you talking about the hegemony competition of the younger generation?" Zhao Yang asked with a smile.

"Yes, with Mr. Zhao's strength, he can definitely win the leader." Wang Yuyan said with a bright light in her beautiful eyes.

Doesn't Wang Yuyan think that the younger generation is Zhao Yang's opponent?

"I'm not interested in that." Zhao Yang shook his head.

Zhao Yang didn't want to participate in that kind of publicity.

"There are not many people in the world who are as indifferent to fame and wealth as Young Master Zhao." Wang Yuyan said seriously.

It didn't take long to arrive at Wang Yuyan

The cave in the mouth.

This cave is dark and tidal, and it's sticky everywhere.

"Why did you come here before?"

"I followed a colorful millet to this place, but I found three drops of jade paste here." Wang Yuyan pointed to a depression in front of him.

Zhao Yang took a look, and there was nothing in the depression at this time.

His divine sense swept around.

Nothing but stones.

"Why are there three drops of jade syrup here?" Zhao Yang frowned.

It doesn't make sense.

"I don't know either. I checked the area for a long time, but I didn't find anything." Wang Yuyan shook his head.

"By the way, where is the colorful broomcorn millet?"

"It's gone, this hole is so deep, I don't know where it went?" Wang Yuyan said Zhao Yang seemed to realize something here.

He began to look for clues in this cave.

After looking for a long time, I still found nothing.

After pondering for a while, Zhao Yang used the decree of good fortune, and his cultivation instantly soared.

The seventh heaven of God Control Realm!

The eighth heaven of God Control Realm!

The Ninth Heaven of God Control Realm!

When Zhao Yang's cultivation set foot on the first level of the God Realm, he found a hidden entrance.

"It turns out that there is a hole in the sky here." Zhao Yang waved his hand to force the entrance.

"Let's go in." Zhao Yang glanced at Wang Yuyan.

that's a four

In the room carved by Zhou Youyu, an old man sat cross-legged in the room.

The whole body of the old man is made of jade, and the aura on his body is vaguely present.

When he sensed the two of Zhao Yang, he opened his eyes.

"I didn't expect to meet two of you when I was about to fall." The old man made a hoarse voice.

"Senior is from the Jade Clan, right?" Zhao Yang said lightly.


"Senior, do you still have jade pulp?"


"I need six more drops."

"Did you know that jade pulp is the soul fluid of the Jade Clan's upper god realm powerhouse?"

Zhao Yang was taken aback.

"But I've run out of energy, so it doesn't matter anymore." The old man looked at Zhao Yang and said, "I can give you jade paste, but you have to accept my inheritance."

"Inheritance of the Jade Clan?" Zhao Yang frowned.


"I'm not interested." Zhao Yang shook his head.

"Do you know that by accepting my inheritance, I will allow you to dominate the Central God Realm."

"My goal has never been Central God Realm."

The old man stared at Zhao Yang and said, "Your tone is crazy."

Zhao Yang didn't say much, but there was a trace of death force in his palm.

Seeing the power of death, the old man's pupils shrank fiercely, "You... this... is this power of death?"

"That's right, this is the power of death that can only be possessed by the strong in the Death God Realm." Zhao Yang nodded.

"It seems that the future

You are destined to make a name for yourself in the Upper God Realm. "Speaking of which, the old man's eyes fell on Wang Yuyan, "Your aptitude is much worse. "

In his opinion, whether Wang Yuyan can set foot on the middle level of Yushen Realm in the future is a problem.

"I believe that under the training of the seniors, even if Wang Yuyan can't dominate the Central God Realm in the future, he is destined to be a first-class master." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"Forget it, we can only make do with it." The old man said helplessly.

Then the old man pointed at Wang Yuyan's eyebrows.

Wang Yuyan suddenly felt mysterious runes flickering in her sea of ​​consciousness.

I don't know how long it took Wang Yuyan to digest those exercises.

"Aptitude is really bad, it took so long to digest these exercises?" The old man's face was dark.

"He's poor in aptitude, so you have to find a way to improve it." Zhao Yang said angrily.

With a wave of the old man's big hand, the surrounding jade stones immediately emitted streams of pure energy, which poured into Wang Yuyan's body one after another.

"What I have extracted is the essence of jade, and they will improve your aptitude invisibly." The old man said lightly.

Wang Yuyan glanced at Zhao Yang.

"Senior, can you help Mr. Zhao?"

"He is destined to step into Death God Realm in the future, and I am not qualified to help." The old man shook his head.

Zhao Yang smiled and sat down cross-legged.

Yan Huangzong is safe and sound at the moment, so let him

Practice here.

After three days, Wang Yuyan's potential has been raised to the fourth level of God Control Realm;

Within a week, Wang Yuyan's potential had risen to the fifth level of the God Realm;

After half a month, Wang Yuyan's potential has been raised to the sixth level of God Control Realm;

Half a year later, Wang Yuyan's potential had been raised to the ninth level of the God Control Realm.

At this time, the old man finally stopped scolding Wang Yuyan.

During this period of time, the old man taught Wang Yuyan while improving her potential.

Now the old man is finally satisfied.

"Yuyan, you have to work hard, you won't last long as a teacher." The old man said suddenly after teaching Wang Yuyan that day.

Wang Yuyan suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Master, you..."

"Continue to practice." The old man seemed unwilling to talk about this topic.

In this way, another half year passed, and at this time, Wang Yuyan's potential had been raised to the second level of the upper god realm.

"One year's time as a teacher has paved the way for you, and then you can practice step by step." The old man said this day earnestly.

Wang Yuyan's face changed drastically.

"Your aptitude is too poor. Originally, I thought I could push you to the fifth level of the Upper God Realm in one fell swoop. Unfortunately, I don't have time." Speaking of which, the old man looked at Zhao Yang who was not far away, "I will trouble you to take care of my disciple in the future."

"Wang Yuyan is my friend, I will take care of her." Zhao Yang said lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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