Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1518 Huang Jianren

The waiter in the shop knew that Zhao Yang's identity was not simple when he saw Zhao Yang's gorgeous clothes, so he smiled.

"Are you hungry?" Zhao Yang looked at the beggar and asked softly.

Beggar looked at Zhao Yang and nodded slightly.

"Come in, I'll treat you to dinner." Zhao Yang smiled slightly.

Seeing that Zhao Yang was about to go in with the beggar, the waiter hurriedly stopped him, "Guest officer, if you bring her in, I won't be able to explain to other guests."

"How much is your store's turnover per day?"

"No matter what, it will cost seven to eighty thousand."

Zhao Yang threw him a Qiankun bag, "There are one hundred thousand in the Qiankun bag."


"Beep again and I'll smash your shop."

"You two distinguished guests, please." The waiter said with a smile on his face.

After the two sat down, Zhao Yang ordered some more dishes.

After the food came, the girl started to gobble it up, but she coughed after eating.

Zhao Yang handed her a cup of tea, "Eat slowly, don't worry."

Hearing Zhao Yang's gentle voice, Qi'er looked at Zhao Yang in a daze, "Why do you treat me so well?"

"I also came from the bottom, and I know how difficult it is at the bottom?" Zhao Yang said softly, "It's fine if you don't have the ability, why don't you help if you have the ability?"

Beggar looked at Zhao Yang in surprise, then lowered his head and continued to eat the food in front of him.

This beggar seems to have not eaten for a long time.

After she cleaned up the food on the table, she wiped her mouth, "Thank you for your hospitality, I will repay you in the future."

"This is for you." Zhao Yang thought for a while and handed the beggar a Qiankun bag, "There are some divine stones in the Qiankun bag, you can buy some things when you are hungry."

Beggar's divine sense swept away, and a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

Because there are tens of thousands of god stones in the universe bag.

In fact, it's not that Zhao Yang can't give the beggar more divine stones, but Zhao Yang doesn't want to cause too much trouble for the beggar.

"Thank you." Beggar said something to Zhao Yang and left.

As a result, the moment the beggar left, Zhao Yang saw several figures following him.

"Do you want to rob even beggars?" Zhao Yang's expression darkened.

He silently followed behind those guys.

Let's talk about beggars.

After leaving the hotel, she turned around and disappeared in front of those guys.

"Hmph, if you want to follow me, you have to have the ability?" Qi'er looked at the few guys walking past from a distance, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

She silently remembered the appearance and aura of these guys in her heart.

"When I recover, I will definitely tear you into pieces." She murmured.

"After eating so many high-end ingredients today, my cultivation has finally recovered a bit." Qi'er said with emotion.

Thinking that she is a genius and admired by thousands of people, but now she is so downcast


"After the ingredients are completely refined, you can take this Ten Thousand Gods Stone to buy some medicinal ingredients." Beggar said leisurely.

It's just that this number is far from enough.

"If only he could give me some more sacred stones." The beggar's eyes showed anticipation.

But she didn't dare to reveal her identity, she knew that many people were looking for her.

Once her identity is revealed, who knows what will happen?

Besides, she didn't know who Zhao Yang was?What if Zhao Yang also went to God Realm to find her?

What she didn't know was that Zhao Yang was already suspicious at this time.

Because Zhao Yang followed those people and he was also following him, but Zhao Yang suddenly found her figure disappeared.

disappeared abruptly.

The news is clean.

"Forget it, leave her alone." Zhao Yang said and walked towards the Alchemy Guild.

There are also alchemy guilds in the real world.

As a result, as soon as he arrived at the alchemy guild, Zhao Yang was surprised that the alchemy guild didn't have many staff members.

"Did something happen to the Alchemy Guild?" Zhao Yang asked the front desk.

"The special envoy said that the mission of the alchemist is to make alchemy, not to do business here. We are here to explain the situation to the alchemists and clients who come and go." The front desk lady said helplessly.

From her words, one can hear the deep dissatisfaction with the special envoy.

"Isn't he messing around?" Zhao Yang frowned, "Alchemy

The association has been in operation until now, and naturally has a mature system, where it is said to change, it will change. "

"Anyway, the special envoy has the final say in the general cabinet now." The front desk lady said bitterly, "I heard that if you fail the assessment, you will be sent to mine by the special envoy, or sent to a prison cell to be tortured. In short, the entire alchemy association is now People are panicking."

"Do you know where the envoy is now?"

"Zongge, I guess I have to give lectures to alchemists again now." The lady at the front desk said softly.

Hearing this, Zhao Yang immediately walked towards the main alchemy pavilion.

After arriving at the main pavilion, he was shocked to find that there were a lot fewer soldiers visiting and patrolling.

"Why are there so few patrolling soldiers?" Zhao Yang asked a small team.

"My lord special envoy said that the Alchemy Association is the top force in Central God's Domain. No force dares to covet the Alchemy Association. Therefore, there is no need to waste too much energy on patrols. Many soldiers have been taken away by the special envoy to practice alchemy."

Zhao Yang's face darkened.


Zhao Yang came all the way to the first hall of the alchemy main pavilion, and hundreds of thousands of alchemists gathered in the hall at this time.

On the high platform, a young man in white is passionately talking about Dan Dao.

Zhao Yang listened quietly.

What surprised him was that this man had some real talents.

For example, the avenue he expounded at this time is not qualified to be contacted by Central God Realm.

half an hour

After that, Huang Jianren glanced at the audience and said, "This is the end of today's lecture, and I will check your results in three days." Speaking of this, he pointed to a girl and said, "What are the medicinal properties of Xinuanhua?"

"The medicinal properties of Xinuanhua are cold. Generally speaking, it is paired with long-necked grass to make medicines such as Mafeisan."

Huang Jianren nodded slightly. He pointed to a young man and asked, "Where does the withered grass grow?"

"This...." The young man scratched his head, "I forgot."

"Trash." Huang Jianren said angrily, "I told you the last class, but I forgot it so soon. Go to the mine for three months and see if your memory improves?" Pointing to a middle-aged man, he said, "Tell me, where does the withered grass grow?"

The middle-aged man thought for a while and said in a deep voice, "I can tell you with certainty that you didn't talk about withered grass last class."

He is a lecturer of the Alchemy Association. He has always taught others, but now Huang Jianren is teaching him. How can he feel comfortable?

"Don't you guys go to the mountains to collect herbs and know that where there are Jinshang flowers, there must be withered weeds?" Huang Jianren said with a sneer, "Did I tell you where Jinshang flowers grow?"

Some of the alchemists present showed a sudden realization on their faces.

"It's all trash, I can't even think of it." Speaking of this, Huang Jianren pointed to the middle-aged man and said, "You also go to mine for three months."

(End of this chapter)

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