Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1515 Death Turntable

After thinking about it, Zhao Yang took out the token of Law Enforcement History.

He summoned a ray of divine sense of the Pavilion Master Dan in the token.

"Senior, do you know the Shura clan?"

"I know." The ray of divine sense couldn't help frowning at this point, "It's strange, how come there are Shura clans in the Central God Realm?"

"So there are Shura tribes in the Upper God Realm?" Zhao Yang suddenly realized.

"That's right, the Asura clan is a very troublesome clan in the Upper God Realm." The strand of divine sense said and walked towards the cave, "Go in and see what the hell they are doing?"

Seeing Zhao Yang and his party coming again, those Shuras were immediately angry. They howled and rushed towards Zhao Yang and others.

However, that ray of divine sense exuded a soft radiance to envelop Zhao Yang and the others, and whenever it touched it, it exploded with a bang like a bubble.




But no matter how many times, it still can't stop the footsteps of that ray of divine thought.

This is also normal.

That ray of spiritual thought said that he has the cultivation base of the living god state.

Theoretically, it is an absolutely invincible existence in Central God Realm.

"The master of the Dan Pavilion is also a cruel and ruthless person." The rabbit sent a voice transmission to Zhao Yang, "It is rushing to kill everything."

"It just saves us trouble." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

The owner of the Dan Pavilion is a kind person.

It may be kindness to be able to break out of such a powerful force

Is it your generation?

It didn't take long for Zhao Yang and the others to go deep into the cave, and saw thousands of Shura clan queuing up to a roulette, and they were all blown into red juice as the roulette turned.

Blood seeped downwards.

A rune gradually formed above the roulette.

"Summoning rune." The master of Dan Pavilion was surprised.

"Summoning rune?" It was the first time Zhao Yang had heard of this kind of rune.

"With the blood of the same family, you can summon the powerful from a higher plane." The master of Dan Pavilion said with a sinking face, "and the summoning rune is about to take shape."

"Senior, do you mean that the Shura clan wants to summon a higher-level powerhouse?"


Zhao Yang and the others couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat.

Who would have thought that the masters of the Asura clan would come later.


When Pavilion Master Dan waved his hand, the rune that was about to condense into shape exploded with a bang.


An old man of the Shura tribe who presided over the sacrifice opened his mouth and sprayed a mouthful of blood.

It looked at the master of the Dan Pavilion with resentment in its eyes and said, "You interrupt my long-cherished wish of the Shura clan for a thousand years, and our Shura clan will not let you go."

"The king of your Shura clan has been killed. You are just rats crossing the street. Do you think you can make any waves?" Pavilion Master Dan showed a mocking look on his face.

And as his voice dropped his big

Pushing his hand towards the Shura clan in front, the vast power turned those soldiers of the Shura clan into ashes.

In less than one breath, thousands of Shura soldiers including the old man died.

A scorching color appeared in the eyes of the sword body seeing this scene.

This is the power he pursues.

"I don't know if there are any good things left from the Shura clan?" Rabbit said at this time.

The Pavilion Master of the Dan Pavilion waved his hand, and a hole suddenly appeared under the altar, and then rays of divine light filled the air from the hole.

Zhao Yang's spiritual sense swept away and found that it was full of resources piled up like a mountain.

"These resources seem to be from different forces." After checking the sword body, he said in a deep voice.

"That is to say, the Shura clan has destroyed more than the nine families on the surface." Zhao Yang said slowly, "The Shura clan has done a lot of evil over the years."

How can these resources need thirty or fifty forces.

However, these forces are not too strong, so they are actually similar to what Zhao Yang got before.

"What's the use of this turntable?" The rabbit pointed to the turntable and asked.

"This turntable is called the death turntable, and it is a magic weapon commonly used in the realm of death." Pavilion Master Dan said and summoned the turntable to Zhao Yang.

"Can I use it?"

"Yes, but once you use it, your vitality will be severely injured once."

"How long will it take to recover?"

"Based on your background, it will take at least three days."

"How far can it be played?"

"Unless you meet a genius from the sky, or you meet a magic weapon of the same level, there is no one in Central God Realm who is your opponent."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang's eyes lit up immediately.

But when he thought about it again, he felt a little bit pained.

Because the murderer is also of this nature.

"Sword body, why don't you hold the death wheel?" Zhao Yang looked at the sword body.

"No need." The sword body shook his head and said, "When my cultivation reaches a step further, I can keep up with the arm wrestling at the peak of the divine realm."

"Forget it." Zhao Yang said and put away the death dial.

The master of the Dan Pavilion turned into a wisp of smoke and entered Zhao Yang's law enforcement token.

"Rabbit, go back and guard the sect."

Rabbit nodded and left.

"I'm leaving too." Sword Body said at this time.

"There is something I need to trouble you with."

"what's up."

"You'll know then."

Wang family!

After arriving at the Wang family, Zhao Yang went to find the high-level officials of the Wang family.

"The Shura clan has been resolved, and the Wang family doesn't have to worry about it in the future."

"I don't understand Mr. Zhao's meaning." Wang Taizhong asked hesitantly.

"I brought several masters to uproot the Shura clan." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice, "Hundreds of thousands of Shura clan were all killed."

Hearing this, the hearts of the people here set off a stormy sea.

The Shura clan is so terrifying?

There are hundreds of thousands of soldiers.

But what shocked them even more was that Zhao Yang killed hundreds of thousands of Shura clan.

" there any Shura clan outside?" Wang Yaofeng asked after pondering for a moment.

"I don't think so." Zhao Yang said uncertainly.

"This..." Everyone looked at me, and I looked at you, feeling uncertain.

"Yaofeng, what are you talking about? Mr. Zhao said there is no more, then it is no more." Wang Taizhong glared at Wang Yaofeng.

"Normally speaking, the Shura clan should not have any masters in the outside world, but just in case I am going to complete the formation." Zhao Yang said softly, "The completed formation is the second level of the upper god realm."

In fact, it is not impossible for Zhao Yang to build higher-level ones.

One is to save the materials of the formation, and the other is to build a too strong formation, which also consumes energy, doesn't it?

To be honest, Zhao Yang has already helped the Wang family a lot.

"The second level of the upper god realm?" Hearing that everyone in the Wang family was moved, Wang Taizhong stood up quickly and said, "Young Master Zhao, I don't know what array materials you need?"

"This formation mainly relies on the power of runes, and the materials for the formation don't cost much." Zhao Yang suddenly thought of something when he said this, "By the way, Wang Yuyan, where did you get the three drops of jade syrup you gave me?" ?”

(End of this chapter)

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