Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1514 Shura 1 family

"That... No need, I'll be fine on my own." Zhao Yang was taken aback.

"Master Zhao, what I mean is that I will take you back to the courtyard." Wang Yuyan also realized that he had objections to what he said.

"That's it, let's go." Zhao Yang wiped the sweat from his forehead.

After Zhao Yang returned to the room, he ordered Jian Gui to keep a secret vigilance, and he contacted Jian Body immediately.

It is true that Zhao Yang has other trump cards, but he doesn't want to use them.

The sword body will reply soon.

"I need your help here."


Zhao Yang sent Jianti the address, "Come here as soon as you receive the address, and don't reveal your whereabouts."


An hour later, the sword body appeared in Zhao Yang's room.

"What happened?"

"Do you know the Shura clan?"


"The Shura clan is coming to trouble the Wang family, and I need to protect the Wang family."

"I understand. If the masters of the Shura clan come, they will be killed directly."

"That's it."

One day passed.

Two days have passed.

Three days have passed.

Just when Zhao Yang thought that there was something wrong with the Asura Clan, a figure descended on the Wang family with the power to destroy the world.

"Get out of here." The figure growled.

The vast killing intent pervades the entire Wang family, including the whole Wang family.

Wang Taizhong trembled all over.

They were frightened.

They can't imagine what kind of existence is coming?

"Couldn't you Shura tribe send some masters here?" Just then the sword body appeared, holding a long purple sword in his hand, and looking at the other party impatiently.

The sword body could tell at a glance that the opponent was from the sixth heaven of the Upper God Realm.

And such a sword can easily kill it.

"Arrogant." The Shura was angry.

The sword body dared to humiliate him.


What kind of sword is that?

fast as lightning


But one arm of that Shura was cut off directly.

Seeing the severed arm, that Shura was startled, and then ran away without thinking.

The body of the sword disappeared, and followed behind him unhurriedly.

The sword body followed that Shura all the way to a cave.

This cave is very deep.

What surprised the sword body was that the Shura clan hung upside down on the wall like bats to sleep, and of course it might be practice.

There are clear rules among these Shura tribes. For example, the Shura tribes in a certain area have the same cultivation level.

The deeper the Shura clan's cultivation is, the more terrifying it is.

And when the sword body followed the Shura through the seventh heaven region of the Upper God Realm, it was still discovered.

"You have a tail behind you." At this moment, a Shura said darkly.

Xiu who had his right arm cut off

Luo woke up suddenly. He looked at the sword body coming out of the dark and said, "How dare you follow here?"

"Why would I not dare?" Sword body said here, beheading that Shura with a sword, and then looked around at the four Shuras surrounding him, "Your Shura clan's strength is not very good either?"

"Stop talking nonsense, dare to break into our Shura clan is a capital offense."

"I have to say that you are so courageous that you dare to come here?"

"Send you on your way."


The four-headed Shura moved towards the sword body.

The expression of the sword body was indifferent, and he slashed out one sword after another.

Soon the Shura on the periphery were awakened, and they rushed towards Zhao Yang without fear of death.

The sword body turned red.



Thousand respects!

When the sword body reached this step, only one-third of the energy in the body was left.

So the sword body chose to break through.

It won't work if you don't break through.

If he continues to fight, he will be damaged here.

But what Jian Body didn't expect was that Shura tried his best to stop him. The Shura clan didn't care about casualties at all.

As a last resort, Jian Ti had to ask Zhao Yang for help.

Zhao Yang rushed here at the first time, and then directly killed him with a fierce soldier.

The murderer is a big killer.

A large number of Shura clans were beheaded every time.

The two sides finally broke a bloody road under the cooperation of the inside and the outside.

"Let's go." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

After leaving the cave, Zhao Yang and the two returned to Wang's house.

"I've never seen such a brave and fearless ethnic group?" Sword Body said solemnly.

No matter what killing move the sword body uses, no matter how many Shuras the sword body kills, their eyes are still firm.

"This group must be extinct." Zhao Yang said in a solemn tone, "When we recover to the peak, I will call the rabbit to go with us."


It took the two of them a day and a night to get back to their peak condition.

Zhao Yang contacted Lin Caihan when the two were heading towards the residence of the Shura clan, and Lin Caihan told the rabbit where he was going.

Not long after the two arrived there, they saw the cute rabbit.

"Master, are you going to kill again?" Rabbit said and rubbed his palms.

"Aren't your rabbits vegetarian? Why are you so murderous?"

"Vegetarian rabbits are extinct. I eat meat." The rabbit laughed.

"Let's go, let's start your killing journey after entering." Zhao Yang said here that the rabbit took the lead and rushed forward.

The sword body followed closely behind, and Zhao Yang was at the back.

Their arrival alarmed the Shura clan who were licking blood to heal their wounds.

As the so-called enemies meet, they are particularly jealous.

Before Zhao Yang and the others did anything, they rushed towards Zhao Yang and the others.


Zhao Yang uses

After gaining absolute defense, the combat effectiveness has been raised to the peak.

The God Realm First Layer.

The second level of God Realm.

The third heaven of Yushen Realm.

The three of them killed the Shura clan on the periphery like killing gods.

And as time went by, the Shura inside also came over.

At this time, the rabbit's heart was a little hairy.

"These guys clearly know that they are going to die, but they don't have the slightest ambiguity?"

"There is no fear in their eyes, they are bloodthirsty and ferocious."

Killing and killing Zhao Yang and Jian Ti will not kill them anymore.

The main reason is that the cultivation base of the two of them has not improved, they just have sturdy fighting power, which is destined to be impossible to squander for a long time.

"Rabbit, let's go." Zhao Yang shouted towards the rabbit.

The rabbit responded, and followed Zhao Yang and the two quickly left the cave.

After arriving outside, Zhao Yang found out that the Shura clan stopped chasing him.

"Do you think it is possible that the high-level officials of the Shura clan are doing something important?" Jian Body pondered for a while and said, "That's why they are brave enough to stop us."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang's eyes lit up, "I think it's possible."

"I don't have much energy in my body, and I can't push it very far." Rabbit said in a deep voice.

"Why don't you use that hole card." Jian Ti looked at Zhao Yang and said, "I don't think we can wait any longer."

Will it take a day and a night for them to return to their peak form?

(End of this chapter)

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