Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1504 Things are weird

Zhao Yang searched all the way along the trail, and finally found a girl who was chained in the forbidden area of ​​Luoyuezong.

"Qianqian." Luo Qianying, the patriarch of the Sunset Sect, exclaimed when she saw the girl, and then she pointed at Luo Qianyu and said, "What else do you have to say?"

Luo Qianyu's face was stunned, "I don't know what's going on?"

"Qianqian, why do you think you came here?" Luo Qianying asked in a deep voice.

"I was kidnapped by the Second Elder of the Sunset Sect." Li Qianqian pointed to a middle-aged woman behind Luo Qianyu.

A look of panic appeared on the middle-aged woman's face, "You are talking nonsense."

"I dare to search the memory, do you dare?" Li Qianqian sneered.

"I have a clear conscience, but if you want to search for the soul, I refuse."

"If you refuse, you have ghosts in your heart." Luo Qianying said with cold eyes.

"Second Elder, you need to give an explanation." Luo Qianyu said after pondering for a while.

"Sect Master, don't you believe me?" The Second Elder said in a daze.

Luo Qianyu pointed at Li Qianqian who was trapped by chains, "The facts are in front of me, how do you make me believe it?"

"My memory cannot be probed, otherwise I would rather die." The second elder said with firm eyes.

"Guilt to be a thief." Luo Qianying laughed, "Master Zhao, what do you think should be done?"

After Zhao Yang was silent for a while, he looked at Li Qianqian, "

I want to search your soul first. "


"She is willing to die to show her will, how about you?"

After struggling with her eyes, Li Qianqian said, "Yes, I can show my memory to everyone. I hope you can give us Sunset Sect justice."

Seeing this scene, the faces of many senior officials of Luo Yuezong changed.

If Li Qianqian is not sure, how dare everyone spy on her memory.

In other words, the second elder lied.

"Second Elder, what's going on?"

"Second Elder, don't hide it at this time."

"Second Elder, if you do it, just admit it, you can't drag our Luoyue Sect into the abyss."

Seeing this scene, the Second Elder's face was full of bitterness.

She was silent and said nothing.

"Then check your memory." Zhao Yang said at this time.

Through Li Qianqian's memory, everyone discovered that Li Qianqian was secretly hiding here after being captured by the second elder of the Luoyue Sect on the way to practice.

After the truth came out, everyone accused the second elder one after another.

Even some senior officials of Luoyue Sect are accusing the Second Elder.

"This matter has nothing to do with me." The second elder said solemnly, "The reason why I don't want you to read the memory is really difficult."

"What are your difficulties?" Luo Qianyu asked in a deep voice.

"I can't tell."

The second elder shook his head.

"It's come to this point, what else can't be said?" Luo Qianyu was anxious.

The second elder remained silent.

Looking at the second elder, Zhao Yang frowned.

He realizes that things are not as simple as they appear.

"Can you tell me alone?" Zhao Yang looked at the second elder.

"No." The second elder shook his head.

"Aren't you afraid that Luo Yuezong will be destroyed because of you?"

"You are not a person with a very vicious heart, you will not destroy Luoyuezong." The second elder said as he slapped his head heavily with his palm, and her head exploded with a bang.

A few drops of blood were splashed on Zhao Yang's body, and his face became gloomy.

He originally wanted to persuade the two parties to stop making peace, but he didn't want to get involved in the conspiracy.

"Second Elder has committed suicide, so it doesn't matter what is right and what is wrong in this matter. You, Sunset Sect, take your young Sect Master and leave." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

"Just now Mr. Zhao said he wanted to give us an explanation." Luo Qianying said unwillingly.

"I will give you an explanation, but not now." Zhao Yang glanced at Luo Qianying and said.

"We had an agreement with the Luoyue Sect before. If any sect loses three times in a row, that sect will surrender unconditionally." Luo Qianying was interrupted by Zhao Yang as soon as Luo Qianying said this, "I said, go back .”

falling into fear

After taking a look at Zhao Yang, he still left with the sect's disciples.

She knew very well that Zhao Yang was very powerful, and she was no match at all.

And if they attack in groups, the Sunset Sect may suffer heavy losses, which is not what she wants to see.

"Do you have a solution?" At this moment, the voice of Nine Swords rang in his ears.

"This matter is complicated. To be honest, I don't know what to do? Now I can only force it down." Zhao Yang replied in his heart.

"I'll teach you a little trick."


"Peel off the cocoon." Jiu Chongjian said a formula and entered Zhao Yang's sea of ​​consciousness.

Zhao Yang glanced at it and understood what it was?

The so-called stripping the cocoon is to leave a divine sense on the other party's body, and this divine mind will monitor the other party's actions at any time, even if they are separated by tens of millions of miles.

"Don't leave yet." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice at this time.

Luo Qianying was stunned.

"I found some clues just now. You are all here, and no one is allowed to leave." Zhao Yang looked at Luo Qianyu and said, "You follow me."

Luo Qianyu didn't understand why he followed Zhao Yang to the outside, "Arrange a quiet place for me to practice."

"it is good."

Luo Qianyu arranged Zhao Yang to her study.

After arriving at Luo Qianyu's study room, Zhao Yang began to practice quietly


In fact, peeling off cocoons is just a small method of divine sense, so Zhao Yang succeeded in cultivating after spending three days.

When he opened the door, he saw Luo Qianyu waiting.

"Master Zhao, what's the matter?" Luo Qianyu hurriedly asked.

"There are already some signs, and more evidence is needed." Zhao Yang left a divine thought on Luo Qianyu's body while speaking.

Luo Qianyu's cultivation is the sixth level of the God Control Realm, but she will never discover Zhao Yang's tricks.

Accompanied by Luo Qianyu, he went to the place where Li Qianqian was detained before.

"I have deduced to a certain stage, I believe there will be a result soon, so, you go back first, Sunset Sect." Zhao Yang said softly, "I will give you an explanation then."

Soon, more than 300 monks in the field were all stained with a ray of Zhao Yang's spiritual thoughts.

Luo Qianying left with the masters of the Sunset Sect.

"I'll go back to the previous room." Zhao Yang looked at Luo Qianyu.

Luo Qianyu nodded.

After arriving in the room, Zhao Yang began to monitor the more than 300 monks wholeheartedly. It felt as if more than 300 cameras were monitoring them all the way.

After Luo Qianying brought the disciples of the Sunset Sect all the way back to the Sunset Sect, she took Li Qianqian to her room.

"Qianqian, tell me the truth, is it the second elder of the Luoyue Sect who kidnapped you?" Luo Qianying asked in a deep voice.

(End of this chapter)

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