Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1503 Falling Moon Sect

"Do you know the stele of fortune?"

"The stele of good fortune? You know, every sect has a stele of good fortune. Why are you asking this?" Mu Yuyan asked puzzled.

"Yan Huangzong did not."

"It's simple, you go to any sect's stele of fortune, and after explaining the situation to the stele of fortune, the stele of fortune will give you a rubbing."

"Any sect is fine?"

"Yes." Mu Yuyan said softly, "Which sect do you want to go to?"

"The closest to Yanhuangzong is Luoyuezong. Luoyuezong seems to be a second-class sect."

"Luoyue Sect is a second-class sect, and the sect master Luo Qianyu is still a beautiful woman." Mu Yuyan looked at Zhao Yang narrowly and said, "Are you interested in Luo Qianyu?"

"If you don't tell me, I don't even know that the head of Luoyue Sect is a woman." Zhao Yang shook his head.

"real or fake?"

"Am I a hungry wolf in your eyes?"

"Isn't it?"

Seeing Mu Yuyan with alluring eyes, Zhao Yang felt that he should punish her well.


Luoyue Sect is only three thousand kilometers away from Yanhuang Sect.

So Zhao Yang headed towards Luoyuezong early in the morning the next day.

There is a city at the foot of Luoyuezong Mountain, named Luoyue City.

When Zhao Yang came to this city, he found that the city was a bit bleak.

"What happened?" Zhao Yang grabbed a young man and asked


"Who are you?" the young man said angrily.

"I asked you what happened?" Zhao Yang said, releasing a ray of coercion from the God Realm.

The young man shivered in fright, "That... Senior... Let me say, let me say."

"It's really cheap." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"Senior, you don't know that the Luoyue Sect is at war with the Sunset Sect."


"The suzerains of the Luoyue Sect and the Sunset Sect are sisters. They have been at odds with each other since the beginning of their practice. Every ten years, the two sides will conduct a competition between disciples. However, because Luoyue Sect has lost in consecutive Three times, according to the previous agreement, the Luoyue Sect should be disbanded." The young man said in a young voice, "It's just that the sect has been established for thousands of years, how can you say that it is disbanded if it is disbanded?"

"So the suzerain of the Luoyue Sect has repented?"

"The suzerain of the Luoyue Sect did not repent, but the senior officials of the Luoyue Sect disagreed. I heard that an elder of the Luoyue Sect had kidnapped the young suzerain of the Luoyue Sect. Therefore, the suzerain of the Luoyue Sect led an army to depose the Luoyue Sect. Ping." The young man looked at Zhao Yang and said, "You don't know that the two sides have fought several times, and both sides suffered heavy casualties."

After pondering for a while, Zhao Yang said, "I'll go and have a look."

"Senior, it's better that you don't join in. Both sides are jealous. I heard that a famous person tried to persuade him, but he was killed by an elder of the Sunset Sect."

"This is a bit lawless." Zhao Yang frowned.

Immediately, Zhao Yang raised his foot and walked in the direction of Luoyuezong.

The young man hesitated for a while and then chased after Zhao Yang.

It didn't take long for Zhao Yang to see hundreds of thousands of monks surrounding Luoyuezong.

At the forefront of the battlefield, thousands of monks are fighting fiercely.

"Everyone, listen to me, how about a temporary truce between the two sides?" Zhao Yang said in a deep voice after appearing on the battlefield.

"Where did the hairy boy come from?"

"Boy, if you don't want to be accidentally injured, back down quickly."

"The grievances between our two cases are not something you are qualified to intervene."

The high-level officials of both parties present were scolding.

Zhao Yang's face suddenly sank.

"Do you think I'm giving you a face?" At this point, Zhao Yang's two fingers moved forward, and the true meaning of the way of the sword turned into a torrent, and all the thousands of monks who were fighting were rushed into it.

Thousands of monks are constantly struggling in the torrent, and it is very painful to see their appearance.


"how is this possible?"

"There are hundreds of masters in the God Realm who are fighting."

"Who is he?"

Both sides were frightened by this scene.

Zhao Yang waved his hand.

Thousands of monks fell to the ground one after another, and falling to the ground was a mess.

"Now you can

Have a good chat? "Zhao Yang looked around the audience and said.

"Young master, this matter is the grievance between my Sunset Sect and Luoyue Sect. Please don't get involved." At this time, a graceful and luxurious girl walked out of the Sunset Sect's camp.

The girl is wearing a touch of makeup, which is very beautiful.

"Since I saw it, I have to deal with it." Zhao Yang said lightly, "I believe the two sides can sit down and talk."

"Then let's talk." Luo Qianying said unwillingly.

The Luoyue Sect was out of support, and she believed that if she continued to fight, it would be a matter of time before the Luoyue Sect fell apart.

But Zhao Yang's intervention made her efforts in vain.

At this time, Luo Qianyu, the suzerain of Luoyue Sect, and several elders rushed over.

"Young master, don't know how to address him?" Luo Qianyu looked at Zhao Yang with burning eyes.

She is grateful.

If it weren't for Zhao Yang, Luo Yuezong would be finished.

"My surname is Zhao." Zhao Yang didn't say his full name, mainly because he didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble.

Who in the entire Central God Realm doesn't know that Zhao Yang has a peerless weapon in his hand?

"Young Master Zhao, I'm very glad that you can uphold justice for my Luoyue Sect." Luo Qianyu's expression suddenly became sad when he said this.

"Luo Qianyu, what do you mean? It's fine if you Luoyue Sect didn't abide by the previous promise. Why did you kidnap my young master of the Sunset Sect?" Luo Qianying angrily pointed at Luo Qianying.

Qianyu roared.

"I'll say it again, our Luoyue Sect did not kidnap the young master of your Sunset Sect." Luo Qianyu said helplessly.

"First, the fourth elder of our sect saw with your own eyes that the second elder of your sect took our young master of the Sunset Sect and fled to the Luoyue Sect; secondly, the spies that our Sunset Sect placed in your Luoyue Sect also saw it. The figure of our Luoyue Sect young master." Luo Qianying sneered.

"This is just your one-sided opinion." Luo Qianyu shook his head.

After Zhao Yang was silent for a moment, he looked at Luo Qianyu and said, "Are you sure the young patriarch of the Sunset Sect is not in your sect?"

Just as Luo Qianyu was about to say something, Zhao Yang interrupted him, "You'd better think about it before you speak, otherwise I will find out, and the Luoyue Sect won't need to exist."

Luo Qianyu's heart trembled.

"Don't take chances, I'm good at tracking, as long as I find clues, I can find them." Zhao Yang said word by word.

Luo Qianyu pondered for a moment but shook his head firmly, "No."

"Do you have the clothes of your young master?" Zhao Yang looked at Luo Qianying.

Luo Qianying looked at a woman, and that woman handed Zhao Yang a piece of clothing, "This piece of clothing belongs to my young suzerain."

Zhao Yang extracted Li Qianqian's aura from this dress, and then Zhao Yang used the technique of tracing to search for it here.

Soon he found the trace of Li Qianqian here.

(End of this chapter)

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