"Yes." Li Qianqian said affirmatively, "I have fought against the Second Elder before, and I am too familiar with her aura."

"But why did the Second Elder declare his ambition with death?" Luo Qianying felt that things were a little strange.

"To be honest, I don't know. What's the second elder saying on that occasion?" Li Qianqian's eyes showed seriousness when she heard the words.

"Could it be that the second elder did this on purpose to preserve the honor of the sect?" After thinking for a long time, Luo Qianying felt that this might be the only explanation.

Luo Qianyu from Luo Yuezong is also pursuing this matter.

But she asked many senior officials of the sect and found nothing.

One day passed.

Two days have passed.

Three days have passed.

Zhao Yang was shocked to find that both parties seemed to be fine.

"Zhao Yang, what do you think?"

"If there is no problem with both parties, then there is a third party involved." Zhao Yang said after a long silence, "The second elder may know the third party, but she dare not reveal the identity of the other party, which shows that the other party's The strength is very strong, Luoyuezong may not even be an opponent."

"I think so too."

"Go to the second elder's residence." Zhao Yang stood up as he spoke.

Zhao Yang pushed open the door and saw a naive girl.

"Young Master Zhao." The girl stood up quickly when she saw Zhao Yang.

"Where's your suzerain?"

"I'll call you suzerain right now."

The woman turned and left.

Not long after, Luo Qianyu hurried over.

"Master Zhao, what did you find?"

"I'm going to the second elder's residence."

"Please come with me."

After Zhao Yang searched around the second elder's residence, he couldn't find any new clues.

"Where did the Second Elder go during this time?" Zhao Yang asked the Second Elder's disciples.

Those disciples secretly looked at Luo Qianyu.

Luo Qianyu said angrily, "What do you see me doing? Whatever Mr. Zhao asks you, what do you answer?"

"The second elder went to the alchemy hall seven days ago."

"The second elder went to the suzerain eight days ago."

"I remember the second elder went to the back mountain to take a bath."

As these girls revealed the whereabouts of the second elder one after another, Zhao Yang followed them one by one.

Zhao Yang's eyes narrowed involuntarily when he tracked down a clear spring in the back mountain.

Because at this time, many girls are taking a bath here.

Not only were the girls not afraid when they saw Zhao Yang coming, some boldly even winked at Zhao Yang.

"You Luoyuezong disciples often come here to take a bath?" Zhao Yang asked, pointing to this clear spring.

"Yes, from the sect master to the disciples from the outer sect, they all come here to take a bath." Luo Qianyu nodded and said, "I came here to take a bath a while ago." When she said this, she was puzzled

Looking at Zhao Yang, he said, "Is there any problem?"

"The lake water is poisonous." Zhao Yang said softly.

Luo Qianyu's face showed panic, "Master Zhao, don't be joking."

"That's right, Mr. Zhao, our Luoyue Sect also has many alchemists, but no one has ever said that there is a problem." Luo Qianyu's maid said uneasily.

"If you check it out casually, how can the other party force the second elder to commit suicide?" Zhao Yang opened his mouth and spewed out a breath of alchemy, when the breath of alchemy fell on Luo Qianyu When the maid was on top of her body, a look of pain appeared on her face, and at the same time traces of black poisonous gas emanated from her head.

Luo Qianyu's expression changed drastically.

"The poison of the leech." When Zhao Yang said this, the qi of alchemy suddenly suppressed downwards, and the poisonous aura on Luo Qianyu's maid was forcibly expelled.

"The poison of the leech?" At this moment, a woman who came ashore was startled and said, "The poison of the leech is colorless and tasteless, and it is very difficult to detect. More importantly, if it cannot be solved at one time, it may cause serious damage to the source. Even if the toxins in the body are removed, they will still be weak for a while."

"That's right, during this period of weakness, I have no strength to restrain the chicken." Zhao Yang said here and gently stirred his fingers towards the clear spring.

Luo Qianyu's face was full of horror when he heard this.

If this is the case, wouldn't Luo Yuezong let the other party slaughter him?


The poison of the leech has been in the air for at least half a year. Zhao Yang shook his hands and said, "Those who took a bath in the water within half a year should have been recruited." "

"More than half of the Zongmen's high-level officials and monks should have gone into the water within half a year." Luo Qianyu looked at Zhao Yang anxiously and said, "Please ask Mr. Zhao to save me."

"The poison of leeches is terrible to others, but it is nothing to me?" Zhao Yang looked at Luo Qianyu and said, "But have you ever thought about who injected the poison?"

"Luo Qianying probably wouldn't do such a thing. This matter has nothing to do with the Sunset Sect." Luo Qianyu said after pondering for a moment.

"The news of my coming here is blocked, remember not to tell anyone." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice, "I will secretly help you refine the detoxification pill, and then we will lure the snake out of the hole."


"There is also the matter of leech poison that must be blocked."


After Zhao Yang confessed again, accompanied by Luo Qianyu, he returned to her study.

After arriving here, Zhao Yang started to brew detoxification decoction.

After half a day, Zhao Yang let Luo Qianyu in.

Luo Qianyu saw at a glance that the pill furnace was full of decoctions exuding a medicinal fragrance.

"One bowl is enough."

Luo Qianyu took a bowl and drank it down.

"Aren't you afraid that I'll poison it?" Zhao Yang asked with a smile.

"Young Master Zhao won't do such a thing." Luo Qianyu just said this

Li's complexion changed because she felt a burst of dizziness, "Master Zhao, you...you can't...."

"Look, you said you believed me just now, why didn't you believe me in a blink of an eye?" Zhao Yang said with a smile, "Vertigo is normal, and you will recover soon."

After a while, Luo Qianyu's abdomen contracted suddenly, and then he vomited out a mass of pus, and there were three crawling leeches in the pus.

The leech spreads its teeth and claws, trying to choose someone to eat.

Seeing these three leeches, Luo Qianyu was about to beat him to death, but was stopped by Zhao Yang.

"At this time, there are son leeches and mother leeches."


"Actually, this is a kind of Gu technique. The other party can control your life and death through the mother leech." Zhao Yang explained, "Once you kill the daughter leech, the mother leech will perceive it."

"What's next?"

"Next, you let the Zongmen who have bathed within half a year come here secretly, and then drink a bowl of medicinal liquid to get rid of the leeches in their bodies first." Zhao Yang thought for a while and said, "Remember, you have to find For a reason, you can’t let the guys in the dark find out.”

"Just say that a traitor needs to be checked one by one?"

"Okay." Zhao Yang suddenly thought of something when he said this, "You said that the Sunset Sect has not been recruited?"

"The Sunset Sect is the same as the Luoyue Sect. They only recruit female disciples. Perhaps the Sunset Sect has also been recruited." Luo Qianyu said in a deep voice.

(End of this chapter)

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