Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1500 Imperial Dao Cultivation Technique

Some killers knelt down, and more killers fled outwards.

Zhao Yang put away the murderous soldiers.

At this time, his cultivation has soared to the fourth level of the Upper God Realm.

"The strong wind and strong grass are urged by the years." Zhao Yang squeezed the seal with both hands and punched forward.

This punch made the whole world rumble, and terrifying sound waves spread around.

This is the supernatural power only available in the upper god realm of the Nine-Zhuan Tongxuan Gong.


All the killers who were enveloped by this sound wave fell down one by one.

The owner of the building outside the mountain looked at the large number of fallen killers and his heart was bleeding.

But at this moment Zhao Yang swung his second punch.

This second punch was even more terrifying than the first punch.

It was because Zhao Yang's strength had soared to the seventh heaven of the Upper God Realm.

The number of monks lost this time reached as many as 30, and his eyeballs were red looking at the bloody killer.

"Fighting with me, you still dare to be distracted?" The rabbit's claw pierced his chest, and blood flowed horizontally.

The owner of the building outside the mountain fled towards the rear in pain.

At this moment, Zhao Yang's eyes fell on the owner of the building outside the mountain, "Where are you going?"

The owner of the building outside the mountain could not help but glance at Zhao Yang.

The clarity in his eyes instantly dissipated at this glance.

The rabbit bit off his head in one bite, and then poked its mouth unsatisfied.

When the killers of the Shanwai Building saw the host being killed, their mentality collapsed.


They fled desperately towards the distance.

Zhao Yang shot and killed the elders who were confronting Mu Yuyan and the others one after another, "The next task for you is to kill the masters of Shanwailou, and then attack ordinary killers."

Mu Yuyan and the others nodded.

And while they were rushing towards the killer blocked by the formation, Zhao Yang kept making shots.

At this time, his cultivation has soared to the ninth level of the Upper God Realm.

After Zhao Yang shot several times in a row, he killed hundreds of thousands of killers, and many of the remaining killers also lost their fighting spirit and knelt down and surrendered one after another.

But more killers are still stubbornly resisting.

Zhao Yang did not continue to shoot.

Because at this time the divine power on his body is rapidly dissipating.

Soon his cultivation retreated to the third level of the God Control Realm.

Jian Gui was worried about Zhao Yang's safety and appeared by his side.

Zhao Yang didn't stop it.

Because it was only a matter of time before the assassins Jianti, Rabbit and Mu Yuyan killed them all.

Half an hour later, except for those who knelt down and begged for mercy, all the others were killed.

"How to deal with these?" Rabbit pointed to the kneeling killer.

After pondering for a while, Zhao Yang said, "Take out all the resources on your body, and I will conduct spot checks later. If anyone has anything to hide, then I will be embarrassed."

Those killers took out their resources one after another.

Zhao Yang

After these resources were put away, hundreds of killers were randomly selected, but it was found that 33 killers had concealed something, so those 33 killers were used as an example, which shocked the killers who were still thinking carefully, so they Quickly took out the remaining resources.

"If these killers are not killed, it will be a disaster." Sword Body said in a deep voice.

When Zhao Yang was about to ponder, the sound of the Nine Heavy Swords rang in his ears.

"Actually, there are other solutions."

"for example."

"One of the three thousand avenues is the avenue of faith. I can teach your maid, Nightingale, the way of faith." Nine Swords said slowly, "Then Nightingale will teach these killers the way of faith. Once they practice the way of faith Afterwards, they will respect Nightingale very much, and they will never have the slightest rebellious heart, and even if Nightingale says a word, they can die at any time."

"Won't there be an accident?"

"This is the control of the mind, and it is also the control of the soul. The more advanced they study, the more they will be in awe of the nightingale."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang nodded, "If that's the case, let's keep them."

At this time, there were as many as 30 killers who surrendered, and with these killers, the problem of Yanhuangzong's disciples was temporarily solved.

Of course, it is impossible for them to represent Yanhuangzong, and Zhao Yang will still have to train them himself in the future.

Then Zhao Yang found a few honest killers and asked them to lead the way to the building outside the mountain.

After looting the treasury, they looted all the medicine fields and so on in the building outside the mountain.

"Next, you follow me to Yanhuangzong." Zhao Yang said lightly.

In the middle of the night, Zhao Yang took 30 killers to Yanhuangzong. After arriving at Yanhuangzong, Zhao Yang took them to the square. Zhao Yang arranged hundreds of powerful swordsmen around the square.

"The next task for you is to stay here." After making some arrangements, Zhao Yang took Nightingale to his room.

"Nightingale, the 30 killers will be handed over to you from now on."

A look of astonishment appeared on Nightingale's face, "I don't understand what you mean, young master."

"I will teach you a brand new exercise, the level of this exercise is the level of the living god." Zhao Yang explained softly, "You are practicing the female parent, and after you are successful in cultivation, you will pass on the child version. For those killers, as their cultivation level deepens, they will trust you more and more."

"I'm afraid I won't be able to learn. I'm ashamed of you, my lord."

"Now that your potential has been reborn, it will be no problem to step into Death God Realm in the future." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "I will provide you with top-level resources in the future, which will further improve your potential, and you don't have any pressure. If you can't learn it, I'll give you a simplified version."

Nightingale nodded lightly.

Zhao Yang's words brought Nightingale great comfort.

Next, the nine heavy swords were passed on to Emperor Nightingale

After Yeinging practiced tirelessly for two years, the mother version of the art, not only did she reach the level of Xiaocheng, she even reached the level of controlling the gods.

"My lord, I think it's time to teach Ziben to killers in the Yuanshen Realm." Nightingale said softly when she found Zhao Yang that day.

Nightingale was not reckless.

She needs to ensure his cultivation advantage, otherwise those killers may backfire.

Zhao Yang took Nightingale to the square.

At this time, the killers were very upset, because they had been trapped in this playground for two years.

It's not that they don't want to move, the problem is that besides hundreds of swords coveting tigers, there is also the rabbit at the peak of the god realm.

The dozens of killers who caused trouble in the past two years were all slapped to death by the rabbit.

"Stand up in Yuanshen Realm." Zhao Yang said calmly after arriving at the square.

Hearing this, the killers in Yuanshen Realm stood up one after another.

Zhao Yang glanced at the rabbit.

The rabbit nodded after sweeping his mind.

"You guys come with me." Zhao Yang brought 27 killers to the back mountain, followed by more than 30 powerful swordsmen.

"From now on, your mission is to practice with Nightingale, and she will teach you extremely profound exercises." Zhao Yang glanced at the audience and said calmly.

Those killers looked at Zhao Yang in surprise.

what's the situation?

Teach us the exquisite exercises?

What did he think?

(End of this chapter)

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