"Why is it all in one pot?" Zhao Yang asked with a smile.

"First, tell the various sects about this matter, I think they are willing to get rid of this cancer; second, after I set up a lot of restrictions in the building outside the mountain, then we went in with the rabbit."

"I think it should be the second one." Zhao Yang thought for a while and said, "In this case, the resources of the entire building outside the mountain will be ours."

"In this case, I will go to the building outside the mountain and start setting up restrictions." Sword Body said softly.

Zhao Yang nodded.

After the sword body came to the vicinity of the building outside the mountain, it began to arrange the blocking formation.

This is undoubtedly a huge project.

Fortunately, there was a lot of noise in the building outside the mountain, which gave the sword body enough time.

In order to save materials, the sword body uses more of the power of heaven and earth.

It took the sword body a month to arrange a rough blocking formation, and then the sword body notified Zhao Yang through the nameplate.

After getting the notification, Zhao Yang rushed here with Rabbit, Mu Yuyan and Yi Zun.

"Let's go straight in." Jian Ti said immediately when he saw Zhao Yang coming.

Zhao Yang shook his head, put his hands on the ground, and soon the billowing force of death spread towards the interior of the building outside the mountain.

"The power of death?" Rabbit stared at Zhao Yang in a daze and said, "How can you have it?"

There was a storm in Mu Yuyan's heart.

The power of death?

This is Zhao Yang's background


And as the power of death diffused towards the building outside the mountain, all the killers who were touched fell to the ground and died.




When thousands of killers fell, the sound of terror and anxiety became restless in the entire building outside the mountain.

"What happened?" An elder from the mountain outside the building came out of the retreat. When he saw dozens of killers lying on the ground in the distance, his figure flashed beside the dozens of killers. , the next moment his face was covered with dead silence, and then his big hand was powerlessly grasping towards the distance.

He wanted to catch something, but finally fell to the ground.

"There's a problem with the ground."

"Can't touch the ground."

"Hurry up and fly into the sky." Soon, the upper management of the Shanwai Building discovered this matter.

As a result, the killers in the building outside the mountain rose into the sky one after another.

Looking at the corpses all over the place, the faces of the upper management of the building outside the mountain became distorted.

"10,000+ monks just fell."

"Damn it."

"Who did it?" Just as the high-rises of the building outside the mountain roared, several figures broke through the mountain guards and broke in.

The Sixth Elder of Shanwailou said dumbfoundedly when he saw Zhao Yang, "It's you?"

"Didn't expect that." Zhao Yang summoned the fierce soldier as he spoke, and the evil spirit permeating the fierce soldier made the high-level officials present startled.

"How are you doing?" The landlord of the Shanwai Building swept the audience.


He found that the rabbit standing beside Zhao Yang was majestic and stronger than himself.

Furthermore, the sword body also gave him a great sense of oppression.

In addition, there is Zhao Yang who is holding a fierce soldier.

"Back then you went to the Flowing Sect to kill me, now I want an explanation."

"Back then Louwailou already paid you a lot of resources." The owner of Shanwailou said patiently.

"not enough."

"How much do you want?"

"I want the resources from everyone present." Zhao Yang said calmly.

"You're going too far." The owner of the building outside the mountain said with a sullen face.

"I'm not discussing with you, I'm giving you an ultimatum." Zhao Yang raised the murderous soldiers in his hands high, "Believe it or not, the few of us can kill more than half of the people in the building outside your mountain. Killer."

"We are proficient in the art of assassination, won't we escape?" the elder said in a deep voice.

"Escape?" Zhao Yang laughed loudly, "I have already set up a blocking formation near the building outside the mountain. No one can escape except those who are in the God Realm."

The question is, how many statues are there in the God Realm upstairs outside the mountain?

Their bodies have long been marked by the sword body.

Hearing this, the owner of the building outside the mountain fell silent. After a while, he waved his hand and a lot of resources appeared on the opposite side. "Everyone, take out all the resources on your body."

The killer present had to hand over the resources on his body.

After a while, Zhao Yang shook his head

Said, "Not enough."

"We have already taken out all the resources we have." The Great Elder looked at Zhao Yang angrily and said, "Do you want to go back on your word?"

"Are you sure you took out the resources on your body?" Zhao Yang sneered, "If you take out all the resources on your body, I don't want the resources of the other killers, but I don't know if you dare to let me check ?”

The great elder was stunned.

an examination?

How to check?

He took out less than a quarter of the resources, okay?

"Everyone, don't hide it." The owner of the building outside the mountain said at this time.

After he finished speaking, he took out another batch of resources, and the Great Elder and the others had no choice but to take out another batch.

Zhao Yang took these resources into the small world with a wave of his hand.

"My lord, I think they still have something on them?" Bai Xue whispered.

"It's unrealistic to try to squeeze them out." Zhao Yang spoke to Rabbit and the others, "Shoot."


Zhao Yang raised the fierce soldier in his hand high, and then slammed a blow forward.

The terrifying evil spirit turned into ferocious beasts and rushed towards the many killers.

All the killers who were hit by the evil spirit all fell.

At the same time, the rabbit rushed towards the owner of the building outside the mountain, and the sword body rushed towards the direction of the Great Elder.

Zhao Yang's sword shame rushed towards the fourth elder of the building outside the mountain, and Mu Yuyan rushed towards the seventh elder of the building outside the mountain.

go with.

"Zhao Yang, you didn't keep your promise." The owner of the building outside the mountain shouted angrily.

In fact, it's not that he didn't know that Zhao Yang might turn his back on him. The question is, did he have any other choice in the situation just now?

He can only choose to trust Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang looked around and found that there was only one elder left in the audience.

And the eyes of the elder at this time also fell on Zhao Yang.

"Zhao Yang, I don't believe that you can use the fierce soldiers for the second time." The elder roared.

"Who told you that I can't use the second blow?" Zhao Yang said, his cultivation level instantly skyrocketed.

The fourth heaven of God Control Realm!

The fifth heaven of God Control Realm!

The sixth heaven of God Control Realm!

Seeing Zhao Yang's cultivation soared wildly, the elder didn't dare to make a move.

Just now Zhao Yang was able to launch a strike, and now he can undoubtedly launch a second strike.

The same is true.

The seventh heaven of God Control Realm!

The eighth heaven of God Control Realm!

The Ninth Heaven of God Control Realm!

When Zhao Yang's cultivation broke through to the upper god level, he swung the second blow.

This sword killed the elder on the spot, and there were tens of thousands of other killers.

The third sword!

Fourth sword!

The fifth sword!

When Zhao Yang swung three swords again, the number of killers in the field fell to as many as 10,000+.

"Kneel down if you don't want to die." Zhao Yang's cold voice resounded throughout the audience.

(End of this chapter)

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