After Zhao Yang left, Nightingale's voice rang out in the audience, "I think everyone has seen the current situation of Yanhuangzong. Yanhuangzong currently lacks disciples, so you have a great possibility to become Yanhuangzong's disciples."

Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard this.

"However, not everyone is qualified to become a disciple of Yanhuangzong. Next, I will check your progress in practice. Whoever has the highest progress in practice will be the first to become a disciple of Yanhuangzong." I have to say that Nightingale's words are very meaningful. The allure made the eyes of these more than 20 killers light up.

What Nightingale taught them was Ziben, and they immediately realized that what Nightingale said was true, and that the exercises taught by Nightingale were more subtle than what they practiced, so they began to practice seriously one by one.

In the process of practicing, Nightingale soon discovered that the faster these disciples practiced, the faster her progress would be.

"In this way, I will be able to catch up with Young Master faster." Nightingale murmured.

What Nightingale didn't know was that Zhao Yang was on the verge of breaking through.

Zhao Yang took out thirteen catties of chalcedony from his room, and when Zhao Yang devoured the chalcedony, his cultivation level increased.

One day passed.

Two days have passed.

Three days have passed.

Zhao Yang stayed in the room for a month, finally broke through the confinement of Yushen early stage, and stepped into the middle stage of Yushen realm.

Go to God's Domain!

Lin Caihan's repair

Wei has been promoted to the peak of the Heavenly God Realm, and Mingyue's cultivation has also been promoted to the sixth level of the Heavenly God Realm.

"The main reason for calling everyone here today is to tell you one thing." Lin Caihan glanced around the audience and said, "The suzerain will send someone to pick me up in a month."

Hearing this, everyone's faces showed shock.

No one thought that Lin Caihan would walk so fast?

"I also want to tell everyone a piece of good news. The suzerain also established the Yanhuang sect in the Central God Territory. In the future, everyone will have a habitat after they ascend." Lin Caihan said with a smile.

Everyone's eyes lit up immediately.

They were also worried about this issue before, after all, who would they rely on after they arrived in Central God Territory?

You can't wander around, can you?

"Next, I will hand over the rights to Mingyue." Lin Caihan looked at Mingyue and said with a smile.

Mingyue's election as the next suzerain is also expected by everyone, and no one will raise objections.

"In addition, every suzerain in the future must practice alchemy and obtain the nameplate of alchemy." Lin Caihan's voice fell, and some middle and high-level faces showed bitterness.

"It doesn't matter how proficient you are in practice, as long as you get the alchemy nameplate, even if you are the first level door god." Lin Caihan said with a smile, "This is not a high requirement, is it?"

"Sovereign, why is this?" A young man asked puzzledly.

"Because Zong

The master's nameplate can communicate with the Lower God Realm, the Middle God Realm, and even the Upper God Realm, so the new sect mainly cannot communicate with the upper gods. What should we do if we encounter any trouble in the future? "

Hearing this, everyone nodded.

One month later, three girls came to Yanhuangzong.

"I am Zimo, a disciple of the Yanhuang Sect in the Central God Territory."

"I am Piaoxue, a disciple of the Yanhuang Sect in the Central God Territory."

"I am Liangying, a disciple of the Yanhuang Sect in the Central God Territory."

These three girls were selected by Nightingale from many killers. To be precise, these three girls belonged to the novices in the training camp of the Mountain Outer Building, and their cultivation was still at the level of gods.

Under the cultivation of Nightingale, their cultivation has been raised to the peak of the Heavenly God Realm. This time, Zhao Yang ordered the three girls to come to the God Realm to pick up Lin Caihan.

Lin Caihan nodded.

"Sect Master Lin, I wonder if you are ready?" Zimo asked softly.

"It's ready." Lin Caihan replied.

"Who is the new sect?" Zimo asked again.

Mingyue stood up.

"This is from the suzerain to the new suzerain." Zimo handed Mingyue a universe bag.

After scanning Mingyue's divine sense, she found that there were mountains of various resources, [-] million divine stones, and ten formation scrolls.

There is no doubt that these ten formation scrolls are all newly refined by Zhao Yang, and their power is definitely higher than the scrolls of the gods he refined before.

"Sect Master Lin, do you see...?" Zimo looked at Lin Caihan.

Does she know who Lin Caihan is?

Over the years, Nightingale had been teaching them that the most noble person in Yanhuangzong was Zhao Yang, so they also respected Zhao Yang's wife.

Furthermore, there was no blood on the hands of these girls, and they were also forced to come in before.

They were innocent, otherwise Nightingale wouldn't have used them.

"Mingyue, I will leave the Yan Huangzong to you." Lin Caihan said softly, "You can go to the Central God Realm after Yiren grows up." After Lin Caihan confessed again, she followed Zimo and the others to the Central God Realm.

Lin Caihan set foot in the Central God Realm after crossing the boundary membrane.

As soon as she arrived in Central God Territory, she felt like a fish entering the sea.

"There is no longer the feeling of oppression before." Lin Caihan stretched out her hands and said softly.

Zimo and the three girls looked at each other, and they all saw shock in each other's eyes.

Because only the geniuses of the sky can feel this way, it seems that Lin Caihan will go a long way in the future in the Central God Realm.

"Caihan." Zhao Yang shouted in the distance.

Lin Caihan rushed towards Zhao Yang excitedly.

"I miss you so much." Lin Caihan spent most of these years with Zhao Yang, but this time they haven't seen each other for many years.

The two embraced for a while, Zhao Yang took Lin Caihan's hand and came to Yanhuangzong


After arriving at Yanhuangzong, Zhao Yang introduced Bai Xue and Nightingale to Lin Caihan.

The two girls hurriedly saluted Lin Caihan.

"Where's this one?" Lin Caihan saw Mu Yuyan at the side.

"Mu Yuyan." Zhao Yang introduced.

Seeing that Zhao Yang didn't introduce too much, Lin Caihan's eyes flickered, and she didn't continue to ask.

Zhao Yang took Lin Caihan around Yanhuangzong and gave Lin Caihan the sword that secretly protected him.

"From now on, your task is to be responsible for Lin Caihan's safety."

The sword shame nodded slightly.

Now that Zhao Yang's cultivation has broken through to the middle level of God Control Realm, he doesn't need to worry much about his safety anymore.

Furthermore, if life is really in danger, the nine heavy swords will not ignore it.

But Lin Caihan has not set foot in Yuanshen Realm, and her identity is more sensitive, so the so-called guard against others is indispensable, which is why Zhao Yang handed over this sword to Lin Caihan ashamed?

"I feel the opportunity to break through. I want to retreat for a while, and then break through to Yuanshen Realm in one fell swoop." Lin Caihan said softly on the way back.

Zhao Yang took Lin Caihan to his room.

Zhao Yang quietly came to Mu Yuyan's room while Lin Caihan was in retreat.

"Not spending time with your wife?" Mu Yuyan snorted coldly.

"You can go." What Mu Yuyan didn't expect was that Zhao Yang said such a sentence.

(End of this chapter)

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