Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1478 The situation is critical

After some discussion, these fierce beasts decided to send three elites to attack Tang Yiren, Mingyue, and the three princesses at the same time.

When the weather was gray that day, Mingyue led a group of tens of thousands of Yanhuang sect disciples to attack a group of fierce beasts.

The scale of this tribe is not large, and there are not many top powerhouses.

Mingyue can handle it completely.

And when the monks of Yanhuangzong were fighting with the beasts of this small tribe, a sword that was patrolling around suddenly told Mingyue that a large number of beasts were approaching.

Mingyue immediately ordered the disciples of Yanhuangzong to assemble.

When it was almost time to assemble, the 30 ferocious beast army surrounded Yanhuangzong and his party.

"Mingyue, come with us." A tall and ferocious beast said.

The aura pervading from this ferocious beast made the disciples of the Yanhuang Sect present look pale.

"A high-level God Realm." Mingyue looked at the fierce beast and said lightly, "It seems that you are the elder of those 52 tribes."

"We have no intention of dealing with you, but just want to ask you to go." The beast said in a deep voice.

"You led an army of 30 to surround us heavily, but now you say you have no intention of dealing with us?" Ming Yue said as a golden formation scroll appeared in her hand.

The face of the beast changed involuntarily when it saw the formation scroll.

"What level of formation scroll is this?" the beast asked hastily.

"Kill them." Mingyue shouted loudly.



The two swords who were at the peak of the god realm rushed towards the army of 30 beasts immediately.

Their cultivation is at the peak of the Heavenly God Realm, so they seem to have entered the land of no one.

The formation of the 30 army was immediately dispersed, looking at the messy army, the beast said angrily, "You forced me." After a pause, it pointed at Mingyue and said, "Sprint with all your strength. "

Following its words, a large number of ferocious beasts rushed towards Mingyue and the others.

But at this moment, the formation scroll in Mingyue's hand turned into a soft radiance to protect tens of thousands of soldiers.

Those fierce beasts were stunned by the brilliance emitted by the formation.

Mingyue looked at this scene indifferently, "Even if your strength is ten times stronger than this formation, don't try to break it." Having said this, Mingyue said loudly, "Don't keep your two swords, get rid of these beasts as soon as possible." Killed."

The two swords were ashamed to use their big moves after hearing Mingyue's words.

Each wave of big moves can take away tens of thousands of beasts.

The two criss-crossed among the ferocious beasts, and soon 10,000+ ferocious beasts were beheaded.


"Fast back."

In fact, there is no need to persuade the leaders of the major tribes at this time, they swarmed and scattered towards the distance.

Mingyue didn't let them continue to follow.

no need.

Before Zhao Yang left, he said that the ferocious beasts could not be wiped out, and besides, wouldn't it be better to save them for the Yanhuangzong disciples to upgrade?

"Sovereign, what should we do next?" A middle-ranking general of the Yanhuang Sect asked.

"Go back to Yanhuangzong first." Mingyue said after thinking about it.

52 tribes took action against Yanhuangzong, this matter needs to be reported to Lin Caihan.

And after Mingyue's team was attacked, the two teams led by Tang Yiren and the third princess were also attacked, but because they had two puppets at the peak of the god realm beside them, they didn't suffer any losses.

"Sovereign, we have to teach those tribes a lesson." The Tangyi people said through gritted teeth, "How dare you attack us?"

"Speaking of which, Yanhuangzong hasn't replenished resources for many years." Lin Caihan said and stood up.

"Is the sect going to make a move?" The eyes of the third princess lit up.

"They have shot endlessly these years, and it's time to teach them some lessons." Lin Caihan looked into the distance and said lightly.

Poor lemon tribe!

Lin Caihan rushed in with a sword in her hand, and the beasts she beheaded were lying under her feet.

The patriarch and high-level officials of Qiongmenbiluo soon appeared.

"Sect Master Lin has something to say." The patriarch said hurriedly.

In fact, he knew Lin Caihan the first time he entered the ancestral court.

But he didn't have to show up until he saw that the masters of the clan couldn't stop Lin Caihan.

"Should you give me an explanation for besieging Yanhuangzong all these years?" Lin Caihan said indifferently.

"Sect Master Lin, please tell me."

Lin Caihan threw a list to the other party, "Send the resources on this list to Yanhuangzong within three days."

The patriarch glanced at it, feeling a little more at ease.

Because Lin Caihan asked for less than one-third of the resources compared to Zhao Yang.

Then Lin Caihan went to the second tribe.

Lin Caihan returned to Yanhuangzong after visiting all 52 tribes.

These tribes were all overwhelmed by Lin Caihan's powerful combat power, so no one dared to obey.

And after experiencing this incident, those tribes became honest.

Flowing Sect!

When Zhao Yang woke up from a deep sleep, he looked around blankly, "How long have I been asleep?"

"Three months." Nine Heavy Swords replied, "You say you are too hardworking, kid. What is your cultivation level now? At the peak of Yuanshen Realm, you actually want to wield a fierce soldier?"

"Isn't my original source increased? I think maybe I can wield a fierce soldier?" Zhao Yang said with a wry smile.

During this period of time, Zhao Yang has been practicing in the small world.

In addition to consuming the source of life, he is also fighting against the evil spirit in the fierce soldiers, so as to sharpen his will.

Three months ago, Zhao Yang felt that he was strong enough and wanted to try to wield the fierce soldiers, but he was captured by the evil spirit and almost died.

"In Yuanshen Realm, your spirit and body haven't been fused together yet, and the situation will change greatly in Yushen Realm." Jiu Chongjian said with a smile.

"Speaking of which, I'm not far away from God Control Realm."

"Normally speaking, it is definitely impossible for you to reach this level in just three years, but the energy contained in the source of life is too terrifying, and it has pushed your cultivation to the brink of breakthrough."

Zhao Yang pondered for a while and walked out of the small world.

He wants to see what happened to the outside world in the past three years?

As soon as she opened the door, she saw Bai Xue taking care of the herbs in the garden.

"Young Master." Bai Xue hurriedly walked towards Zhao Yang.

"Bai Xue, are you still used to living here?" Zhao Yang asked softly.

"The entire Flowing Sect knows that I am your handyman, so even if you are a true disciple, they are polite to me."

This is a good way to enjoy the shade under the big tree.

"Has anything happened to Zongmen in the past three years?"

"In the past three years, the beasts have been raging more and more, and now more than three hundred sects have been destroyed." Bai Xue said worriedly.

"What's going on?" Zhao Yang frowned.

Zhao Yang is well aware of the delicate balance formed between the various groups and the beasts.

The ferocious beast seems to occupy a huge territory, but the ferocious beast wants to destroy all the tribes, but it can't do it.

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