"I heard that an extremely powerful legion has appeared in the beast camp." Bai Xue said in a deep voice, "This legion has reached as many as one hundred thousand, and its combat power is extremely strong. No sect can stop their footsteps?"

"Haven't the ten top sects of the human race thought about dealing with this legion?"

"I heard that the top ten sects have joined forces to form a legion, and are going to confront this legion."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang hurried towards Zhuo Xing'er's courtyard, but was told by the maid that Zhuo Xing'er was in the main hall for discussion.

Zhao Yang is waiting here.

Zhuo Xing'er returned an hour later.

"How did you come?"

"I just left the customs, what happened to the beast army?"

"No one knows where that beast army came from, but the strength of that beast army is extremely domineering." Zhuo Xing'er's face became serious when she said this, "The strength of our family is fundamental. Can't stop it."

"So the top ten sects are planning to join forces?"


"Why not let other ethnic groups join in?"

"I don't know why this fierce beast is only targeting the sect of the human race? Other races don't want to go into this muddy water at all?"

"Are the coalition forces sure?"

"To be honest, I'm not sure." Zhuo Xing'er shook her head.

"Since this is the case, then drag other ethnic groups into the water." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

"How do you drag it into the water?"

"Let the ferocious beasts attack the ancestral homes, bases, etc. of those ethnic groups." Zhao Yang sneered, "I don't believe that those ethnic groups can sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight."

"They won't make a move unless they are injured." Zhuo Xing'er shook his head and said, "Besides, we don't have time to make arrangements."

"When will the alliance army go out?"

"Three days later."

"I will follow in three days."

"Don't be impulsive." Zhuo Xing'er stopped, "You are the hope of the Flowing Water Sect, and you must have nothing to do."

"I have the trump card in my hand. Even if the coalition forces are dead, I can't fall." Zhao Yang said solemnly, "Don't worry, I won't make fun of my life."

Zhuo Xing'er pondered for a long time before slowly nodding his head and said, "In this case, you will go out with the army in three days."


After Zhuo Xing'er confessed again, Zhao Yang returned to Aolaifeng.

Zhao Yang met Nightingale in Aolaifeng.

"You've been in seclusion for too long." Nightingale complained.

"Seeing how you look ready to go, you want to go out?"

"I joined the alliance." Nightingale replied.

"What do you do to join the alliance?"

"Only in this way can we grow faster." Nightingale said with a smile.

Zhao Yang didn't say anything about being safe.

When the two armies are fighting, no one can guarantee absolute safety?

"This is for you." Zhao Yang handed Nightingale a formation scroll.

"This is……."

"The formation scroll of the peak of Yuanshen Realm with both offensive and defensive capabilities." Zhao Yang said softly, "I don't know if I can help you, but at least it will be a guarantee for you."

"What about you?"

"A formation scroll of this level can no longer help me."

"Then I'll take it." Nightingale suddenly thought of something after putting it away, "You're very Su Wanqing...?"

"She is determined to go her own way, self-willed, and doesn't have much ability." Zhao Yang said lightly, "What do you want to do with her?"

Hearing Zhao Yang's evaluation of Su Wanqing, Nightingale couldn't say anything.

"Bai Xue, do you need anything?" Zhao Yang asked after returning to his courtyard.

"No need." Bai Xue shook her head.

"I will join the coalition army in three days. As for you, just practice hard here." Zhao Yang said seriously, "If someone bullies you, you can go to Zhuo Xing'er, and she will help you seek justice."

"My lord, you... you want to join the coalition?" Bai Xue changed color.


"My lord, that's too dangerous."

"I have confidence in myself." Zhao Yang said softly.

Three days later, the Flowing Water Sect gathered [-] monks. These monks were not elite, but they were the mainstay of the Flowing Water Sect.

To Nightingale's surprise, Zhao Yang also arrived.

"I'm here waiting for your triumphant return." Zhuo Xing'er said with expectant eyes.

Zhuo Xing'er knew very well that it would be good if one third of the [-] soldiers returned.

In other words, most monks will never come back.

The person who went here was the second elder of the sect.

The Second Elder's face was full of tragedy, and he also realized that it might be difficult to come back alive this time.

One hundred thousand monks boarded a warship silently, and when the warship started, Nightingale quietly came to Zhao Yang's side.

"How did you come?"

"I said I was worried about you, do you believe me?"

Two blushes suddenly appeared on Nightingale's face.

"I don't believe it."

"When the time comes to fight, you will follow me. Forget it, you should stop following me."

"what happened?"

"I will probably attract the attention of fierce beasts when I fight. It is dangerous for you to follow me." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

"I like the feeling of charging, and besides, I will help you block the sword stabbing from the dark." Nightingale said seriously.

"You can't keep up with my speed." Zhao Yang refused.

A few hours later, 30 soldiers came to an open area, and at this time, [-] soldiers from three sects had already arrived.

As time went by, monks from the other six sects also came one after another.

Their expressions are very dignified.

Even though their number is ten times that of the elite team, they still don't have much confidence.

After discussing for a while, the top ten masters realized that they had to boost their morale, otherwise they would collapse first when the big battle came.

"The ferocious beasts are raging, and the lives of the people are devastated. Now there are as many as three hundred sects of our human race that have been destroyed, and countless tribes of the human race have been killed. As disciples of the superior sects, if we can't stand up for our clansmen, what's the point? Eligible to enjoy the offerings of the people?"

"That fierce beast army is indeed powerful, but we are all leaders in various sects, so why should we be afraid of them?"

"We have no way out, we can only fight to the death."

"We have to hold up a sky for the human race."

As the masters of the various sects spoke one after another, the blood of the monks present boiled up.

Seeing that the morale of the monks had been boosted, the top ten masters led the army towards the beast.

Half an hour later they found the beast in a town whose people had been slaughtered.

Seeing this tragic scene, the eyes of millions of monks turned red.


"Kill these beasts."

"Rip these beasts into pieces."

The ten masters looked at the angry monks and immediately ordered to divide and kill these beasts.

Zhao Yang and a small team surrounded a ferocious beast.

"Everyone be careful."

"Later, the vice-captain and I will assist, and you guys will play support." The captain of this team just said this when he saw Zhao Yang punch the beast to pieces.

"You..." Everyone looked at Zhao Yang in astonishment.

"I won't be with you anymore." After saying this, he rushed towards a ferocious beast not far away.

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