Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1477 Start the experience

"What is Lin Caihan going to do?"

"Isn't she afraid of provoking us?"

"I think Lin Caihan is deliberately trying to provoke us."


"The formation scrolls in her hand must be running out. She wants to provoke us and make us attack aggressively."

"It's possible."

"Next we will harass on a small scale."

"Right, that is it."

It's just that these fierce beast tribes soon discovered the small-scale harassment, and the Yanhuangzong didn't care at all.

As a last resort, the scale had to be increased.

"Sovereign, there are 30 ferocious beasts around?" Yuan Jin'er said a little aggrieved.

"30 is 30." Lin Caihan said indifferently, "They won't be bouncing around for long."

"Sovereign, your cultivation...?" Xu Huier realized something.

"The sixth level of the God Realm." Lin Caihan replied, "It's not far from the peak."

"With the suzerain's current combat power, it can actually sweep away the beasts below." Mingyue said softly.

Lin Caihan's potential is in the divine realm.

She spanned several days without any problem at all.

But Lin Caihan didn't think it was necessary.

One is that she hasn't fully grown up yet, and the other is that it hasn't been long since Mingyue, Tang Yiren, and the third princess set foot in the Heavenly God Realm.

Lin Caihan wanted to wait.

"Sect Master, will you go to the Central God Realm after you reach the peak?" Xu Huier asked softly.

"At least I have to wait until Mingyue steps into the eighth heaven." Lin Caihan thought for a while before saying.

The bright moon followed Lin Caihan soaring up.

Now her cultivation is already in the third level of the Heavenly God Realm.

Mingyue's potential is Death God Realm.

If she set foot on the eighth heaven, theoretically, she would be invincible in the Lower God Realm.

At this time, Lin Caihan can also go to the Central God Realm with peace of mind.

"It seems that I have to work hard too." Tang Yiren said with a smile.

Tang Yiren and the three princesses have just set foot in the Heavenly God Realm, and there is still some distance from the peak of the Heavenly God Realm.

"No hurry." Lin Caihan looked at Tang Yi and said, "I will take action when the formation is damaged to two-tenths, and sweep away all the beasts outside."

Since the beast was beheaded by two array scrolls and killed 300 million people, it never dared to charge on such a scale.

However, there are still more than 30 fierce beast attacks every day.

So ten years have passed.

Lin Caihan's cultivation has finally reached the seventh level of the God Realm.

After reaching this point, Lin Caihan stabilized her cultivation before leaving the level.

"It's time to teach those ferocious beasts a lesson." Lin Caihan walked out of the mountain guard formation with a sword in hand.

She transformed into a goddess of war, shuttling among hundreds of thousands of beasts.

Every sword set off countless sword lights, and every sword took away countless fierce beasts.

Those ferocious beasts were not afraid of death at the beginning, but after Lin Caihan killed tens of thousands of them, the remaining ferocious beasts no longer dared to step forward.

Lin Caihan practiced the original truth, and the energy in her body can be said to be endless.

She took the initiative to greet him with her sword in hand.

Several hours later, there was no sign of a ferocious beast outside Yanhuangzong's mountain protection formation.

"The disciples of the Yanhuang Sect came out and took these beasts away and used them as fertilizer." Lin Caihan looked at the direction of the mountain guard formation.

There are quite a few of these ferocious beasts in the realm of gods, servants of gods, and even gods of heaven.

If you bury their corpses in the ground and plant medicinal materials, the medicinal materials will grow faster.

Tens of thousands of disciples of Yanhuangzong rushed out immediately, and took all the corpses of these beasts away.

"Sovereign, what should we do next?" Tang Yiren came to Lin Caihan and asked.

"I'm going to refine two swords from the ninth level of the God Realm, and then take some soldiers of Yanhuangzong out to practice." Lin Caihan said after thinking about it.

Hearing this, some soldiers of Yanhuangzong changed color.

They are used to staying in the mountain protection formation, and if they are really asked to go out to confront the beasts, they instinctively feel fear.

And when Lin Caihan started refining the sword, Xu Huier found Tang Yiren.

"Yi Ren, I noticed that the soldiers of the Yanhuang Sect are very nervous, should we let them see the blood in advance?" Xu Huier said softly.

"You mean to detain some of the beasts?"


"Alright." Tang Yiren nodded.

Immediately, the Tangyi people took the ascended Yanhuangzong middle-level and detained thousands of beasts.

These fierce beasts were imprisoned in a huge square.

Tang Yiren ordered Yanhuangzong's disciples to fight these beasts.

It has to be said that this kind of experience is effective, at least some monks dare to take the initiative.

It took Lin Caihan a month to refine the two swords of the peak of the gods, and when Lin Caihan walked out of the retreat, she felt the air was full of evil spirits.

what happened?

Lin Caihan's spiritual thoughts moved towards the distance.

Soon she saw hundreds of Yanhuangzong disciples fighting with hundreds of beasts in the square.

Those disciples are very brave, even if they are injured, they will never retreat.

Lin Caihan did not appear on the battlefield until hundreds of fierce beasts had all fallen.

"I have met the suzerain." The disciples of Yanhuangzong saluted Lin Caihan one after another.

"From tomorrow onwards, I will personally lead you to practice." Lin Caihan looked around the audience and said calmly.

Some monks were excited, some were apprehensive, and some were looking forward to it.

Lin Caihan also understood how to proceed step by step, so a small group of beasts were arranged in the early stage, and after they grew up, they were sent to attack some tribes of beasts.

It took Lin Caihan three years to grow all the [-] disciples of Yanhuangzong.

At this time, their spirits and spirits have changed.

No more laziness and fear than before.

They must show their sharpness.

"Next, Mingyue, Yiren, and the third princess, you continue to take them out to practice." Lin Caihan said softly after returning to Yanhuangzong this day, "By the way, when you go out, you take two swords and two scrolls with you."

In the past three years, Lin Caihan has successively refined six more swords.

She didn't refine much.

Because with the improvement of her cultivation base, the strength of the refined sword will be stronger.

There is no need to waste so many precious materials.

Those 52 tribes were very honest during this time, Lin Caihan led the disciples of the Yanhuang sect to practice, they saw it in their eyes.

Fortunately, Lin Caihan did not attack them.

Just when they thought that Lin Caihan's side was quiet, they noticed that Tang Yiren, the third princess, and Mingyue were leading a team of soldiers to practice outside.

"These three seem to be the top officials of Yanhuangzong?"

"Should we join forces to detain a high-level figure?"

"If we can detain one, we will have the qualifications to negotiate with Yanhuangzong."

"I think I can give it a try?"

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