Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1473 Mineral Veins

All 52 ethnic groups sent out their teams.

However, they still have reservations, and they only dispatched a small part.

Otherwise, it would not be a million beasts attacking Yanhuangzong.

When the Tangyi people tore apart a formation scroll, the rune culture all over the sky made fireballs one after another, mercilessly smashing towards millions of fierce beasts.

The faces of those ferocious beasts were full of horror, and they dodged towards the surroundings one after another.

It's a pity that there are too many bolides, no matter how much they dodge, there are still quite a few fierce beasts that are smashed to death.

Just when they breathed a sigh of relief, those bolides suddenly burst open.

One after another, they ran through the entire battlefield.

The screams resounded throughout the world.

When the dust cleared, less than one-tenth of the millions of beasts present were alive.

And perhaps those fierce beasts were all wounded.

"What a terrifying formation scroll."

"Millions of ferocious beasts have no power to fight back."

"How many such scrolls are there in Yanhuangzong?"

"who knows?"

"I think it's better to drive away some fierce beasts from small tribes and eat Yanhuangzong slowly."

"I think so."

A few months later, millions of beasts reappeared at the foot of Yanhuangzong Mountain, and the number of beasts continued to increase as time went by.

"Sovereign, shall we just let these beasts attack?" Tehan said a little angrily.

"How long can the runes of the array last?"

"The runes of the array do not consume even one percent."

"Then what are you worried about?"


"Aren't you a master of formations? So have you inherited the mantle of your master?"

"No..." Tie Han couldn't help but lowered his head.

"Tiehan, for a long time in the future, the Yanhuang Sect will be handed over to you." Lin Caihan said earnestly, "The way of formation is the foundation of the sect. If there is a problem with the formation protecting the mountain, it will not be resolved in time. get patched, then we're just sitting on our hands, you know?"

"Of order." Tie Han said hastily.

"There is also something you don't understand about the Dao, you can ask your master with my token." Lin Caihan continued, "Of course your questions need to accumulate to a certain extent, don't just ask from time to time."

"Sovereign, how is Master doing in Central God Realm?"

"It's not far from the peak of Yuanshen Realm." Lin Caihan explained, "In addition, your master is currently in Liushuizong, one of the ten top sects in the Upper God Realm."

Hearing this, Tiehan's eyes were full of shock.

"Sovereign, didn't you say that after reaching the Yuanshen realm, the promotion will be slow?" Ruoqing asked the doubts in her heart.

"Your master is not an ordinary person." Lin Caihan smiled slightly.

Central God Realm!

Flowing Sect.

Since Zhao Yang helped Liushuizong improve the high-end combat power of the sect, he began to retreat.

His task is heavy.

He needs to practice Jiuzhuan Tongxuan Gong, and also needs to practice Array Dao and Alchemy Dao, including those obtained skills.

A year has passed.

Two years have passed.

Three years have passed.

Six years passed quickly.

And Zhao Yang's cultivation has also increased, and he is on the verge of breaking through.

As usual, Zhao Yang looked at the contents of the nameplate, and a ray of coldness bloomed in Zhao Yang's eyes, "Are those beasts unable to hold back so quickly?"

"Give them 100 years and don't even think about breaking the first layer of the mountain protection array." Lin Caihan replied.

"Have you used the formation scroll?"

"I used one, and the effect is very good." Lin Caihan said softly, "I'm going to use the second one when the scale of the beast is bigger."

"What about your cultivation?"

"It's already the fifth level of the Heavenly God Realm."

"Don't be in a hurry to improve your cultivation, you must be steady and steady." Zhao Yang replied, "If you don't have enough formation scrolls, I will arrange disciples from the Flowing Sect to give them to you."

Flowing Water Sect has many disciples who are in the God Realm.


After finishing the call with Lin Caihan, Zhao Yang took out a thousand mid-grade divine stones.

Zhao Yang's cultivation increased rapidly as he performed the Nine Revolutions Tongxuan Gong.

Flowing Sect!

"This vein is full of amethyst, which is extremely valuable." The elder said in a deep voice, "Even if we fight with Wu Chaozong, we will not hesitate."

"Our overall strength is not as good as that of Wu Chaozong. Of course, if Zong takes the initiative to use that strong man, I don't think Wu Chaozong can do anything to us." The second elder said after pondering for a while.

"We still have a close relationship with Wu Chaozong, and it's unrealistic to fight." Zhuo Xing'er shook his head and said.

"Then what should we do?" The third elder looked at Zhuo Xing'er.

"I have discussed it with Song Nanque, the suzerain of the Wu Dynasty Sect. Both sides will send the strongest disciples in Yuanshen Realm to compete. If whoever wins, the mine will belong to him." Zhuo Xing'er said in a deep voice.

"The strongest disciple in Yuanshen Realm?" The elder's eyes flickered when he heard this, "The strongest in our Liushui Sect is Tuoba Qingyun."

The rest of the elders fell silent.

Tuoba Qingyun is a martial idiot, he has been practicing all these years.

Tuoba Qingyun did not participate in the dirty affairs of the Tuoba family.

But now that the Tuoba family has been uprooted, now you let Tuoba Qingyun take action for the sect, is it realistic?

"Except for Tuoba Qingyun, only Zhang Gennian and Song Hye Kyo are left." The Great Elder frowned and said, "However, compared with Tuoba Qingyun, the difference between these two is not a star."

"There is still a month to go, and I will train these two with all my strength." Zhuo Xing'er said seriously after being silent for a while.

Soon the entire sect knew that Liushuizong was going to compete with Wu Chaozong.

They were excited and wanted to serve the sect.

But they also know that they are not qualified.


Su Wanqing hadn't seen Zhao Yang for several years, this day Su Wanqing came to the gate of Zhao Yang's courtyard, and she looked inside.

Bai Xue greeted.

"Sister Su."

"Your young master is still retreating?" Su Wanqing asked.

"Yeah." Bai Xue nodded.

Su Wanqing turned around in disappointment and was about to leave, but at this moment the door of Zhao Yang's room opened.

"Master." Bai Xue bounced up to Zhao Yang and said with a smile.

Zhao Yang glanced at Bai Xue and said in surprise, "The second level of Yuanshen Realm?"

"Thanks to the son."

"Have you been using Jade Soul for the past six years?"


Zhao Yang cried out secretly.

He took Bai Xue to Bai Xue's room.

Su Wanqing was a little stunned outside the courtyard.

What is Zhao Yang doing?

What she didn't know was that Zhao Yang asked Bai Xue to give him the jade soul.

After Zhao Yang took the jade soul into the small world, he and Bai Xue came to the courtyard.

"Long time no see." Zhao Yang beckoned Su Wanqing to come in.

Su Wanqing looked at Zhao Yang carefully and said, "Wouldn't it be boring for you to retreat for six years at once?"

"No." Zhao Yang shook his head and said, "Why do you ask such a question?"

"I've seen a lot of people who practiced for a long time, and ended up going mad." Su Wanqing said in a deep voice.

"That's because their xinxing is not firm. I don't have such a situation." Zhao Yang handed the jade soul to Su Wanqing at this point, "Isn't it delaying your cultivation?"

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