Now the three elders panicked.

There were only 52 middle-level seats under the command of the three elders, and Zhuo Xing'er replaced nearly two-thirds of them at once.

And the remaining one-third is still doomed to fail.

"What should I do?" The three elders gathered together again to discuss countermeasures.

"I found out through various relationships that Xu Beiliang and the other 36 were able to become masters of the Shangshen realm entirely because the suzerain provided such precious medicinal materials as the Shangshen flower." The second elder said in a deep voice, "The problem is that the Shangshen There is only one medicinal material like flowers in our treasury, even if the suzerain has hidden it, there will be no more than three at most."

"Is it possible that it was obtained from a secret environment?" The fourth elder said, considering his words.

"There are three levels in the trial in the secret environment. The reward for the first level is yellow apricot, which is of little value; the reward for the second level is delicacy fish, which is also of little value; the reward for the third level is Cultivation method." The second elder shook his head and said, "So we can be sure that the Shangshen Flower was not obtained from a secret realm."

"Then where did the suzerain get so many Shangshen flowers?" The third elder asked in puzzlement.

The second elder remained silent.

It stands to reason that resources such as Shangshenhua should never appear on a large scale.

The problem is that the Flowing Sect has appeared on a large scale.

"Suddenly there are 36 high gods in the Flowing Sect. The high-end Flowing Sect is lacking in power, but at the middle level, it has improved a lot compared to before." After a while, the fourth elder said worriedly, "The current Flowing Sect The situation has stabilized."

The three elders are very aware of this matter.

They have neither the qualifications nor the ability to stab again.


Zhuo Xing'er came to Zhao Yang's room and thanked him.

"Flowing Water Sect just needs to practice step by step." Zhuo Xing'er said softly.

"That's fine, then I can practice in the Flowing Sect safely." Zhao Yang nodded.

The reason why Zhao Yang helped Liu Shuizong was because he wanted to find a shelter for Lin Caihan and others.

He won't be able to create another Yan Huangzong in the Central God Realm, right?

"Do you need anything?" Zhuo Xing'er looked at Zhao Yang and said, "I have to thank you for helping my sister so much."

"I haven't thought of it yet." Zhao Yang thought about it and shook his head.

"Okay, let me know when you think about it."

Go to God's Domain!

Yan Huangzong!

Ever since Yan Huangzong stopped collecting protection fees from the tribes of those ferocious beasts, those ferocious beasts have become a little bit ready to move.

"Did something happen to Zhao Yang?"

"It may also be in retreat?"

"Is it possible to ascend?"

"I think we're still waiting."

After the group of those ferocious beasts lay dormant obediently for a few years, they felt more and more that something happened to Zhao Yang, or he went to the Central God Realm.

"Should we join forces to push Yanhuangzong?"

"I think we can send some ferocious beasts to test on a small scale."

"Yes, we drive away the beasts of other tribes."

After the group of these ferocious beasts discussed, tens of thousands of ferocious beasts rushed towards Yanhuangzong's defense line.

Lin Caihan immediately came to the gate of the Hushan Dazhen Mountain.

At the same time, a large number of Yan Huangzong disciples also rushed over.

And when they saw hundreds of thousands of fierce beasts rushing towards this side, their faces became panicked.

Tang Yiren's heart sank after seeing this scene.

"Sovereign, I think it's time for these disciples to practice for a while?" Tang Yiren said in a deep voice.

"Yanhuangzong has devoted a lot of energy to them these years, but they have become flowers in the greenhouse after staying in the sect for a long time." Mingyue nodded and said, "It's time for them to see blood."

Hundreds of disciples of Yanhuangzong Feisheng saw this group of fierce beasts eager to try one by one.


They have all experienced the baptism of iron and blood.

"You can keep some ferocious beasts in captivity and let them get familiar with them slowly." Lin Caihan thought for a while and then said, "But this time there are so many ferocious beasts suddenly coming, it seems that those ferocious beast groups have doubts."

"Then what do we do?"

"These fierce beasts can't penetrate the mountain protection formation on the first floor." Lin Caihan said lightly.

The level of this formation is the level of the gods, but Zhao Yang used some means of the primordial spirit.

In other words, even if it is the peak of the gods, don't try to break through.

And these ferocious beasts, let them toss about.

"The ferocious beasts are probing." Mingyue said softly, "It won't be long before the group of ferocious beasts can't sit still."

"If you want to watch it here, you can watch it here, if you don't want to watch it here, you can go back to practice." Lin Caihan looked around the audience and said. "What I can tell you is that Yanhuangzong is as stable as Mount Tai."

Hundreds of thousands of ferocious beasts came under Yanhuangzong's mountain protection formation and began to attack.

It's just that their attacks didn't have even the slightest impact on Yanhuangzong.

The soldiers of Yanhuangzong were relieved after seeing this scene.

"Sovereign, shall we let them attack?" Yuan Jin'er said in a deep voice, "Shall we kill them?"

"Didn't Yan Huangzong have a lot of swordsmen? Just let those swords take action." Zhao Yang shook his head and said, "None of us knows if there are high-level gods in the dark, so our strength is not enough. Before, don’t take the risk of getting out of the mountain protection formation.”

Following Lin Caihan's words, hundreds of swords walked out of the mountain guard formation and killed those ferocious beasts.

These fierce beasts were all refined by Lin Caihan and some high-level officials of Yanhuangzong.

There are those in the god-serving realm and the heavenly god realm.

But soon the sword shames of the god-serving realm were completely damaged, only the dozens of sword shames refined by Lin Caihan were still struggling.

And after half an hour, Lin Caihan summoned those sword shames back.

Those swords have reached their limit, and they will be damaged if they continue to fight.

And without the restriction of these sword shames, those ferocious beasts became more and more crazy.

"Do you want to use the attacking formation of the mountain protection formation?" Blue crucian carp asked softly.

"No need." Lin Caihan shook her head and said, "Let them eat it."

When the beast masters in the dark saw that Zhao Yang did not show up, they became more and more sure that something had happened to Zhao Yang.

But they still feel the need to wait and see.

A month has passed.

Two months have passed.

Three months have passed.

When hundreds of thousands of beasts besieged Yanhuangzong for three months, these beast clans were sure that something had happened to Zhao Yang, so these beast clans immediately dispatched some of their elites to march towards Yanhuangzong.

Lin Caihan looked at the million-level beasts below the city, then looked at Tang Yiren beside him and said, "Yiren, use a formation scroll left by your husband."

Before Zhao Yang left, he left behind thirty formation scrolls, all of which were at the peak of the Heavenly God Realm.

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