Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1474 Nine Ghost Beasts

Not to mention those in the Primordial Spirit Realm, some of the Realm of God Realm can't bear it.


Many monks present retreated one after another.

"What's the matter with this phoenix?"

"Is this the Profound Physique or the Battle Physique?"

"The mysterious body isn't that scary, is it?"

"Have you ever seen the horror of the mysterious body?"

While everyone was discussing, Zhao Yang looked at the phoenix in surprise and said, "Phoenix vision, Meng Lian'er, you are more amazing than I imagined."

At this time, Meng Lian'er had already walked out of the magic eyes.

"I didn't expect your eyes to be so scary?" Meng Lian'er said with lingering fear.

If she hadn't had the phoenix vision, she would have lost just now.

And if it was a life and death fight, she would already be dead.

"Are you interested in following me in the future?" Zhao Yang said with a smile.

Meng Lianer was stunned.

The monks present were also stunned.

What does Zhao Yang mean?

Did you see someone else's girl?

"Do you know what the vision represents?" Meng Lian'er looked at Zhao Yang and asked seriously.

"The vision represents the geniuses of the heavens. No matter how bad they are in the future, they will have no problem stepping into the Death God Realm." Zhao Yang replied, "That's why I want to accept you as a maid."

"Maid?" Zhao Yang's word shocked everyone.

Because what Zhao Yang said was very clear just now.

No matter how bad the vision is in the future, there will be no problem in stepping into the Death God Realm.

Then how dare Zhao Yang let Meng Lian'er be his maid?

"You are too arrogant." Meng Lian'er's face darkened.

Ever since she awakened the vision, Meng Lian'er was an invincible existence among her peers.

This guy Zhao Yang actually wants to be his maid?

Who does he think he is?

"Splashing ink in the spiritual world, the phoenix is ​​domineering and arrogant, but in my eyes, that's all there is to it?" Zhao Yang pointed a finger at the crazy one at this point.

At the same time, an illusory finger moved towards madness like a pillar of optimism.

The mighty coercion made all the monks in the audience look shocked.

The phoenix let out a loud cry, and flapped its wings quickly.

The flames are enough to burn mountains and seas, causing the heavens to tremble.

It's a pity that the finger still couldn't be stopped.

That finger seems to be able to push the whole world to run, no force can stop it, no creature can counteract it.

After the madness was suppressed by the Optimus Prime, Meng Lian'er spat out a mouthful of golden blood, and her face quickly turned pale.

"Impossible, impossible, impossible, doesn't it mean that vision is the only thing that can fight against vision? How could you defeat me with one finger?" Meng Lian'er couldn't accept this.

"The gap between you and me is too big, this is the reason for your failure." Zhao Yang opened his mouth here and spewed out a mouthful of Alchemy Qi, and the moment the Alchemy Qi landed on Meng Lian'er, Meng Lianer The injury on his body was immediately stabilized.

Meng Lian'er looked at Zhao Yang with complicated eyes and said, "You are too strong, we are not at the same level."

The suzerain of Wu Chaozong sighed lightly when he saw this.

She knew that it wasn't that Meng Lian'er didn't live up to expectations, it was that Zhao Yang was too strong.

"Zhao Yang, are you interested in joining my Wuchaozong?" The suzerain of Wuchaozong suddenly thought of something, she looked at Zhao Yang with burning eyes and said, "If you agree, I can betroth Meng Lian'er to you?"

The words of the suzerain of the Wu Dynasty sect shocked the senior leaders of the Liushui sect.

They really want to say that this trick is very ruthless.

"Song Nanque, isn't it too much to dig out my Liushui Sect disciples in front of me?" Zhuo Xing'er said angrily.

"I think Zhao Yang from your sect is a good match with Meng Lian'er from our sect." Song Nanque said with a smile.

"Then let Meng Lian'er marry me." Zhuo Xing'er said lightly.

"Meng Lian'er will inherit my mantle in the future." Song Nanque shook his head.

"Could it be that Zhao Yang won't inherit my mantle in the future?" Zhuo Xing'er's words made some true disciples change color.


Does Zhuo Xing'er want Zhao Yang to be the young suzerain?

"Zhao Yang, do you want to think about it?" Song Nanque looked at Zhao Yang with a smile and said, "My Wu Chaozong has many beautiful female disciples, and I can introduce them to you when the time comes."

"My Flowing Sect has many beautiful female disciples." Zhuo Xing'er snorted coldly.

"Meng Lian'er, you have no future with Wu Chaozong." Zhao Yang said at this moment, "You follow me, and I will give you a better future."

Meng Lian'er looked at Zhao Yang in surprise.

After a while, he still shook his head, "I can't be your maid."

Meng Lian'er is the young suzerain in Wu Chaozong.

In the end, she came to Zhao Yang and became a maid?

Don't you slap your face?

"Forget it." Zhao Yang shrugged.

Immediately Zhuo Xing'er looked at Song Nanque with a smile and said, "Then the Amethyst Mine belongs to my Flowing Sect now, right?"

"Yes, our Wu Chaozong disciples will withdraw from the vicinity of the Amethyst Mine later." Song Nanque said helplessly.

Amethyst mine.

That's it for the Flowing Sect!

Song Nanque felt unwilling, but there was nothing he could do?

At this moment, a disciple from the Information Hall hurried over, "Report to the suzerain, something happened to Tang Quanzong."

"Tang Quanzong?" Zhuo Xing'er's heart sank.

Tangquan Sect is a low-level sect, but it is under the protection of Liushui Sect.

In addition, Tangquanzong has a master of Liushuizong stationed all the year round.

"Where is Qin Dawei who is stationed at Tangquanzong?"


"What happened to Tang Quanzong?"

"All Tang Quanzong disappeared overnight."

Hearing this, Zhuo Xing'er's expression became serious, she looked at Song Nanque and said, "Song Zongzhu..."

"I'll take a look too." Song Nanque said in a deep voice.

Zhao Yang also followed Zhuo Xing'er.

Half an hour later, everyone came to Tang Quanzong.

At this time, Tang Quanzong gave people a gloomy and terrifying feeling, as if Tang Quanzong was a monster that chose people and devoured them.

"Senior, did you find anything?" Zhao Yang asked Jiu Chongjian.

"This place has been devoured by the Nine Nether Beasts."

"Nine Nether Beasts?"

"This place has become a Jedi."

"You mean no one can set foot?"

"Except for those in Death God Realm, otherwise, if you step on it rashly, you will fall [-]%." ​​After hearing this, Zhao Yang hurriedly stopped Zhuo Xing'er who wanted to find out, "This place has become a desperate place, so don't set foot here."

"Jedi?" Zhuo Xing'er looked at Zhao Yang in surprise and said, "What do you know?"

"This place has been devoured by the Nine Nether Beasts, and now it is connected to the Nine Nether Lands. Except for those who are in the Death God Realm, anyone who sets foot here will not be able to return." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

"Why haven't I heard of Nine Nether Beasts?" Song Nanque said with disbelief.

"You're not playing tricks, are you?" Meng Lian'er stared at Zhao Yang and said.

"You all have sword shame, if you don't believe me, you can let the sword puppet have a try?"

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