The beast was silent for a while before saying, "Give that guy to me."

"Yes." Zhao Yang nodded.

Zhao Yang looked at Su Wanqing while talking.

Su Wanqing casually threw the boy down.

With a bang, the boy fell heavily to the ground.

He woke up with a scream.

And when he saw that there were fierce beasts densely packed around him, his face turned green.

"Sect Master, help."

"Tuoba Tongzi, Liushuizong treats you well, why did you do something to hurt Liushuizong?" Zhuo Xing'er asked sadly.

"Sovereign, this is what the sixth elder ordered me to do. As a member of the Tuoba family, I will be executed if I don't do it." Tuoba Tongzi said quickly.

"Tuoba Yunteng?" Zhuo Xing'er's eyes flashed a chilling gleam, "Why did Tuoba Yunteng do this?"

"In order to attract you to come here, it is convenient for the Seventh Elder to attack Zhao Yang on the way." Tuoba Tongzi said hastily.

At this time, in order to survive, he couldn't care about anything.

Tuoba Tongzi's words made many disciples of the Flowing Water Sect angry.


"In order to eliminate dissidents, they actually used such means."

"Do you know how many disciples were lost in the flowing water during the first wave of attacks by the beasts?"

"Tuoba should be killed."


The monks stationed here were all angry, and they shouted one after another, wanting to liquidate Tuoba's lineage.

The beast also understood what was going on after seeing this?

"let's go."

Following its voice, a large number of ferocious beasts turned and left here.

"Where's Ninth Elder, didn't I arrange for Ninth Elder to pick you up?" Zhuo Xing'er looked around but didn't see Ninth Elder.

"You still have the nerve to call the Ninth Elder?" Zhao Yang said angrily, "Don't you know that the Ninth Elder is a member of Tuoba's lineage?"

"How is it possible?" Zhuo Xing'er exclaimed.

Zhao Yang directly handed Zhuo Xing'er a photo stone, which clearly recorded the previous scene.

Zhuo Xing'er's hands and feet turned cold when he saw that the ninth elder admitted that he was from Tuoba's lineage.

"Then why are you alright?" Zhuo Xing'er looked at Zhao Yang suspiciously and asked.

"I have a guard by my side."

"What level?"

"Go to the pinnacle of God Realm."

Hearing this, Zhuo Xing'er's eyes lit up, "Lend it to me then."

"Okay." The reason why Zhao Yang said it was to help Zhuo Xing'er completely eradicate Tuoba's lineage.

"By the way, Tuoba Yunwu, the Seventh Elder halfway, should be wandering around the Zongmen."

"The Tuoba family is becoming more and more lawless." Zhuo Xing'er pondered for a while and then led the three thousand soldiers here to the Flowing Water Sect.

On the way back, Su Wanqing asked inexplicably, "Why did the suzerain bring three thousand soldiers back?"

"Zhuang Shengwei, the sect is going to fight against the Tuoba clan." Zhao Yang glanced at Su Wanqing and said, "Why don't you know anything about the world?",

Su Wanqing was embarrassed by what Zhao Yang said.

She suddenly realized that she had been fighting all these years.

There are many things that I can't understand, let alone see through.

When Tuoba Yunwu was watching Zhao Yang's whereabouts from Liushuizong, he suddenly saw a group of soldiers heading towards Liushuizong.

"It's a monk from the mine." Tuoba Yunwu was startled.

Could it be that Zhuo Xing'er got rid of the beasts in the mine?

After pondering for a while, he decided to go back to the sect first.

Once Zhuo Xing'er returns to the sect, it will not be easy for the Tuoba family to do dirty things.

After Zhuo Xing'er arrived at the sect, he arranged three thousand disciples outside the main hall for discussion. After the high-ranking sects came to the hall one after another, everyone felt the terrible atmosphere.

"It seems that everyone has arrived, so I will let everyone watch a scene." Zhuo Xing'er took out a picture stone as she said, and when she communicated with the picture stone, a picture appeared in midair.

Everyone saw Tuoba Tongzi in the group of fierce beasts, and also saw the reason why Tuoba Tongzi said why he wanted to steal the cubs of the leader of the fierce beasts.

"This beast." The Sixth Elder Tuoba Yunteng said coldly, "Just because our Tuoba family doesn't want to see him, he actually slandered our Tuoba family."

"Wolf ambition, fortunately he was seen through by the suzerain." Seventh Elder Tuoba Yunwu echoed.

Some high-level people present watched the performance of the two elders with ridicule on their faces.

Without the cooperation of the masters of the Tuoba family, could Tuoba Tongzi successfully steal the cub of the leader of the beast?

"I still have a video here." Zhuo Xing'er said and took out another photo stone.

The photo stone clearly recorded the scene of the Seventh Elder attacking and killing the Ninth Elder halfway.

"Elder Seven, how do you explain this matter?" Zhuo Xing'er asked coldly.

"This picture stone is fake." The Seventh Elder said without thinking.


Wouldn't it be the end of the calf if you admit it?

"The evidence is convincing. Of course, if you want to get rid of your grievances, you can let everyone check your memory." Zhuo Xing'er said indifferently.

"Sect Master, you want to check my memory just because of this picture stone, but I don't accept it." The Seventh Elder said in a deep voice.

"Sect Master, anyway, Tuoba Yunwu is also the seventh elder of the sect, so you can't just check his memory casually, right?" Sixth elder Shen stood up and said at this time.

"If even this evidence can't convict, what evidence is needed?" The Great Elder sneered.

"Don't stand and talk without back pain." Sixth Elder scolded.

"The Sixth Elder is domineering." Zhuo Xing'er said with a smile, "Even the First Elder reprimands him if he says so."

"Don't dare." The Sixth Elder bowed hurriedly.

"You still know that you dare not?" Zhuo Xing'er stood up abruptly at this point, and moved towards the Sixth Elder with astonishing momentum.

The sixth elder's face suddenly changed.

"Sovereign, when did your cultivation break through?" the Sixth Elder exclaimed in shock.

The Sixth Elder was at the third level of the Upper God Realm. It stands to reason that Zhuo Xing'er, who was at the fifth level, would absolutely not be able to suppress him by relying solely on his aura.

Unless Zhuo Xing'er breaks through again.

"Whenever I break through, I won't bother you." Zhuo Xing'er said here that the aura all over her body crushed towards the Seventh Elder like mountains and seas.


The Seventh Elder sprayed a mouthful of blood on the spot.

At the same time, the First Elder knowingly struck the Seventh Elder's back.

This blow directly hit the Seventh Elder severely.

The majestic divine sense on Zhuo Xing'er's side permeated towards the Seventh Elder's sea of ​​consciousness.


The Great Elder wasn't idle either.

His divine sense also drove straight in, and he must break through the Seventh Elder's defense in the shortest possible time.

Just when the sixth elder was about to take action, the suzerain's voice rang out in the audience, "Those who act recklessly will be killed without mercy."

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