Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1467 The Reason Behind

"Tuoba Yunwu." Seeing this figure, the Ninth Elder's face became ugly.

"We reported this matter to the Sect Master immediately after we returned to the sect." Su Wanqing said hastily.

"You can think of it, but Tuoba Yunwu can't think of it?" Zhao Yang looked at Su Wanqing speechlessly, "Do you believe that Tuoba Yunwu is waiting for us near Liushuizong right now?"

Su Wanqing was stunned.

"We should go to the land of mine veins." Zhao Yang said softly, "The suzerain is probably there."

"That's right, we should go to the land of mineral veins." The Ninth Elder nodded and said.

What surprised Zhao Yang was that the Ninth Elder didn't move.

Zhao Yang silently pushed Su Wanqing behind him.

Su Wanqing was still a little unclear.

"Zhao Yang, you are really smart, it's just a pity..." The Ninth Elder showed a trace of struggle on his face.

"It's just a pity that you are from the Tuoba family, right?" Zhao Yang's words made Su Wanqing's face change drastically.

In any case, she never thought that the Ninth Elder, who had always been Zhuo Xing'er's diehard, would be a member of Tuoba's lineage?

"So, I'm sorry." Ninth Elder said in a deep voice.

"Tuoba is unpopular, why do you still support him?"

"Tuoba's lineage was kind to me back then." Ninth Elder said with a wry smile, "I can't be a treacherous person."

"So you are going to kill the future of the sect?" Zhao Yang said calmly, "Do you know that it is certain that I will step into the Death God Realm in the future, and I can push the Flowing Sect to a new height."

The Ninth Elder was shocked.

The struggle in his eyes was even worse, but he finally shook his head, "Sorry."

"It's not me that you should say sorry, but yourself." Zhao Yang sighed softly.

"What do you mean?" Ninth Elder said puzzledly.

Zhao Yang's heart moved, a fat and puffy rabbit appeared in front of Zhao Yang.

It looks cute, very cute.

But the Ninth Elder smelled a dangerous breath from it.

It backed up involuntarily.

"Did Ba Ye ask you to quit?" Bugs Rabbit said and slapped the Ninth Elder.

Just as the Ninth Elder wanted to dodge, he found that the power of the whole world was coming towards him to suppress him.


The Ninth Elder was seriously injured by Bugs Bunny's slap.

"How is it possible?" Elder Ninth looked at the rabbit in shock.

"The gap in cultivation between you is too big, it's normal for you to be severely injured by one move." Zhao Yang said lightly.

The Ninth Elder is only the first heaven of the Upper God Realm, but this rabbit is the ninth heaven of the Upper God Realm.

"How are you going to deal with me?" Ninth Elder asked bitterly.

"Detain him first, and then put him in your small world." Zhao Yang looked at Bugs Bunny.

Rabbit nodded obediently.

And after the rabbit took the Ninth Elder into its small world, Su Wanqing looked at Zhao Yang in puzzlement and said, "Why is there such a strong rabbit by your side?"

"The rabbit in the Secret Realm gave it to me."

"Its cultivation can defeat the Seventh Elder?"


"If that's the case, why don't we go straight back to the sect with the rabbit?"

"What status do we have in the Zongmen? When the Seventh Elder says we betrayed the Zongmen and beats us up, who do you think will help us speak?" Zhao Yang said lightly, "It is true that we can get out by relying on rabbits, but in this way, Do you think we can return to the Water Sect again?"

Su Wanqing opened her mouth, not knowing what to say?

"Only if we follow the suzerain, can we become famous." Zhao Yang glanced at Su Wanqing, "Also go out, use your brains, force can't decide everything."

If Su Wanqing had quarreled with Zhao Yang earlier.

But now she fell silent.

She felt that what Zhao Yang said made sense.


When Zhao Yang and Su Wanqing came to the mine, they found that the vicinity of the mine was surrounded by fierce beasts.

Those ferocious beasts continued to attack the mine without fear of death.

Zhuo Xing'er held the war sword in his hand and killed batch after batch of war swords.

But it didn't work.

Those fierce beasts don't care about casualties at all.

"Are these beasts crazy?" Su Wanqing asked in astonishment.

"If something goes wrong, it must be a demon." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

He ordered the rabbit to hijack a beast in the God Realm, "check its memory."

The rabbit immediately invaded the memory of the beast.

"Someone snatched the cub of the leader of this beast." Rabbit explained, "This is the reason why the beast attacked wildly."

After realizing this, Zhao Yang let the rabbit sneak into the mine with them.

"Where is the cub looking for the leader of the beast?" Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

A rabbit's sense of smell and spirit are many times stronger than that of humans.

Soon the rabbit found the cub's trail.

The three of Zhao Yang quickly walked towards a room, only to see a young man drinking tea in that room.

"Where are the beast cubs?" Zhao Yang said coldly after kicking open the door.

The boy saw the panic on Zhao Yang's face, "Why are you here?"

"It seems that you know me." Zhao Yang looked at the rabbit beside him.

The rabbit slapped the boy unconscious, and then forcibly opened his small world with his divine sense, and saw two young beasts in his small world.

"Su Wanqing, take this boy with you." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

Su Wanqing nodded.

The rabbit entered Zhao Yang's small world.

The two quickly rushed to the front line.

"Zhuo Xing'er, stop fighting." Zhao Yang shouted at Zhuo Xing'er at this moment.

Zhuo Xing'er's face darkened immediately.

Which bastard, calling himself that?

When she saw that it was Zhao Yang, she was stunned, "Why are you here?"

"You have been fighting fiercely here for many days, but have you never thought about why the beast is so fierce and fearless of death?" Zhao Yang said lightly.

Zhuo Xing'er was startled, and then noticed the two beast cubs in Zhao Yang's hands.

"This is……."

Zhuo Xing'er said that Zhao Yang came to the city wall. He raised the two beast cubs in his hands, "Where is the leader of your beasts?"

Those ferocious beasts stopped at the same time.

Immediately, the group of ferocious beasts gave way, and a huge ferocious beast came over.

Blood was still flowing from the head of this ferocious beast, and there were several terrifying sword marks all over its body. Zhao Yang knew it was Zhuo Xing'er's injury at a glance.

"Is this your cub?" Zhao Yang looked at the beast and asked.

"How are you doing?" The beast looked at Zhao Yang with murderous intent in its eyes.

"This guy hijacked your two cubs, and then sat back and watched the Flowing Sect clash with you." Zhao Yang pointed at the boy Su Wanqing was carrying.

The beast froze.

Then Zhao Yang threw the two cubs to the beast.

"Our Flowing Sect has no intention of conflicting with you, so I hope the two clans can shake hands and make peace." Zhao Yang said softly.

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