The sixth elder saw several elders looking towards him, his eyes flickered, and he decided to rescue the seventh elder.

The Seventh Elder knows too many secrets.

If something happens to him, he won't be able to please him.

When the sixth elder made his move, the second elder, third elder, and fourth elder watched from the sidelines, and the fifth elder was stopped by the eighth elder just as he was about to make a move.

In other words, none of the elders present intercepted it.

As for the guardians under the elders, they are not qualified to intercept them at all.

Zhuo Xing'er's face revealed an icy expression.

She didn't expect that the Second Elder, Third Elder, and Fourth Elder would still be unwilling to make a move at such a time.

She was very disappointed.

However, he also made up his mind to reorganize the sect.

"Let's do it." Zhuo Xing'er sent a voice transmission to the one in the dark.

Just as the sixth elder was about to make a move, a long whip transformed from the spiritual power of heaven and earth slammed on the sixth elder's body fiercely.

The Sixth Elder's body was almost cut in two.

He let out a scream and fell powerlessly to the ground.

All the elders in the audience were frightened.

what's the situation?

You must know that even an existence at the level of the suzerain cannot destroy the sixth elder with one blow, right?


Immediately, the rabbit hiding in the dark used a wave of sound wave power, which drove straight in and broke the defense in the depths of the Seventh Elder's Sea of ​​Consciousness.

The clarity in the Seventh Elder's eyes instantly dissipated.

The suzerain and the great elder breathed a sigh of relief.

Because they noticed that the Seventh Elder was about to blow himself up to destroy his memory.

After they broke through the round platform of the Seventh Elder, pictures clearly appeared in front of all the elders.

The nasty things that the Tuoba family has done over the years are revealed one by one.

"The Tuoba family is the moth of the sect."

"Moth? The Tuoba family is drawing the blood of the sect."

"One third of the sect's resources go to the Tuoba family."

"The Tuoba family accounts for less than one percent of the sect."

"The Tuoba family should be punished."

These pictures made the neutral Second Elder, Third Elder, and Fourth Elder unable to watch it any longer.

The sixth elder trembled all over.

It wasn't because half of his body was about to be torn apart, but because he knew that the Tuoba family was about to end.

When these pictures are released, the Tuoba family is destined to be liquidated.

Unless the old suzerain comes out?


The old suzerain is out!

"We still have a chance." Tuoba Yunteng realized this and his voice pierced into the sky, "Tuoba family members listen, now that the Tuoba family is in a life-and-death crisis, go to the forbidden area and go to the old suzerain to leave the mountain, otherwise the Tuoba family Danger."

The Second Elder, Third Elder, and Fourth Elder looked at each other, and they all saw helplessness on each other's faces.

Why are they neutral?

Because they knew very well that the old suzerain Tuoba Gaowei was still there, so the Tuoba family could not be liquidated.

After hearing Tuoba Yunteng's words, the members of the Tuoba family immediately realized that something big happened to the Tuoba family, so no matter whether they were the juniors of the Tuoba family or the mainstay of the Tuoba family, they all desperately moved toward the old suzerain, Tuoba Gaowei. Go to the place of retreat.

"Sect Master." The Great Elder was anxious.

"It's okay." Zhuo Xing'er gave the First Elder a comforting look.

Not long after, a white-haired old man quietly appeared in the hall.

He looked around the audience, and finally his eyes fell on Zhuo Xing'er, "Xing'er, why are you here?"

"The old suzerain should watch these pictures first before talking about it." Zhuo Xing'er said and played the previous pictures again with a wave of his hand.

The old suzerain didn't speak for a long time after reading it.

"The Seventh Elder has committed a serious crime, and he was punished to go to the back mountain to retreat for three hundred years." The old suzerain said in a deep voice, "The Sixth Elder is no longer suitable for the current position. Let him step down and give him an idle position."

Then he looked at Zhuo Xing'er and asked, "How?"

It has to be said that the old suzerain has compromised.

"Everyone, the old suzerain said the solution, what do you think?" Zhuo Xing'er came to the entrance of the main hall and said to the three thousand disciples.




The momentum of the three thousand disciples was like a rainbow, and their faces were full of grief and indignation.

The Tuoba family has done so many nasty things, but now they want to write them off?

Are you kidding me?

"Old Sect Master, I'm sorry." Zhuo Xing'er turned to look at the old Sect Master and said.

"Zhuo Xing'er, I have already made a concession." The old suzerain frowned.

"The Flowing Sect is not from the Tuoba family." Zhuo Xing'er emphasized.

"However, if Liushuizong lost the Tuoba family, how could it have achieved today's achievements?"

"I never deny the contributions of the Tuoba family, but contributions and crimes cannot be offset." Zhuo Xing'er pointed to the three thousand disciples outside the main hall and said, "If you don't punish the Tuoba family today, what do you make the disciples of the sect think?" ?”

"If the Liushui Sect does not have the Tuoba family, then there is no need for it to exist." After a long time, the old Sect Master said slowly.

Zhuo Xing'er's pupils shrank.

The old suzerain made this sentence very clear.

The Tuoba family cannot be liquidated.

"The Tuoba family must be liquidated." Zhuo Xing'er said loudly.

"Why do you have to force me?" The old suzerain said with a look of pain on his face.

"The Flowing Sect was ranked third among the top ten sects back then, but now it has dropped to tenth." Zhuo Xing'er looked at the old suzerain and said in a deep voice, "The tumor of the Tuoba family must be eradicated."

"Stop talking. The old suzerain interrupted Zhuo Xing'er.

"Old Sovereign, I don't want you to make the same mistakes again and again."

"Zhuo Xing'er, I don't think you are suitable to be the suzerain anymore." The old suzerain said suddenly.

The sixth elder laughed loudly when he heard this, "Zhuo Xing'er, you just can't see the situation clearly, just now the ancestor gave you a step down, but you just stood upright, this is all right, even the position of suzerain is gone .”

A smile appeared on the face of the Eighth Elder, "Sovereign, it seems that you still don't understand the principle of accepting as soon as you see it."

Both the First Elder and the Fifth Elder had bitter expressions on their faces.

This time it seems that they will also be implicated.

"As suzerain, you are not qualified to appoint or dismiss." Zhuo Xing'er said this sentence beyond the old suzerain's expectation.

"Zhuo Xing'er, do you think the higher-ups of the sect listen to you or me?" The old sect master looked at Zhuo Xing'er mockingly.

"Are you trying to tell me that your fists are harder?" Zhuo Xing'er said calmly.

"Isn't it? Zhuo Xing'er, your breakthrough to the sixth heaven is indeed beyond my expectations, but the gap between you and me is still too big." The old suzerain released himself brazenly. coercion.

His coercion was more than one level stronger than Zhuo Xing'er.

All the monks in the audience felt that they could hardly breathe.

Seeing Zhuo Xing'er being suppressed, the Sixth Elder laughed and said, "Zhuo Xing'er, aren't you crazy? Continue to be crazy if you have the ability."

"You're about to be cut in two, why are you so crazy?" After the voice fell, two figures came out from the darkness.

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