Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1466 Interception

She realized that she was going to perish here today.

At this time, the energy in her body is not much, and the road ahead is not known how far?

She couldn't hold on anymore.

Just as a fierce beast was rushing towards her, a finger shot through the air, piercing the beast's head with a big hole.

It was Zhao Yang who showed up in time, and he used one finger to lift the sky.

The effect is very obvious.

A ferocious beast from the sixth heaven was killed on the spot.

Now the remaining monks also asked Zhao Yang for help.

Zhao Yang held the sword formula with both hands, and when he pointed forward, a long river roared towards him.

This long river was formed by sword intents, and they forced all the beasts around Su Wanqing and the others back hundreds of meters away.

"You go first." Zhao Yang said indifferently.

After being forced back, those ferocious beasts roared and rushed towards Zhao Yang again.

"I will fight side by side with you." Su Wanqing said in a deep voice.

"What do you use to fight side by side with me?" Zhao Yang said, pushing Su Wanqing away.

Su Wanqing's eyes suddenly turned red.

"Wan Qing, let's go quickly."

"Wan Qing, if you continue to delay, you will waste Zhao Yang's heart."

"Wan Qing, Zhao Yang is very strong, he can stop it."

The rest persuaded.

The girl from the Sunset Sect took Su Wanqing's hand and ran towards the distance.

Flowing Water Sword Art.

The sword intent turned into flowing water.

When you are gentle, you can drive back fierce beasts, and when you are sharp, you can kill fierce beasts.

Like this time.

When Zhao Yang performed the Flowing Water Sword Jue again, the flowing water covered hundreds of beasts.

And with the change of the sword formula in Zhao Yang's hand.

The river of sword intent turned into biting ice.

Those fierce beasts were frozen in an instant.

After Zhao Yang waved his hand, hundreds of beasts were all shattered.

"How powerful is the Flowing Water Sword Art?" Rabbit Bridge appeared quietly, and looked at Zhao Yang with suspicious eyes.

"No, Flowing Water Sword Jue definitely doesn't have this strength. The original technique provides you with terrifying energy, otherwise you will never be able to stimulate such power." Rabbit suddenly realized something, "You are definitely practicing the full version of the Nine Great Masters. One of the original exercises."

"Do you have the laws of the Nine Great Origins here?" Zhao Yang's heart moved.

"There is one, but it is incomplete."

"It's okay to be incomplete."

"You have the full version, why do you want the incomplete one?"

"I will practice for my subordinates." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

Zhao Yang had obtained one of the incomplete original exercises from Nine Swords before, but if there was more, why didn't Zhao Yang want it?

"Alright, I'll give it to you later."

When Zhao Yang was about to say something, he suddenly saw five people in the distance surrounded again.

With a movement of his mind, the long river of sword intent pushed back the fierce beasts around them again.

Zhao Yang shot three times in a row, and finally sent them to the room full of exercises.

"So many exercises."

"Can we all watch these exercises?"

"It's making a lot of money now."

Just when Su Wanqing and the others' eyes lit up, the rabbit appeared.

"Each of you can draw three supernatural powers here. As for the level, it depends on your own good luck."

"Senior, I don't know what level these exercises are?"

"Essential God Realm, Imperial God Realm, Upper God Realm, and Death God Realm among them, but you have no chance to draw." Rabbit explained.

After a moment of silence, several people began to extract exercises.

I don't know if it's a coincidence that the magical powers drawn by the five of them are all from the primordial realm, one from the master realm, and one from the upper realm.

"Okay, this training is over, you should go back too." Rabbit glanced at everyone and said calmly.

The rabbit waved its paw, Zhao Yang and others suddenly appeared at the door of the secret realm.

At this time, the suzerains of the top ten sects surrounded them one after another.

"Where are the two disciples of my Three Mountain Sect?"

"Why is there only one disciple left of my Four Seas Sect?"

"All the disciples of my Wu Chaozong have been wiped out."

The suzerains of some sects couldn't accept it, because the two true disciples who went this time all fell.

Zhao Yang and Su Wanqing looked around and found that the suzerain Zhuo Xing'er was not there.

"The suzerain went back temporarily because of something, and the suzerain asked me to take you back." Ninth elder Liang Qingming said with a smile.

He is also a staunch supporter of Zhuo Xing'er.

Zhao Yang nodded slightly.

The Ninth Elder summoned a blue battle sword, which carried the three of Zhao Yang towards Liushuizong.

"What happened to the sect?" Zhao Yang asked curiously.

The suzerains of other sects are all here, but Zhuo Xing'er of the Liushui sect is not here. Zhao Yang feels that things are a little strange?

"Our Flowing Water Sect has a mine vein, which produces hundreds of millions of sacred stones every year. A few days ago, it was invaded by fierce beasts. The four elders stationed there asked the suzerain for help, and the suzerain hurried back."

"With the strength of the suzerain, can't you suppress that group of beasts in a few days?" Zhao Yang said with a glint in his eyes.

"What do you mean?" Liang Qingming looked at Zhao Yang in confusion.

"Things are not so coincidental. In this way, Ninth Elder, we each gather a clone and return to the sect according to the established path." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

"You mean someone will kill us on the way?" Ninth Elder suddenly realized.

Zhao Yang nodded.

"In this case, let's try." The Ninth Elder immediately condensed a clone.

Zhao Yang and Su Wanqing also condensed a clone.

The three avatars walked towards Liushuizong along the previous route, and the three returned to Liushuizong in a large circle.

Let's talk about the three clones of Zhao Yang.

When the three avatars passed through a swamp, a sword light slashed towards the Ninth Elder.

That sword light was extremely fast and violent, extremely manic.

The clone of the Ninth Elder was cut to pieces in an instant.

Tuoba Yunwu appeared in midair, and he stared blankly at the Ninth Elder who had turned into fragments, "How is that possible?" Then he realized something, "Avatar?"

"That's right, it's the avatar." Zhao Yang's avatar blinked at Tuoba Yunwu and said, "Seventh Elder, do you know what crime it is to kill the same sect?"

"Do you think you can still escape?" Tuoba Yunwu looked at Zhao Yang coldly and said.

"Sorry, I'm also a clone." Zhao Yang raised the photo stone in his hand when he said this.

Tuoba Yunwu's face suddenly became ugly.

He thought about it after beheading the clones of Zhao Yang and Su Wanqing, so he came to the gate of the sect immediately.

He realized that Zhao Yang and others had taken a detour.

And after the detour, they would definitely not be as good as they went to the Flowing Sect first.

Tuoba Yunwu's idea is correct.

But he overlooked one point.

Zhao Yang's nameplate has already received the image sent back by the avatar. If this is the case, will they still go to the tiger's mouth?

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