Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1465 Many Techniques

Zhao Yang is not interested in the techniques of Death God Realm.

But Zhao Yang would be interested in the wordless divine book.

"Here you are." Rabbit waved his hand and handed Zhao Yang a volume.

Zhao Yang opened it and felt a vast Taoism rushing towards him.

Zhao Yang's expression changed involuntarily.

"Is this really a wordless divine book?" The voice of Nine Heavy Swords rang in Zhao Yang's ears.

"What does the wordless divine book say?" Zhao Yang asked hastily.

"There are nine volumes in the Wordless Divine Book, and any volume is a god-king-level exercise. It is said that if these nine volumes are put together, they can be combined into a taboo-level exercise." Nine Heavy Sword said in a deep voice.

Zhao Yang was shocked when he heard this.

A god-level skill.

Does he already know how terrifying the god-king level exercises are?

"I don't know how many geniuses have been unable to solve this wordless divine book in these years." At this time, the rabbit said softly, "I think you should choose a few more volumes of exercises in the realm of the god of death, and you can't waste this time for nothing. Isn't it a chance?"

Since the rabbit was so worried, it was hard for Zhao Yang to refuse.

"Then you can give me a few scrolls of death-level exercises." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

"In this way, I will give you three volumes of top-level death-level supernatural powers." After careful selection, Rabbit handed Zhao Yang three volumes of exercises, "These three volumes of exercises are Flowing Water Sword Jue, Flowing Cloud Art, Refers to the prisoner."

Zhao Yang took a glance and put it away.

These three volumes of exercises are all high-level Death God Realm.

"Are there any challenges in the future?"

"No more." Rabbit shook his head.

"Then shall I wait here or...?"

"Wait for those guys, then you go out together." The rabbit said here again, "Of course, if you are bored, you can take a look here."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang really went shopping.

Rabbit doesn't care either.

After watching it for a while, Zhao Yang asked the rabbit, "Can I choose eight of the ten books myself?"

"Yes." Rabbit said lightly.

The officers and soldiers of Yanhuangzong have a lot of potential in the realm of door gods and servants of gods, but since Zhao Yang has the power to live gods, there will be no such people in the realm of door gods and servants of gods.

Even higher levels may not exist.

But Zhao Yang is not going to let them improve too much.

Except for the high-level officials of Yanhuangzong, most of them are in the Lower God Realm.

When Zhao Yang is wandering here now, he is watching some exercises of Yuanshen Realm, Yushen Realm, and Shangshen Realm.

In this way, when the high-level officials of Yanhuangzong ascended in the future, they would not have no exercises to practice.

In the end, Zhao Yang chose three copies of Yuanshen Realm, three books of Yushen Realm, and three books of Shangshen Realm, and then Zhao Yang found a corner and began to study the three volumes of exercises for Death God Realm given by Rabbit.

These three volumes of exercises are at the high level of Death God Realm.

Zhao Yang thinks it is also suitable.

The exercises he knows are too powerful, if he fights with the monks in the Central God Territory, there is no way for them to fight against him.

And just when Zhao Yang was intoxicated with cultivation, Su Wanqing and others finally arrived at the examination place.

"You need to pass through this area to get the first reward." The rabbit said lightly after appearing.

When Su Wanqing and the others saw the ferocious beast, their expressions became serious.

"Can eighteen of us break through?"

"At this point, can you still give up?"

"Yeah, you have to fight."

"Also, please let go of your family status, we must cooperate sincerely, so that it is possible to break through."

When everyone was discussing, the rabbit said, "Let me tell you the rules. You can use magic weapons, array scrolls, etc., but you must not exceed the sixth heaven of Yuanshen Realm."

The crowd fell silent.

They all have it in them.

"Senior, where did the first one go?" Su Wanqing hurriedly asked at this moment.

"No comment." Rabbit said with a smile.

After a lot of discussion, everyone decided to join forces to break through.

The eighteen gods are all masters of the sixth heaven, just set foot on the battlefield over there, and the group of ferocious beasts rushed towards them without fear of death.

They fight and advance.

"You can't love to fight."

"If we continue to fight, we will be exhausted."

"That's right, go."

It was not easy for everyone to come to the yellow apricot tree.

"Yellow apricot."

"Huang Xing who can step from Yuanshen Realm to Yushen Realm."

"Yellow apricot of the second-grade God Realm."

"It's not bad value."

"There are still forty yellow apricots on this tree, how will the eighteen of us distribute them?"

"Everyone divides two first, and puts the remaining four first." At this time, a disciple of the Jiuqu Sect thought for a while and said, "To put it bluntly, no one knows whether they will be able to walk out alive. , if anyone dies next, then Huang Xing will be reassigned to those who are alive."

Hearing this, everyone fell silent.

But also agree with this distribution method.

The remaining four were kept by the disciple of Jiuqu Sect. They rested for an hour under the yellow apricot tree, and then rushed forward.

The ominous beast he faced this time was more than one grade stronger than before.

Even if 18 people cooperate closely.

But there were still four disciples who fell on the way.

Therefore, when everyone came to the pond, they were very solemn.

But when the rabbit told them that there were delicacies in the pond, they all became excited again.


It's just that the fishing process is not smooth.

They waited for several hours before one or two delicacy fish of Yuanshen level took the bait.

By the third day, everyone had caught one or two Yuanshen-level delicacy fish, but not even one Yushen-level delicacies.

"Next is the assessment of the third level." Rabbit said at this time.

Hearing this, everyone's faces became serious.

The second level is already so dangerous, how can one imagine the third level?

"Senior, can you refuse to go?" a girl said.


"Then I'll quit."

"I quit too."

"I don't want to die here."

"The danger of the ferocious beast ahead will be raised to another stage."

Soon five monks decided not to go.

In this way, there are still nine monks going there.

These nine monks included Su Wanqing.

Su Wanqing has a stubborn personality, it is impossible for her to give up.

As a result, the nine were surrounded by ferocious beasts before they had left for a long time.

"We seem to be dying here."

"These ferocious beasts belong to the fifth and sixth heavens. We are no match at all."

"How to do?"

"What should I do? At this time, the only option is to fight to the death."

"We have no other choice."

"What cards do you have in your hands, use them as you need to."

Su Wanqing and the others took out the magic weapon and formation scroll at the bottom of the box one after another.

It's just that it still hasn't been able to move forward for long.


A disciple of Jiuquzong was torn apart by a fierce beast.

And the downfall of this disciple was just the beginning.

The second one!

The third one!

The fourth one!

After the four fell, Su Wanqing's face turned pale.

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